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There is a story I've heard from a friend, who in turn got it from his cousin. Apparently Sicy has drunk Powerjuice on Spacemoon. We all now understand how the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter came to be. On a perhaps related note, Jupiter used to be a second sun until Sicy told it to "Shut Up."
Some brave soul once asked, "from whence does powerjuice cometh?" Sicy, the mighty and powerful, replied that such knowledge was but for gods not mortals. Questions such as these, however, seek answers and so a motely crew went out to discover the secrets of powerjuice.

To this day, we still do not know the secret.

What we do know, is that their remains still scatter the earth. And sometimes, on the eve of a full moon, when the quiet wind blows, you can still hear their whispers: ....oh powerjuice...Sicy nooooooo!
Some brave soul once asked, "from whence does powerjuice cometh?" Sicy, the mighty and powerful, replied that such knowledge was but for gods not mortals. Questions such as these, however, seek answers and so a motely crew went out to discover the secrets of powerjuice.

To this day, we still do not know the secret.

What we do know, is that their remains still scatter the earth. And sometimes, on the eve of a full moon, when the quiet wind blows, you can still hear their whispers: ....oh powerjuice...Sicy nooooooo!

Ironically enough, the gods gathered and questioned Sicy as to the origins of Powerjuice. She replied, "Ask the Mayans." The gods consulted and said, "We cannot, for they are no more."
Sicy sipped at her Powerjuice and said, "Ask the Aztecs."
The gods, bewildered at her answers, replied, "But the Aztecs, like the Mayans, are no more."
Sicy sipped again and said, "Do you hear the whispers on the wind?"
"But of course, we are gods after all."
"Those are the voices of the Aztecs and the Mayans, trapped in the wind from thousands of years ago, asking me where Powerjuice comes from."
The gods grew silent.
Oh, are we telling Sicy stories now?

One time I was driving down the coast, as it was late and Snow had been hittin' the sauce pretty good. Designated driving, you know. So, I'm driving down, and I notice a car pulled over on the side of the road. And I see two people there. I ask Snow her thoughts, and she said, "Maybe we should pull over. They could have lemon bars!" I took this at face value and pulled over. So, I walk up, and, what do you know, it's Beav. He's sitting there in the car, just kind of looking apathetic. And he was listening to Journey. So, I said, "Beav, what's the deal?" He says to me, "Sicy and I were coming back from burning down this bar, and she asked me to pull over. And I did. And then when we pulled over, she just took the keys and walked into the woods over there. And I don't know what to do now." We waited around for a while and then I just gave Beav a ride home. He still hasn't seen the car. We're not quite sure what to make of the situation.

You recollection is impressive, pfan, for not many can recall specifics after Sicy meetings, but a few discrepancies must be called out. Just before Sicy left she put her hand into my brain and said, "You will recall only what I want to recall, now listen." She then told me of many things, and enlightenment was mine, which was nice, but when she removed her hand I could remember only one thing - "Toaster". You say she took the key, but I clearly remember there was no key, the car just started when she told it to. She did get up and leave, but she did not walk to the woods, no, we were parked in a clearing, and the woods came to us. Then you pulled over and gave me lift. All these years later I still ponder that one single word, as if it is somehow tied to something I am not yet ready to understand. Toaster.
You recollection is impressive, pfan, for not many can recall specifics after Sicy meetings, but a few discrepancies must be called out. Just before Sicy left she put her hand into my brain and said, "You will recall only what I want to recall, now listen." She then told me of many things, and enlightenment was mine, which was nice, but when she removed her hand I could remember only one thing - "Toaster". You say she took the key, but I clearly remember there was no key, the car just started when she told it to. She did get up and leave, but she did not walk to the woods, no, we were parked in a clearing, and the woods came to us. Then you pulled over and gave me lift. All these years later I still ponder that one single word, as if it is somehow tied to something I am not yet ready to understand. Toaster.

You sure it wasn't kettle or some other appliance?
You recollection is impressive, pfan, for not many can recall specifics after Sicy meetings, but a few discrepancies must be called out. Just before Sicy left she put her hand into my brain and said, "You will recall only what I want to recall, now listen." She then told me of many things, and enlightenment was mine, which was nice, but when she removed her hand I could remember only one thing - "Toaster". You say she took the key, but I clearly remember there was no key, the car just started when she told it to. She did get up and leave, but she did not walk to the woods, no, we were parked in a clearing, and the woods came to us. Then you pulled over and gave me lift. All these years later I still ponder that one single word, as if it is somehow tied to something I am not yet ready to understand. Toaster.

Well, from my point of view, some of this is hard for me to know. By the time I got there, the woods had already arrived. And we both know damn well they were gonna stay still till Sicy was through with whatever it was she was doing. And I inferred a key because you said she turned it off and you couldn't turn it on. I underestimated her abilities, I admit. Toaster.
According to the article, they're saying 2009. When did they ever say 2008? Again, why are people saying the album is delayed?


Main Entry: ob·tuse
Pronunciation: \äb-ˈtüs, əb-, -ˈtyüs\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): ob·tus·er; ob·tus·est
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin obtusus blunt, dull, from past participle of obtundere to beat against, blunt, from ob- against + tundere to beat — more at ob-, contusion
Date: 15th century
1 a: not pointed or acute : blunt b (1)of an angle : exceeding 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees (2): having an obtuse angle <an obtuse triangle> — see triangle illustration cof a leaf : rounded at the free end
2 a: lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect : insensitive, stupid b: difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression
Shut the fuck up, elfa.

That's right, I said it. Everyone was thinking it, I said it.
I have to sit back and marvel sometimes... do you guys keep a book with all this shit written down or something?

Not only are you and NSW some witty motherfuckers but fast as well...

:shh: All the ones from yesterday were modified Bill Brasky quotes - from SNL - the one with John Goodman and Alec Baldwin kills me. Though this morning I just started making shit up.
Is it SO freaking hard to post in an existing thread rather than start new ones?? :angry:

/random rant
Just suck my white Italian ass ok, that feature was from the OLD forum. :angry:
OOOOOooooooooook I came here to vent my frustrations and now I'm just getting picked on. Later :angry:
Blame me. Blame the power of the click.

eat this and be quiet
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