Who here smokes?

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Dismantled said:
I don't smoke....but this thread is making me want to:drool:

I don’t smoke either, but I do have to admit I love the smell of smoke on others
I bum the occasional cigarette from friends. This month I had two so far.

And right now I'd like to bum one off one of you. :mad:

But I've never been a smoker.
Never. It's a disgusting, expensive habit. I have never even tried smoking thank you very much. It pisses me off knowing that because I have never even tried smoking I will no doubt die of lung cancer caused by second hand smoke. :|
Achtung_Bebe said:

you could smoke one every now and then, for immunity. Like a vaccination.

Fine you twisted my arm. I'll pick up a pack tomorrow and proceed to live a long and happy life. Getting up that extra ten minutes early in the morning to clear my throat though is gonna suck. :laugh:
Sicy said:

Wow I've never heard anyone say that before!

Yea, I’ve never smoked (ok, once but I was 21 and only it was only to see what it was like because I’d never had one before) but most of my uncles do so I think smelling it on other people is a comfort thing for me it reminds me of my childhood.
another question: for those who smoke, how do you ignore the inherent health disadvantage you give yourselves (again completely serious question)
I'm Ready said:
another question: for those who smoke, how do you ignore the inherent health disadvantage you give yourselves (again completely serious question)

Also how do they justify the smelly clothes, the smelly hair, the water bill due to washing clothes more often, The crappy smell of it when it comes out of your hair in the shower(yes non smokers have to deal with that crap too. Thanks 2nd hand smoke!),the yellow teeth and fingers, the cost of it, how dirty ash trays look and smell, the health risk to others including their freinds and family and how uncool and dumb it looks. I mean c'mon nothing looks cooler than a girl in a bikini on a beach in 30 degree celcius weather with a heater in her hand right.:rolleyes: Oh and how about how happy the people look in the winter time hanging outside the office beside the dumpsetr in the back alley in -25 degree celcius weather. :rolleyes: EVERYONE !!!!!! I challenge all of you to quit right now. I've layed it out for ya, there is nothing positive or redeeming about smoking other than you may like it. So all together now.......QUIT!!!!! I belive in you, you can do it!!!!!
I'm Ready said:
another question: for those who smoke, how do you ignore the inherent health disadvantage you give yourselves (again completely serious question)

There are health disadvantages in many things we do, every single day. From the food you eat to the coffee you drink and even the air you breathe. You dont think about it when you're doing these things you just know that you enjoy it.
Sicy said:
I actually stopped smoking in the house when I got my cats because I didnt want them to breathe second hand smoke.

Zoey says..."this is NOT second hand smoke....." :giggle:

Sicy said:

There are health disadvantages in many things we do, every single day. From the food you eat to the coffee you drink and even the air you breathe. You dont think about it when you're doing these things you just know that you enjoy it.

Thats true but its also an easy copout for us smokers.

I dont think im ignoring the health issue. i will go to check my lungs soon, Im 32 and I know people who have lung cancer.. so I try to be careful and every spliff I smoke/ everytime I cough I say uhoh. Still drugs are drugs and wouldnt be drugs if they werent. And I dont smoke many cigarettes I dont like the taste anyway.
i smoke occasionally, but never in the house.

i'm a social smoker.

i can't imagine going out for drinks without smoking a billion cigarettes.
I work on lung cancer cells.

They are virtually indestructible.

When you see every day how you cannot kill them even with the most potent chemotherapeutics, you don't smoke. It's not particularly complicated.
Call me a prude, but after what smoking has done to my extended family, I haven't been able to bring myself to try one :(
Mr. BAW said:

My mom smoked for more than 40+ years...died of Liver cancer, not a trace of lung cancer whatsoever....:shrug:

See, my grandpa and dad are still alive (neither of them deserve to be), but that doesn't change the terrible feelings of blame, resentment, and anger that everyone holds inside. I could go into detail, but regardless...I just can't smoke. Luckily, I've found it easy not to do. People who offer ciggs are usually pretty cool about "no thanks, but thanks for the offer."
I smoke weed, but out of a vaporizer, so there's no lung damage. I inhale a fine, clear mist of pure THC, slide in my super-pimp in-ear headphones, cue up Zooropa on the iPod, and ahhhhh...

Hallucination said:

Also how do they justify the smelly clothes, the smelly hair, the water bill due to washing clothes more often, The crappy smell of it when it comes out of your hair in the shower(yes non smokers have to deal with that crap too. Thanks 2nd hand smoke!),the yellow teeth and fingers, the cost of it, how dirty ash trays look and smell, the health risk to others including their freinds and family and how uncool and dumb it looks. I mean c'mon nothing looks cooler than a girl in a bikini on a beach in 30 degree celcius weather with a heater in her hand right.:rolleyes: Oh and how about how happy the people look in the winter time hanging outside the office beside the dumpsetr in the back alley in -25 degree celcius weather. :rolleyes: EVERYONE !!!!!! I challenge all of you to quit right now. I've layed it out for ya, there is nothing positive or redeeming about smoking other than you may like it. So all together now.......QUIT!!!!! I belive in you, you can do it!!!!!

Thanks very much for your input. :| You made your point when you said you didn't smoke, never would and gave your reason for it.

I appreciate that fact that cigarette smoke is bad for people asides from the person smoking. And it can also be annoying to them. I make a point to never smoke around people who don't smoke and if you go outside in a city and you encounter someone smoking, forget about it. The air you would be breathing is equally bad for you and you can't get away from that.

So now, can you please explain to me why you feel the need to type out some long explanation that basically comes down to calling someone who smokes stupid, complete with excessive use of eye rolling smilies? I'm really curious to know why people feel the need to do this. Seriously, why is it so offensive to you if someone else chooses to smoke. And since you were the one to derail the "Do you smoke and if so why" part of the thread, I direct the question towards you.

And to answer the last question the thread starter asked, I think it's easy if you enjoy something to just put it above the health risks. Eating excessive fatty foods. Drinking too much. Unprotected sex. People do crap that is bad for them all the time because they enjoy it, because it feels good. Smoking to me is just another one of those things.
Mr. BAW said:

My mom smoked for more than 40+ years...died of Liver cancer, not a trace of lung cancer whatsoever....:shrug:

My grandmother has smoked for 65 years. No cancer, no smokers cough, no emphysema and she is still very active and enjoys the best of health.
I used to smoke weed before, but I stopped after I found out my brother probably caught on.. (I came home smelling my cigarettes, alcohol, and weed some nights).. he told me that weed kills brain cells and that brain cells are something that you can't gain back. And as stoned as I was, I knew he was right so I stopped.

A lot of my friends still smoke weed and cigarettes, so I'm basically immune to the second hand smoke of both now. When I was younger, my dad smoked all the time in our house too so I was immune to the smell since then too.
But I've got to admit, I really love the smell of cigarettes on other people.

And as weird as it is, I get really irritated when people tell smokers to stop smoking. Many smokers have their own personal reasons for why they smoke, but to lecture others about their reasons.. I don't know. Based off experience from other people I know, it just seems to be more of harrassment. But that's just me.. :shrug:
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ylimeU2 said:
My grandmother has smoked for 65 years. No cancer, no smokers cough, no emphysema and she is still very active and enjoys the best of health.

Do you know what brand?
youtooellen said:
And as weird as it is, I get really irritated when people tell smokers to stop smoking. Many smokers have their own personal reasons for why they smoke, but to lecture others about their reasons.. I don't know. Based off experience from other people I know, it just seems to be more of harrassment. But that's just me.. :shrug:

There's such a fine line between enabling (ignoring the problem, doing nothing to offer support, advice, or any kind of help) and harassment. The line is in a different spot for each individual so encouraging/supporting a love one to stop smoking is a very difficult thing. I'm guessing you're young like me, but the people my dad's age and my grandpa's age....their time is coming. "Harassment" or not, an intervention was needed/is needed in both cases. There is no physical way my grandpa could've simply stopped and there's no way my dad will be able to try without some tough love.
financeguy said:

Do you know what brand?

She smokes Marlboro reds now. I don't know what else she's smoked in the past, but I'm sure she's changed over the years.
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LivLuvAndBootlegMusic said:

There's such a fine line between enabling (ignoring the problem, doing nothing to offer support, advice, or any kind of help) and harassment. The line is in a different spot for each individual so encouraging/supporting a love one to stop smoking is a very difficult thing. I'm guessing you're young like me, but the people my dad's age and my grandpa's age....their time is coming. "Harassment" or not, an intervention was needed/is needed in both cases. There is no physical way my grandpa could've simply stopped and there's no way my dad will be able to try without some tough love.

Let me ask you this, Livluv. And we've had arguments in the past and I'm really now trying to start one now. I really am curious. I agree, there is a fine line. I have friends who encourage me to quit, but right now, they don't push to hard. I'm still young and I think they know I will do it when I'm ready. Anyway, what do you think of (and anyone else here) statements like this one:

I mean c'mon nothing looks cooler than a girl in a bikini on a beach in 30 degree celcius weather with a heater in her hand right.Oh and how about how happy the people look in the winter time hanging outside the office beside the dumpsetr in the back alley in -25 degree celcius weather.

Or the commercials where a kid is running around licking trashcans. Do you think that's helpful in anyway, or do you think it just serves to piss people off, put their guards up? I know I find a lot of that stuff pretty offensive and unhelpful to the extreme and it certainly doesn't, in any way, encourage me to stop smoking.
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