what will you do after the opener in miami?

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Sep 8, 2002
I became a fan in the middle of the elevation tour, and went to my first show without getting online to see what the sets had been, find out other random info. I don't think I even knew of the whole heart setup. It just never crossed my mind, so everything was a surprise.

But now that I've been anxiously awaiting this tour, I am undecided as to what to do. I feel like I'll inevitably check online and it will be all over interference, what the set up is, what the set list was, etc.

So now, for all the long time veterans, or anyone for that matter, what have you done in the past? Did you try to refrain from finding out before actually going to the show, or is it hopeless? What are you guys thinking for this time? It seems like it would be so much better for everything to be a surprise but with the internet and my curiosity I think that might be impossible. :huh:
anyone? :(

I did mean this as a legitimate question in search of people's opinions..
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