What do you do when you can't DO anything more?!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Jun 22, 2001
Live from Boston
I just finished listening to Slane 1 for the first time.. and this BAND they just overwhelm me- i mean there are no WORDS for this.. every new concert I hear and all these intriacies and the CROWD..

maybe this post is stupid but... i mean, what do you do..? it just makes me want to get down on my knees and cry

the spirit is in the house..!

I need something strong to distract my mind
I'm gonna look at you 'til my eyes go blind

Take Me...Higher
Macphisto: Try A Taste Of Martini

"The way I might look at you" ~Adam
I felt this way when I heard "One" from the warchild concert. In fact, I DID get down on my knees and cry.

I was at Slane 1 and I cried a lot. The performance was just so overwhelming.
this band is just so wonderful that it paralyzes me.. i'm just overwhelmed.. it's so weird it's such a contradiction.. but .. it's just strange how people you don't know every day in your life mean so much to you it's scary. yeah maybe we know them through their music- it's just weird. and beautiful.

and i'll stop now before i go on and embarrassed myself more lol.
hmmmm Last time I cried to u2 for u2 for me from u2 balh hah, was after their concert here....................

I feel tempted to cry after hearin a concert but no........just thank Lord I saw them here, for just that once and never again, and that their music always makes me feel alive and happy to know who the hell the group is and how much they mean to me, esp history (past) wise when I want to go back in time travel in my mind and tink of tings to comfort me, ye all get that?
I know Olive. I have the Slane 1 boot too, and I was there that day. It's almost a pain to listen to it because all these emotions comes back and they are too much to take when they are not infront of you any longer, only in the stereo. But I can't stop listen to the boot anyway....

"U2 on it?s own is a very interesting group and all. But U2 with it?s audience is a culture" - Bono

Pictures from Copenhagen (shirtless ones), London and Dublin, Slane.
Oh my God, I haven't even gotten the Slane boot yet, but I do know that there has never been a band that makes me want to cry. I can't tell any of my non-U2 fan friends or family bec. they'll never understand it, but everytime I watch or listen to them (esp. the live tracks), the feeling is beyond words.
The music is plain wonderful and the experience glorious.
It was pain that brought me to U2, and once I let U2 into my heart and soul, I never again felt that pain. When I see them live, I cry, and tho selfishly, I am crying for myself. It's such a release - and it's so comforting to look around the arena to see the people around you who feel the exact same way. I loved being in the GA lines for Elevation - such warmth, compassion and community U2 fans feel for each other - all on the bond of this indescribeable(sp?) band and how they have changed our lives.

The first time I saw them was in 1997 in Jacksonville for PopMart. We were 5th row on Edge's side - and I'll never forget the overwhelming feeling when I saw the Boys on the video screen approaching the stage. It was as if I was floating, and I felt my eyes well up - and then, I saw the hooded cape and bounce of Bono. Never did I imagine the reaction I would have to just being near this guy - but if anyone has saved my life - it is he. I say this not in a worshipful way - but in an immensely appreciative way. I do not doubt that I would not have lived much longer in my past situation had I not found U2. It was my redemption. Anyway, throughout the Jacksonville show, I was bending over weeping the whole time - I barely saw the show because of the intense amount of emotion I felt - years of pain were flowing thru me - it felt almost like the sensation Believers feel when they first accept Jesus as their Saviour. That's how I felt - and I just wept and wept. It was awesome.

Thank you, U2. Thank you.
Originally posted by HelloAngel:
The first time I saw them was in 1997 in Jacksonville for PopMart.[/B]

I was there too!!!
First row at the b-stage where they build the temporary bridge and Bono stepped out on. It was a great show, such huge stadium adn so few people, kind of weird....
nope, no embarrassment in that, olive. Your posts made my night.

Never mind all I know they've given me -- I'm grateful that they make somebody else feel like that! Say 'amen,' somebody...

Deb D

Originally posted by truecoloursfly:
nope, no embarrassment in that, olive. Your posts made my night.

Never mind all I know they've given me -- I'm grateful that they make somebody else feel like that! Say 'amen,' somebody...

Deb D

This is an awesome thread. I was so happy when I found this place because I knew U2 fans before, but they didn't seem to feel the music as much as I did. This place made me feel normal.

U2 has been there for me so many times in my life, so I feel the way some of you do. Seeing them live is a spiritual release of sorts for me, when I saw them in Detroit in May after 9 years (last time being Zoo Tv) I was in tears!

They are just unbelievable.

My scream got lost in a paper cup...

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