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Adam's blog 9/1/06

This week was perhaps our most fruitful day as a band this year. Well, except for Bono telling some guy that he could be part of U2. But that's ok he was gone before Larry could count to three. He never made it. But then after that we got a lot of work done towards our new album since Larry was actaully in an experimental mood today. Actually I think he was just drunk. Bono even convinced him to use some cowbell in one of the songs that Bono wrote about secrets. (He really just the same song structure from The Fly and threw in a couple of different words.) He's still boasting about how "It's no secret that Foster's is Austrailian for beer, It's no secret that my knees are the joints at which kneel." are the best lyrics he's written since Achtung Baby. But I got him to shut up about his "lyrical genious" when I told him his pants were on fire again. That's the third time this week.

Larry put snakes in my bass case today. Hah, bass case rhymes. Bono could use that in his new song. Anyways Larry seemed to think that the snake gag was funny but they all had those little fangy things on them. Thank God Egde was nearby though, he built some oxygenator difibulator that made all of the snakes blow up and then some suctionator cavilatorialblabilatorial machine that blew them all at Bono, which caused the fire to spread up his body and into his hair. He's been crying ever since then. Oh, I gotta go Nelly Furtado is on TV.
Bono's Blog 9/2/06

I met this wonderful, a genius, marvelous, a carpenter like, a delicious umm..y'know those who have a heart big enough to hold the big enough. It was not an act of Karma that I met him, it was a painful experience where I was humiliated listening to him go about his activities in a nonchalant and charming way. It was like uumm...y'know one of those amazing and wonderful car, a car which you can never drive, a car which you can never think of building, a car that you can only think of looking at but somehow I managed to get into his car. Inside the car felt like a monastery where the sounds of Zen merge with this purple, shattering, linking umm...y'know a cutting voice like a sound of 80 year old retired ex rugby players grunt in the scrum. I loved Celtics but seems like they have lost that outer extraordinary-ness which led to a beautiful and ordinary inner-ness.

Anyways, So I got this call from Paul Whosomeone who is this extraordinary accountant with a Major Organisation and he was like Frank Zappa when he recited his pro sum debit account figures. Uumm...uh...y'know The Edge is calling me I suppose, y'know I don't want Larry to get mad at me, his vibrations provide the shape of my back so I guess I should go back.

Love you Sailor of the Wind
Edge's Blog 9/10/06
I was on fire yesterday. Fortunately Bono put me out before anyone got hurt. I think Adam did it because I've been re-recording his bass parts again. I keep telling him to stop playing bass with his spoon. Adam ignores me a lot. Unfortunately due to the accident my fingers are a wee bit burned, and Bono's jumped in playing lead guitar. (Looks like the album's going to be delayed just a bit.)
Larry's Blog 9/12/06

I have a fookin difficulty recognizing between Rick Rubin and our sound man Joe O'Herlihy. I think ol' prick Bono is trying to trick me and rest of the world into believing that we are working with Rubin but instead it's only our lad Joe. ey Adam what d'ya reckon mate?
13 September, 2006

Edge thinks I don't know about his re-recording over my basslines. I know. I just have my brother do some computer magic and put them back. Why did Pop really take so long... Had to wait for Edge to leave so I could put my bass lines back in at the absolute last minute. He still mad that I 'pwned' the Pop album. "pwned" very odd. Keep meaning to ask Sebastian where that originated.

Edge thinks I'm ignoring him. It's an old habit I learned in boarding school. I hear everything. I just don't respond. What Edge doesn't know is I have whammy-bar laden guitar lines that are ready to "accidentally" get recorded over his lines. Full on guitar olympics. Edge is jealous of my experimental use of the spoon as a pic. He can't play his guitar with his fingers for more than 3 minutes without complaining about the pain. Lightweight. My bass teacher gave me all sorts of wacky ideas to try out on the bass, but now I'm trying my own. The spoon is plastic, all my pics are plastic. Of course, I had to snap off the handle, more pic-like.

Larry again with the snakes. If he does that again, he's gonna find a little kitten sleeping in his bass drum case. He doesn't know I breed cats. The Beagles he does know about. The longhaired leopard spotted looking cats will be all the rage in Hollyweird.

Bono Bono Bono...I don't know why he wants to become a business mogul now. He has lyrics to write, charities to keep tabs on, not to mention his kids keep asking me to teach them how to drive. Or maybe it's just my cars they want to drive. I do have the best ones. Maserati, pffft. I already have money set aside for a flying car, well, if one ever gets developed. The wait continues. Wonder if it will look like those things on that ol cartoon the Jetsons.

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