What stupid thing have you done today?

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Blue Crack Supplier
Apr 3, 2004
The Heartland (Indiana, USA)
I make my lunch the night before and put it in the fridge in a little insulated tote bag. Then when I leave the house in the morning, I put in the ice pack from the freezer and a bottle of water. Imagine my surprise when I opened the bag at lunchtime and found not a bottle of water, but a bottle of soy sauce.

I was running late (as usual) this morning; the soy sauce bottle was right beside the water bottle; and it was fairly dark in the kitchen.

That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it . . . . :huh:
I went to mark one email as spam this morning and accidentally clicked the box to mark all the emails on that page as spam, including ones from each of my parents and three of my friends. I had to sift through all the blocked addresses on my spam list to unblock them :huh:

Hope you enjoyed your soy sauce :wink:
Told something to a friend. The problem was it was the friend who told me the same thing first. :der:

I also took my doggie to get a bath, on the way out of Petco, I stopped and looked at the kittens. I ended up touching one (cause I couldn't help myself) and now my eyes are burning! :huh:
MsPurrl said:
I make my lunch the night before and put it in the fridge in a little insulated tote bag. Then when I leave the house in the morning, I put in the ice pack from the freezer and a bottle of water. Imagine my surprise when I opened the bag at lunchtime and found not a bottle of water, but a bottle of soy sauce.

I was running late (as usual) this morning; the soy sauce bottle was right beside the water bottle; and it was fairly dark in the kitchen.

That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it . . . . :huh:

Could have been worse, could have been vodka...

My dad uses Ozarka bottles to put vodka in for when they go fishing, my mother ended up taking one to church one morning thinking it was just water... you can imagine her suprise.
Rolled over the wrong way on the edge of the bed, fell off AND banged my leg on the chair next to the bed as I hit the floor. :|
Re: Re: What stupid thing have you done today?

BonoVoxSupastar said:

Could have been worse, could have been vodka...

My dad uses Ozarka bottles to put vodka in for when they go fishing, my mother ended up taking one to church one morning thinking it was just water... you can imagine her suprise.

I would have had a much more pleasant afternoon at work! :lol:
Re: Re: What stupid thing have you done today?

BonoVoxSupastar said:

Could have been worse, could have been vodka...

My dad uses Ozarka bottles to put vodka in for when they go fishing, my mother ended up taking one to church one morning thinking it was just water... you can imagine her suprise.

My friend keeps the "food" for her hummingbird feeder in old water bottles. It kind of looks like Kool-Aid or juice. A number of us have been tempted to drink it, however she is usually around to stop us.
I let one of my friends smoke around me. She said "oh, i'm going to stop soon. you know, when I'm done with the pack."

she has 18 cigs left, I should've asked for them and thrown them in the street.
I got in a fight with my best friend. Actually, I'm putting my foot down. That's his stupidity. :D

So I guess watching David Hasselhoff speak is the stupidest thing I did today. Seriously, my IQ went down at least ten points.

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