Reflecting on Year post-2000 albums

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It seems to have deescalated just as quickly. Unless the point of your post was to stir things up? Can you clarify? Because it seems things were passing and now you're trying to shit stir?

It’s possible he’s pointing out that you stepped entirely over the line of acceptable behavior, because that’s exactly what you did. If you can’t help but be exceedingly condescending, rude and insulting towards other members, perhaps it’s better if you put them on your ignore list, rather than engage in that kind of behavior.
You're fun.

Hey man, I just want to say I appreciate you looking out for the forums like Diemen said you were. It take a village, it really does, and your continued dedication to preserving an open and friendly atmosphere where progressive ideas are engaged freely really speaks to your character. Well done. And, hey. Thanks.
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Hey man, I just want to say I appreciate you looking out for the forums like Diemen said you were. It take a village, it really does, and your continued dedication to preserving an open and friendly atmosphere where progressive ideas are engaged freely really speaks to your character. Well done. And, hey. Thanks.

Take a break.
Ok, ok...shit, how many times has "that" happened here at the Blue Crack? Too many times. Quick reminder, (not that we didn't already know :wink:) but you're a Hall of Fame Loser if you get banned from an internet message board.

Anyway, a while back I made a U2 cd titled 21st Century U2 with several songs from each album. Shit was awesome! No Boots or Stand Up Comedy, rest assured. :wink:
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