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Well, I introduced myself in the Babyface Cafe, I suppose I should introduce myself here in PLEBA, since I've been looking at and drooling over all the beautiful pictures posted here.

My username is Sue DeNym, and I am a U2 fanatic. :D

Although the Edge is my favorite, I love all four of them. I've been a fan since 1983, when I first saw the New Years Day video on MTV. JT is my favorite album (and era).

I admit I fell out of fandom around 1990, but I came back into it about a year ago, listened to and enjoyed what I missed. It's great to be back, with the best band in history!
I'm not new here...but i haven't posted anything in a while.

i've just been lurking.

but i'm gonna come out of hiding now...

Sue DeNym~ my avatar is my all time favorite picture of Bono as well! I completely agree with you.

His smile in that picture is so sexy :drool: He just looks so beautiful in it.

I could stare at it for hours and hours. :drool: :love:


ohh Thanks!! :hug: You missed me and my ramblings on Bono in a kilt, didn't you? lol.

yeah i was really addicted to Interference for a while...and I decided I needed a break...but now I'm back.


I am leaving zootopia. It's shutting down and when it comes back it's really going to suck and not even have different folders! You might get more zoo girls here. This board looks way cooler anyway!
I'm a newbie

Hello to all from sunny California, USA. I'm checking in for the first time.

Have been a U2 fan for about 10 years and I must say that I
think Bono is the sexiest man alive. :drool:

Last night I watched the Rattle and Hum DVD again, and everytime I watch it I become a whole new woman! :drool:

So glad to be here!

AKA Brenda
Hi wolf! :wave: It's good to have another JT R&H girl here! :love:

Don't be surprised to find your thread gone next time you come, there is a special thread for newbies to introduce themselves at the top of the page and the mods will move this there so don't think it vanished. They had to do it, too many newbie threads:) Everybody loves PLEBA!;)
Hello to you guys too!

Thank, guys, for all the hellos!

U2 kitten - that is one of my very favorite pics of Bono. :drool: :censored:

Does anyone know if their is a poster available of that photo???
What nice decoration that would make.

Bono's American Wife,

I'm not a native Californian, originally from Virginia, but I feel like
I was meant to be a Calfornian all along :p .

I love California!

Tuesday's Child said:
I am leaving zootopia. It's shutting down and when it comes back it's really going to suck and not even have different folders! You might get more zoo girls here. This board looks way cooler anyway!

Welcome aboard! I'm from Zootopia, too. And these boards are way cooler (great smilies, for one thing! :edge: :larry: :bono: :adam: And you can post pictures!).
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