You Yangs, Lara, Australia Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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i'd get you banned, reinvite you promising cookies biscuits, then ban you again. then i'd reinvite you promising the addition of a death metal growl forum and downloadable muffins, then ban you again.

I'll promise you a copy of the For You single. Then video myself eating it.
yeah, i think een's married to varitek? she's claimed like half the men on here yet she's never around anymore :tsk:

no one even wants to e-marry me :emo:

Haha, even I'm e-married.

But I'm just one of Vazza's many husbands, so.
Decisions, decisions. Should I back up all my music on the Mac? It'll take a fair whack of space, slightly over half of the 213GB I currently have available.
achtung was what i asked my german friend today, what does it mean because it has so many meanings and i thought she would know seeing as how her family is german
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