What do you think the t-shirts/merchandise will be like?

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they will probably end up in a south american village like the losing teams super bowl and world series shirts do
From another thread

U2 Merch...




I'm intrigued by the new shirts - might have to go to the site and see what's available in the fitted/women's sizes. I was pretty disappointed overall by the selections last fall.
I already got this;


but it needs a new finish, the paint is no bueno.

Really? Mine is 100% silver, as my once green bag has dark black stains from the keychain now. :happy:

But ooh.. that 3rd tshirt from the left with the whiteish claw on it. :drool: and that poster with the discoball.... my door currently has a very worn Vertigo tour poster on it... it could use some replacement.... :uhoh: I'm gonna spend moneyz I think.
Yeah, it seems like the only women's shirts are the white angel one (WTF @ the AB font - that's random), and a dark red one ... and the one I already have is a red one.

I can hold myself back since I obviously won't be at any of these shows :sad:. Next European tour I'll plan ahead better.
From another thread

U2 Merch...


Anybody know what's going on in the shirt on the very left? What's that circling the 360 logo?

I'm intruiged by the girl's Angel shirt with AB logo...:hmm:

They advertised the TUF remaster release on the merchandise bags last year... maybe they are advertising the AB release on actual merchandise. :hmm:

Anyways, I want it. :love: I have the white one with the angels from last year and it's my favorite so I think I want this one too.

Edit: hmm... I just checked u2.com and they have the wrong description up for the angel shirt so you can't really learn any more about it there either.
The cover of the tourbook is differs from the 2009 versions, but is the inside different as well? Can somebody tell me or post some photographs of the inside pages?
I like the hoodie and the maroon shirt. The poster is cool too. I know I'm going to splurge on something.
Anywhere to get 360 leg 1 concert shirt?

I've been searching all over for an XL dark blue 360 concert North American leg shirt that has the three symbols (I know one of the symbols is a astronaut helmet) on it. Any idea where I can get one? I tried at the Rose Bowl concert to get one but they were all sold out. Many thanks!
Maybe U2.com still has them? Otherwise perhaps the livenation store.

And the symbol isn't an astronaut helmet, it's Edge with his headmic. :wink:
Maybe U2.com still has them? Otherwise perhaps the livenation store.

And the symbol isn't an astronaut helmet, it's Edge with his headmic. :wink:

Already checked both U2.com and Live Nation. No go, but thanks for the suggestions. I will gladly pay more than original retail if someone has one.
U2com 3 Symbol T-Shirt With US Tour Dates | Live Nation Store

U2com 3 Symbols Babydoll Shirt | Live Nation Store

the images are reversed, but the descriptions are correct.

if you are a dude, you'll want the 1st link
if you're a chick, you'll want the 2nd link

Dan, thanks so much. The live nation store search feature is bizarre. I looked through all the men's shirts and it wasn't there. Anyway, you totally made my day! :hug:

By the way, how did you find it? Even after I just ordered the shirt right now, I can only get to the shirt with the link you posted. My apologies to Galeongirl as Live Nation did have the shirts.
That's actually kind of cute. Great, now there's something else I want to buy.

Stupid U2 obsession. :grumpy:
Dan, thanks so much. The live nation store search feature is bizarre. I looked through all the men's shirts and it wasn't there. Anyway, you totally made my day! :hug:

By the way, how did you find it? Even after I just ordered the shirt right now, I can only get to the shirt with the link you posted. My apologies to Galeongirl as Live Nation did have the shirts.

glad it worked out for you :up:

i needed to buy a new blue tour shirt a few months back and the links are still in my previous history on my computer at work. live nation customer service goofed and sent me the babydoll shirt by mistake and i had to do a switch. i told them about the image mixup, but they never fixed it.

alicia and laura, hope you get the babydoll shirt
Dan, thanks so much. The live nation store search feature is bizarre. I looked through all the men's shirts and it wasn't there. Anyway, you totally made my day! :hug:

By the way, how did you find it? Even after I just ordered the shirt right now, I can only get to the shirt with the link you posted. My apologies to Galeongirl as Live Nation did have the shirts.

That's ok, as you said they didn't have it I did a search myself and couldn't find them either. I guessed it was sold out, but yeah apparently that store is just as screwed up as fanfire is!
Does anyone have a clear pic of the symbols on the 360 t-shirt? I thought there was one in this thread but I can't find it by searching for it. The LN link only has small pics.
Im wondering if anyone has ordered some of the new merch from the european store on u2.com? blue track jacket anyone? how does it fit?
or for that matter, is it still being offered at every european show?

i'm not sure whether i should gamble and wait hoping to buy in person (and try sizes on) in North America tour 2011, OR to be safe order from european store
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