Video Game thread XIII: Knights of the Bro Republic

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The Sad Punk said:
The Secret World also looks good - the modern and non high-fantasy setting is certainly a nice change of pace, and I'm curious to see how it deals with no classes/levelling.

The classless, level-less system is nice. People tend to need numbers, and you do get a loose sort of category system going. While you don't have a numerical level, people tend to go off gear--ql 1-10 where ql means quality level. In order to wear the higher QL stuff you have to gain skill points, which means run the quests and instances that are for your gear level. For instance, going to Egypt in ql2 and 3 gear won't work, but doing those quests in 5/6 combo til you build up sets of ql8ish to go off to Transylvania. I guess no one who spends nearly as much time a week playing games as I do at work can be called a casual gamer, but I'm not all ql10ed out yet, and have mostly just done the easier quests in the beginning three area a bunch of times, run the first couple instances a few times, and am just starting to hit up the quests in Egypt. For someone like me, who gets bored very easily with a single type of combat, it's great. I've got a pretty nice pistols/elemental pure dps build, hammers/swords for tanking (chaos/swords seems to work better, and from what I've read the glance/evasion tank can be godly in pvp--I have yet to do much pvp though), was running an assault rifle/sword dps build for questing which combined ranged and melee combat with a good amount of survivability that was fun the other day. I'm too ADHD and don't have a lot of the abilities that cost a lot of ability points (which your xp gives you as you're doing stuff) because I keep messing around with different weapons, but i can do it all on one character. Not like in swtor or wow where I had to have eight or ten characters just to try out everything.

And having come from games like wow and swtor where questing is the most dreadful, boring way to level (at least swtor had the storyline stuff, but after having done the non-class stuff more than once that just turned into "blahblahblah just give me my credits stupid npc" ), some of them are difficult. The investigation missions, which are one time things that usually involve googling stuff--even of you're not cheating with a walk through, there's a built in web browser so you don't have to window out if you need to look up something. For instance, one leg of a chain quest requires you to access instructions on how to disable this piece of equipment sitting on the beach (read: the order in which you have to click a number of panels on the box), so you go to a computer, it asks you for the password, and gives you this vague "my wife" as a hint. Well who the fuck's wife? Search some bodies lying on the ground, go to their company's website (real website, fake in-game company), read the about so and so page, and it's hiding there. Lots of puzzle shit, some of which is pretty easy, but others are absolute pain in the asses that are quite the far cry from everything being clearly marked out on your map, not even requiring you to read them. Most of the repeatable quests (beginning ones have 18 hour cool downs, the Egypt ones I've done are apparently 2-day) are "deliver this to the guy over there," "kill 10 of these guys," typical mmo quests. But killing zombie firefighters=win.
Come October 30, Assassin's Creed III might be the first game I've bought on release day in years. It looks so fucking great.
It'll be a while for me. Lost interest in the CoD series completely at this point. Maybe I should give Assassain's Creed another try from 2.
Sheesh, the initial review for Borderlands 2 couldn't be much more positive:

Game Informer - 9.75/10

"Instead of taking the easy route, the studio has taken everything that impressed in the original and greatly enhanced it. From major bullet points like the story to smaller details like the UI and inventory system.

Borderlands 2 surpassed my expectations and stands as a prime example of how to knock a sequel out of the park. Throughout the game, the dialogue and clever missions display a sense of humor on par with the best in the industry.

All of the improvements would make for a standout title even if it were constricted to single-player. Considering Gearbox has continued to put this franchise in a league of its own when it comes to co-op, it elevates the game to something more.

With its unmatched co-op gameplay, intense shootouts, addictive loot-collecting, expansive skill customization, hilarious dialogue, and insane level of replayability, Borderlands 2 is one of the most rewarding gaming experiences of this console generation."
Never played the original Borderlands.

Heard good and bad things. Maybe it'll be one of those games that I discover somewhere down the line.
Am I the only one offended by how ludacrous the idea of Mists of Pandaria is (and yet, I haven't played WoW in years and am reinstalling it as we speak in anticipation of said expansions release).
Its been a often-discussed topic here this weekend. My housemate and I want to take our swtor toons, give them secret world running/jumping/casting and channeling while moving abilities, and go to alterac valley to kill all the pandas. The entire expansion looks so idiotic, but above all else the biggest reason I'm glad I quit playing wow has to do with the new talent tree changes. Or total lack of talent trees. Every spec of each class gets the same abilities, and only every 15 levels a choice between a pve boost, a pvp ability, or a totally useless talent? that sounds awful, especially when compared with the open-ended system in the secret world.

I only quit playing a year ago. I will not be going back for this Kung fu panda Chinese nonsense. I do kinda miss ganking people on my rogue, but that's what my operative is for in swtor. And I need to get me a rocket launcher in secret world.
I was hoping it was a joke, but I'm glad they made the expansion something that ridiculous. It made it very easy for me to not be tempted back. I only started playing around when lich king came out, and was so underwhelmed with cataclysm that I went and made a couple twinked out level 70s and did all the burning crusade content that I'd sort of breezed past and skipped having not needed to do it/not been playing when it was the endgame material. I do have some quite fond memories of playing the game with my housemate (definitely tanking Shadowfang on my warrior while he healed on his Druid, and wiping the group because we were at the bar and he spilled his beer on his keyboard just as I ran in and pulled), but we've moved on. Swtor is a bit too much like wow, and there are a lot of things that piss me off (hello typical mmoer who bitches about the game they spend hours upon hours a week playing), but the differences as far as crafting, storyline, and companions, having talent trees and no karate pandas is better. And when I get bored, I just go play the secret world. When I get bored with that, it's back to swtor.

I did get kingdoms of amalur. I only played for a couple hours, but I didn't like it very much.
Reviews are all over the place. Gametrailers gave it an 8.8, 8.75 from Game Informer, 6 from Eurogamer, and a freaking 4.5 from Gamespot. Sounds like you'll either love or hate it. I'll have to watch some of the video reviews tonight to see what I think. I had it preordered, but I can always move that cash to something else. Sort of a bummer.

By the way, anyone else get Borderlands 2? I'm absolutely loving it, maybe my favorite game so far this year. Like the reviews said, everything from the original seems improved on.
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