Rest In Power-The Trayvon Martin Story

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
Has anyone been watching this? I'm watching it on demand. It's on the Paramount Network, I think on Monday nights.

It's depressing all over again.. There was another stand your ground shooting in FL last month. A 47 year old white man shot and killed a 28 year old black man outside a convenience store in Clearwater. In a dispute over a handicap parking space. No arrest yet.
Did not know there was a documentary about this story. I'll try and see if I can catch it from the beginning at some point.

I'd heard about that other case you speak of, too. Absolutely ridiculous. Alongside the racial issues, these stories are further proof of how we are WAY too damn trigger-happy in this country. Everyone's gotta solve their problems by shooting each other nowadays.
I don't have Cable, but people who were involved in it probably were interviewed on Public Radio. I probably heard those folks.

Can't say for sure, but presently my mind is more tuned to this weekend's 1 year anniversary of Charlottesville (will anyone make trouble there), the DC rally etc . :crack:
Last night's episode was excellent. More was revealed about Zimmerman and his racist leanings. F him, I'm glad he's staying out of the news. Maybe Trump could find something for him to do.
They actually weave clips of Trump into this documentary in an interesting way. There's a subtext about how the whole climate today is related to Trayvon Martin.
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