Video Game thread II: Super Scumbo Bros

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I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more Portal after this. And I think the reason Episode 2 is taking so long is probably just because Valve realized that in the last 6 years they kind of had to reinvent the mechanic of the series and introduce fresh ideas, as absolutely fantastic as HL2 and its episodes still are to this day. I think the mere fact that Portal happened probably shook things up in that development as well, especially since hiring the core Portal team, and all the new talent from the level designers and HL2 modders and such. I think the next HL entry, whether it's still called an episode or a full fledged sequel is going to really surprise us with the form it takes, and I expect it to be as full-scale a project as HL2 originally was. Really can't fucking wait.

Also, is anyone else here as excited about Brink as I am?
Fatties And Free-Running: Brink Hands-On | Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Honestly seems like the most interesting multiplayer game to come around personally since TF2. Developer has an excellent pedigree too so I'm not too worried they won't pull off its many ambitions.
Hey Lance, so is The National song in the closing credits of Portal 2 then?

Hopefully Brink ends up decent, I like coop games. It sorta looks like it could go either way right now.
It's more like a team-based class-based objective-based persistent multiplayer game.

Also, the National song is hidden in the main game as something of an Easter egg, not over the end credits.
"PlayStation Network Under Maintenance".

Does anybody know what's up? Is it actual maintenance or they got hacked again?
There's certainly something up. Especially since Sony hasn't given any word on the problem for two days now. I expect it won't last much longer, and be on the look-out for a free downloadable or other discount or something from them to make up for the inconvenience. Well, at least that's Microsoft's M.O.
RAGE is going to be fucking awesome. 15 hour campaign, and a half dozen or howevermany distinct co-op missions. Plus some goofy car combat multiplayer racing modes. Can't wait.
About to swap my 360 for a PS3. Picked up Arkham Asylum and Fallout New Vegas in anticipation and pre-ordered L.A. Noire. Any of you suckers have any other recs?
A friend of mine left the first Uncharted behind to play. That's exciting.

I'll probably head on over to Gamestop tomorrow and pick up Resident Evil 5, Metal Gear 4 and John Woo's Stranglehold ($8!!!) in a used deal.
Yeah, I still lean towards games for my 360 so there are people in here more qualified to speak on great PS3 games.

I stopped playing the Metal Gear games years ago but should look into playing the most recent titles. I don't even know what Stranglehold is. Cos I FAIL.
Portal 2, motherfucker.

RE5 is honestly only worthwhile if you have someone to play through the entire thing co-op with. Even then it's not especially great. Metal Gear is fantastic of course, though certainly divisive in some of its design choices. And completely unplayable if you aren't entirely up to date with the series.

Dead Space and sequel are fun for what they are. You can find the original for fairly cheap now. Umm, Bioshock 2. Devil May Cry 4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma (fuck yessss).
Thanks for the advice. My roommate's girlfriend is picking up Portal 2 so there's no need to plunk 60 bucks on that.

I've been considering Dead Space and Bioshock 2. How does Bioshock stack up to the first game?
Well, it lacks a lot of the sense of discovery and freshness of the original. And is missing the tight narrative drive that makes the first two-thirds of the original so strong. Of course, it doesn't shit the bed entirely in its last act, so it has that over the first. The combat scenarios are more interesting, and you get to see a lot more of the world, so it's not a bad thing. It's more Bioshock, essentially.
Also, I don't own all these, but a few more recs I feel I can support. If you're at all into fighting games, BlazBlue is kind of essential. I'm not even much a fan of the genre, but I've had a lot of fun playing it. Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 as well.

Also God of War III is a blast. Yakuza 4 is part of a rather overlooked open-world brawler series with a ton of personality. There are also a few really essential downloadable titles on PSN - Flower, Pixeljunk Eden, Lumines Supernova, Shatter, Wipeout HD. Actually yeah, many of those are worth checking out before a lot of full retail titles even.
Not a huge fighting game fan, but I'm certainly open to Marvel vs. Capcom, Super Street Fighter or Fight Night.

I just don't like paying for a new release when the ultimate edition with the DLCs will be out for half of the price a few months later.

God of War is certainly a possibility. I'm definitely getting the Back to the Future series on PSN.
Anyone got Mortal Kombat yet? I wasn't interested in it at first, but after reading a few reviews and watching a vid of fatalities, I'm now quite interested in importing it. I've already planned my next two purchases to be Portal 2 and LA Noire, though.
Bioshock 2, Dead Space, Burnout and Stranglehold purchased. Diving on carts in bullet time (dubbed Tequila Time) as Chow Yun-Fat lays motherfuckers to waste is a delight.
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