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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jul 25, 2000
Hey all,

I was having a conversation with one of the workers here at L'Abri as we were preparing dinner today and she is getting a talk ready for Monday having to do with "hope". She asked me what I thought about using the U2 song "Grace" and if it could be exchanged for the idea of hope, but I didn't think so...although I think the concepts are related. I then suggested WILATW as a better song that illustrates the idea (at least in my view) of trying to get God's perspective on the world. And that without that we cannot have true hope. So anyways, I was wondering if any of you had any ideas regarding the topic and more importantly, if you have seen any quotes or interviews with the boys where they talk about this song or this idea. I have been out of the loop this past year, living up here in the mountains et al, and not as plugged in to the U2 news scene. So anyways, any input or links or quotes would be super.

Thanks tons. :)
Hey there in the hallowed "halls," what a stimulating question! Here's my try to give an answer, but not before a brief "yodel" about our continuing saga of pain and anguish following the loss to the Buccaneers...

Shania Twain tells us the Swiss mountains are calm and peaceful, but she is having trouble finding the Swiss Mocha...do they provide you with plenty of chocolate brewed for the contemplating "sisters" at L'Abri? (Shania gave an "Up close and personal" interview before the So#XXXXIVXXperbowl, such a talented songstress...:rolleyes:) umm, about Grace and "hope"...

if i can remember the faint lyrics to Grace:scratch:

(hang on, going to retrieve album...) insert waltzing "matilda" >>

"...And when she walks on the street, You can hear the strings, Grace finds goodness in everything..." you can see by these references, that "Grace" is a musical traveller :) who wears "rose" colored glasses...everything looks happy and shiney to "grace." But beware!:mac: There is not necesserally a fortuitous ending!

Life, as it plays in real "time" is not always a neat little (insert favorite holiday) package wrapped with bright ribbons and sparklie things...:kiss:

-->serious answers may follow ;)

:larry: from my personal "room" in my rented house (filled with all manner of books, piles of paperwork, and dirty dishes:| )
Good idea, DebbieSG.

Any taxi terrorists, eastern philosophies, bad Bon Jovis (btw, I know a good friend of Jon, he will be delighted), or African fantasies lately?

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