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Hi evryone,

This PLEBA thing is soooo coooolllll
I very exciting to be on this great campus of PLEBA-folks
and just like MSR my english is not so good.My apologyes
Hello MSR.stay good!!!!

Hello Bono Q!! Hello PLEBA!! :wave:

I'm so happy to be here :happy:



:dance: :wave:
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Thanks vert 76,and Britney nova(I hope you're not that Britney too)Lardencelover(all welcome)This is a hell of a thing!!!!!!
I have one question
How do you get a picture under your nick (I looked where you choose that but you have to do before you're first comment)
Can you help me???????????????????????
The pictures under our names are called avatars. To change your avatar, go to your User CP. Select "Edit Profile" and scroll down...the option to change your avatar is at the bottom. There are lots of premade ones to select from or you can upload your own. :)
Wohoo, lardencelover.....:evil:..........does that mean that other famous fan fic authors will come here too?? :sexywink:
Thanks, FallingStar! :hug:

Oh...another bit of information that is helpful...

A lot of sites do not allow what's known as Direct Object Linking, which means you can't post pictures that are hosted there. Some of those sites include Geocities, Angelfire, Tripod, and Xoom. A lot of gals here save pictures and upload them to Snapfish for posting purposes.
Falling Star I would never ever kill you!!!!!!:no: :wave: :help:
THanks Falling Star
Bonochick thanks for the extra information
This is hell of a great community
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