U2 log: not enough songs recorded for the new album, world tour next year #2

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you are what you is
Jul 5, 2000
U2girl said:
This is what the article says:

"It doesn?t take a ?source close to the band? to know that no new album equals no new tour; however, the Mirror had to confirm the issue with such a source and then pronounce it news. In today?s Ireland edition, the tabloid reports that the band are so far behind schedule on production of the new album, they have decided against touring this year.

The Mirror?s source placed the blame on Bono, saying: ?All plans for any live shows this year have been put on the backburner. The simple fact is they haven?t recorded enough songs for the new album. Bono?s been away a lot and that?s caused a few delays.?

The good news is that when the band do complete the album, they will likely tour worldwide (hey, South America, Australia, and Japan!). According to the source, ?They want to stage a world tour and play bigger venues than ever after making their last one more intimate.?

OK, obviously there isn't going to be a tour this year (not even a promotional one?), but not enough songs?!? What were they doing since April 2003 (I take it the serious work started then, with Chris Thomas), plus they have plenty leftovers from ATYCLB.

Bigger venues then ever sounds interesting though... :hmm: but I thought they can only match the venues they played on Zoo TV or Popmart. Maybe they will also include more Asia on their tour, and they'd play football (I mean soccer :wink: ) stadiums, like they did in South America.
Its disappointing that its taking the band so long to record what was supposed to be a quick follow up to ATYCLB. Yes, that is what Larry said the plan was in September 2000 on MTV. They would tour for 5 months and go back into the studio to work on the songs they did not put on ATYCLB.

The tour got extended by about 3 months, not a big deal really. I honestly think the band could have put out a great album in October 2002. But it seems other things and the recording process got in the way. The Unforgettable Fire was recorded from May 7 to August 5 in 1984. They could have done this in 2002 and hit the road in 2003.

I think it would be great if the band were locked into the studio for 3 months and forced to produce an album in that much time. I think everyone including the band would be surprised with the results.

The period between this new album and the release of the last one will be the longest in U2's history. I always use to think the band were recharging for another couple of decades of albums and tours, but this long period with no new album and tour is making me think that they are winding down.

Who knows what the truth is. Perhaps the bands lives and the creative process and their reaction to it have changed in such a way that a 4 year period between albums is what to expect. Technically though, they still have the capability to record an entire album in 3 months.

Looking back to Larry's comments in September 2000 though, I thought the band was headed into a decade of rapid recording and touring.
They're at the point where this HAS to be their best album ever, or they're finished. I'm hedging my bets, but hoping for the best.
I reckon they will just waft away in the background for the next decade or so. Bit like the Stones. New stuff doesnt get played on the radio but they still tour.

Oh hell. That was officially my first reference to U2 at Interference. :ohmy:
Not a problem, Salome. :)

:shrug: I believe the plan was to release the album in late 2003 (Adam and McGuiness both talked in that direction) with a tour in 2004 (O'Herlihy, Larry) which would coincide with their usual timetable of a 3 year or so album span.

However, calling in Lillywhite to produce and saying now the album comes "after summer" (McGuiness), "not before winter" (PR woman from Universal) and latest news November 2004 suggests they're having problems in the studio IMO. I really don't think some Bono trip to Africa is causing these delays.

I'm all for recording faster - because as they get older it will get harder to be relevant and succesful and we don't know what will happen to Bono's voice after the 3rd decade (touring-wise, but also recording-wise.)
On the other hand, U2 since the 90's uses studio as an instrument more and more and I guess their songs have become more complex to record and that is a part of why it takes longer.

They could put an album in 3 months but the question is how good it would be?

I really am not so sure they're capable of surpassing JT or AB - I'd rather put my bet on them writing another classing song like One. I don't necessarily think this album needs to be GREAT - because their history doesn't support two superb albums in a row and because ATYCLB gave them some "credit" to ease up.

The only concern to me is they put out a huge flop, because I doubt they'd come back after another blow like POP.
my only concern would be that they're trying too hard... but i haven't heard any of the songs, so i'm really not in any spot to make that judgement. would just be my own personal opinion.

i was talking to a few of the players on the high school basketball team i coach a few weeks ago. they told me that they think u2 rock. they have no clue about these album "delays." thursday night i was in a bar in n.y.c. talking to these kids from Rutgers University who had just come over from the NIT championship at madison square garden, and some U2 came on... as would be expected at flannery's... and i mentioned how a good U2 cover band plays this bar all the time, to which they responded "cool" and said how they'd love to see U2 live but didn't get to go on the last tour... to which i told 'em about the likelyhood they'd be on tour in 2005. they had no clue about all these album "delays."

in otherwords... there are plenty of fans of U2 out there who aren't complete, psychotic, no-life having, lunatics like all of us here on interference who check up for an update on the recording of the new album a minimum two times a day.

interference has roughly 3.000 "active" members. millions of people bought the last album and went to see the last tour...

the new album... wether it comes out in november or next spring... will debut in the top 3 just like ATYCLB did... and has a good chance at debuting at #1, depending on who else is releasing an album that week. they're not even close to being finished. now if the album stinks, then there might be a problem... but a "failure" for u2, such as Pop & PopMart, is something that most other acts would die for.
Not enough songs :eyebrow: I think what the author means here, not enough songs with Bono's vocal :madspit:
yep great post Headache.. And I will say I am happy to wait for the new album and when they are ready it will come out. U2 does not work on my schedule .. sure I would like to see it sooner rather then later but no complaints on my end ..

I am pretty sure U2 are doing the very best they can do and giving it their all..it's what they do so . I will stand behind that and be happier then all when it comes out!!

I have not forgotten that sometimes there are more important things then releasing a record on someones percieved timeline!

I'd rather be the kid who has no idea about the delays!!
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Headache in a Suitcase said:

in otherwords... there are plenty of fans of U2 out there who aren't complete, psychotic, no-life having, lunatics like all of us here on interference who check up for an update on the recording of the new album a minimum two times a day.

You got a problem with us?

For what it's worth, here are my thoughts on the last two years, and for the future.

I think the original plan was to release a record in October 2002. If you check back to the last issue of Propaganda, they were still debating between releasing a new studio album or the Best of 90-00 that spring, 2002. So, at that point, they'd likely been planning on recording straight through the summer, with the intention of having the album wrapped by August. The album would be composed of ATYCLB leftovers, and the new demos they'd written thus far. (this is, of course, pure conjecture) However for reasons we dont know, they ended up deciding against this and then went ahead with the Best Of. Consequently, they didn't work on the album for a while; they concentrated instead on Electrical Storm, THTBA, and the new mixes.

Now, I can't be sure, but I imagine that during that time, and the following Best Of promotional period, they weren't doing alot of writing and recording of new material. This would account for why we heard so little from them on the new studio album up until the Chris Thomas announcement which was in spring 2003. This is when serious recording, with the intention of making an album, really began. They recorded for much of that summer, only to take a break in August. That fall, they began recording again. My guess is that though they planned to be finished by Christmas, they were'nt sure of the new direction, so they brought in Daniel Lanois, who perhaps suggested that they keep working on 4 or 5 of the songs. Or, maybe they'd decided against using some of the ATYCLB leftovers, which may no longer have sounded as fresh, or might not have fit in with the direction the new songs were taking.

The band breaks for christmas/new years, and then hits the studio again in late January. Enter Steve Lillywhite, whose fresh ears and familiar face were what they felt the album really needed.

Now it's probably do or die time for this album. This is why they're no longer recording in Dublin (if the rumors are true). Dublin = distractions, families, that sort of thing. So, they'll work on the new songs for a few more months, and finally release the new material in November 2004. It will have been a long, hard process, but they'll have finally cranked out a brilliant, country-western album.

And then we'll all complain...
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*pops in and sees that the old one was closed*

salome, your actions simply did not make sense, man.

we were simple joking around and it seems that you have a problem with overreacting lately.

i don't know if it's something in your life that's creating stress, but if you're going to take it out here, maybe you shouldn't be modding, just for the good of the forums.

sorry folks. back to the topic.............
mikal said:
*pops in and sees that the old one was closed*

salome, your actions simply did not make sense, man.

we were simple joking around and it seems that you have a problem with overreacting lately.

i don't know if it's something in your life that's creating stress, but if you're going to take it out here, maybe you shouldn't be modding, just for the good of the forums.

sorry folks. back to the topic.............

well, he singled me out, and I'm trying figure out how to respond to him.
if salome thinks I'm a bitter arse, that's fine. but I'm not. you cannot tell what a person is really like from a message board. I love U2. always have, always will, whether there's ever another album from them or not. to tell the truth, I actually do not even think about it anymore; january is when I hit my low point.
at this point, I am resigned to waiting, because it's better to know that we will have new material one day than that they have broken up. as far as my sacastic comments in the other thread, to me salome is the king of sarcasm; whether or not he really is in life, I don't know; I don't know him...but that's the way he comes across to me on this board. if he thinks I have a superior attitude to people here he is also wrong; I enjoy virtually everyone here, whether I agree with their opinions or not.
I really feel the situation in this forum has gotten to it's lowest point regarding the new album, and I'm not gonna visit these particular threads anymore; it's not worth it to make a comment and have someone think you're an asshole.
I apologize to salome and anyone else I may have offended with my sarcasm; I didn't mean it to sound "superior".
I know plenty about sarcasm
and it is just not funny to me (which means that on this point personal opinion is definately involved) when it's about the same thing time after time again though

I do apologize if it seemed that I singled you out
it was not meant to be personal but a reaction to something that has been going on for weeks & weeks
there is an unnesecary negative tone consuming this forum
and though all the things I posted might not apply to you they are valid points re. this forum according to me

Mikal, thanks for your concern about my personal situation
you truly are my hero
you even said "back to the topic" :love::up:
Salome said:

Mikal, thanks for your concern about my personal situation
you truly are my hero
you even said "back to the topic" :love::up:

everybody has to have an idol in their lives. i'm glad you picked the right person.
I've always thought that the band is perhaps having a hard time making the "magic" happen in the studio due to aging and perhaps wanting to do other things with their lives: DATA, family, kids, marriage, spoon collecting, sleeping, whatever. This happened before AB, and also before POP. They also are probably feeling overwhelmed due to the massive success that was ATYCLB, and feeling like they need to replicate that success BECAUSE they KNOW this is their last shot at being the BIGGEST and BADDEST, and also because of how fervent U2 fans are, and how many of us demand the best of them. But, They are reasonable and wise with what they do. The pressure is on, and the spotlight grows brighter and dimmer on them each month that they stay out of it. At the end of the day, I have faith in them as the U2 I've always loved -- the rest of it will take care of itself as it is meant to be.

Do I care necessarily when the album comes out? Not really. Do I feel concern for the wellbeing of musicians/personalities I've come to care about the last 12 years? Yes. Do I feel they owe me anything by a certain month? No. Am I going to love the new album? No idea. Will I see them in concert whenever that happens? Yes. Will I follow them whereever they lead me? No. Do I listen to U2 on a regular basis? No. Am I still a U2 fan? Yes.
Wow, HelloAngel that is the same point I've been trying to make in this forum for months. Well said.

U2's problem: Too Much Time On Their Hands.....That Built America!!!

The pressure is squarely on the band's shoulders and all of Bono's pronouncements have made it that much more difficult. I don't believe it's do or die time, but they are being very careful with this album....obviously.

I've got more to say, but I'll leave that to a different forum.
I'm sorry a thread I started caused so much stress on people twice in a row. A lot of people are on the edge (no pun intended) it seems, because we get so many confusing info on the new album.

I'd say they can still be bad and big till they're 50 (Bruce Springsteen is 50+ and he is virtually rejuvenated since he teamed up with E street band again), after that I'm not so sure...it's known each band/artist slowly starts drifting away with age.
Great post Hello Angel.. well said

As it regards Bono.. I guess I feel like Bono needs to do what is important to him.. and what is best for him .. this is a guy who for better or worse takes the world on his shoulders and that often has consequnces sometimes personal , sometimes professional I am a little sympathetic to the fact that they all need to take care of themselves first. He gets alot of pressure from everyone around him in all different circumstances that can't be easy.. thats not to be a woest me statement for Bono. And yes this time around for U2 I think it is made more difficult by outside pressure and things in their lives that none of us are aware of but that we should be a maybe a little bit more sensitive to as fans.

..life goes on.. people get older, things change and eventually life moves on for everyone.. I am better for having U2 around for this long.what they have brought to me in my life is something I could never repay them for . Will I follow U2 wherever they go.. no probably not either but I will recall where I have been and I am thankfull. When the record comes out I will buy it, when they tour I will be there too.

I respect them and the music and all the rest as Hello Angel says will fall into place
Reggie Thee Dog said:
Wow, HelloAngel that is the same point I've been trying to make in this forum for months. Well said.

U2's problem: Too Much Time On Their Hands.....That Built America!!!

The pressure is squarely on the band's shoulders and all of Bono's pronouncements have made it that much more difficult. I don't believe it's do or die time, but they are being very careful with this album....obviously.

I've got more to say, but I'll leave that to a different forum.

exactly. i feel that some people are just going and putting words in our, "the so-called negative posters" mouths.

i never have felt like U2 owed me an album. it's just that when bono said in 2001 that they were gonna keep the momentum going, and now that it's almost mid 2004, and we still haven't seen a new album, i'm concerned.

and if anything, this frustration that i share with other people here, has turned into sarcasm, which has actually just turned into comic relief.

the last thread in which salome went on his blind rant, we were actually just joking with each other, considering the news we heard in the original post was nothing new and had been discussed before. if anything, we owe an apology to u2girl for spamming her thread.
BTW, please take into consideration that the article was from a British tabloid. They claimed U2 did not have enough songs written.

As you know, British tabloids are so reliable... :rolleyes:

C ya!

While it's true the news of a tour next year wasn't really NEW news, I certainly don't recall reading anywhere they do NOT have enough songs for the album prior to this article.
I'm not saying this news bit is true, but if it is...we can very likely say goodbye to a 2004 album. :(
What's up with all of the skeptical and negative attitude towards this record here people? All of this just because they are taking their time? So what they're taking a bit too long to do the record, did they promise anybody something? They can afford to take their time and not give us a rushed album and if they are taking more time it's because they are getting the record better. Why rush things over? Every extra month this record is delayed is maybe another song that is going to sound even better because of it (btw we don't even know for SURE when it's going to be out, it hasn?t been officially said yet).

I honestly don't think that the band is having a hard time making the magic happen on the studio as HelloAngel said, no record is easy to make but actually by the way they?ve been acting I have a feeling that they have done such a good record that they are taking as much extra time they can to make the songs go from great to perfect and maybe even finish one or two other song ideas that they had on the studio that they could be leaving behind but decided not to. We all know that it?s PROBABLY going to come out sometime the end of this year. Just relax. We waited so long can?t we wait a little more?

The news said they haven?t RECORDED enough songs yet not WRITTEN enough songs. But I don?t believe in it all that much because, yes Bono has been away a little more than usual during the making of this record but not too much during the last months to the point where they might be behind the schedule. That?s what I think. But I hope the guys is right (and I think he is) about the world tour, U2 can?t stay away from those big ass freaking tours, it will be good to see them playing stadiums again in my country!!
Okay now I'm all :hyper: :D:dance:
"Taking their time?"

That might be the understatement of the year (or should I say 4 years). I think that U2 are more than capable of producing a quality album (Even with Bono saving the world) every couple of years. They've done it in the past, they've made records in mere months like UF. The part that angers many of us is the whole "use this momentum from ATYCLB era and come out with a great album in 2002". Looks more like 2005 from where I sit.

Please U2, prove me wrong !!
Well, we've all heard the "two crap albums" comment too many times to mention, but I was looking through "Far Away So Close" for the 3000th time and noticed this quote from Bono: "As soon as we feel we've reached a peak and we're repeating ourselves, that's when we'll knock it on the head." Yes, I think U2 are capable of producing a good album every couple of years, but would it be satisfying for them? One thing we all love about the band is their ability to change, to not churn out the same sounding stuff the way other bands do. As Bono has said, they could continue to be successful, but would they be relevant? Just think how incredibly difficult, even terrifying, it must be to take the artistic risks needed to stay fresh and new, to be re-invented with each record. We fans can be pretty demanding of this band, but I'm sure it's nothing compared to the demands the band are placing on themselves right now.
I think it's neccessary to qualify and contextualize some of the quotes that get thrown around here, especially the band's supposed attitude towards keeping the momentum going.

first, from Dec. 8/2001
Bono said:
"We have to keep recording. There could be another album soon -- we're in the studio this week. We just thought it would be very interesting to come straight off the tour and go straight in. We'll see."
Now I'm guessing the interview from which this comes (http://www.atu2.com/news/article.src?ID=1777) is the source of the keep-the-momentum mentality. And it certainly seems as though that's what Bono is hinting at... Though we shoud note that even he's not sure at this point. I will admit however, that at the time I interpreted that quote to mean "new u2 album within the next year."

now, a couple weeks later, on Dec. 24/2001, atu2 says:
" A reliable source tells @U2 that Bono is telling close friends that "serious recording" of the new album won't begin until February or March of 2002."
At this point, we should have begun to be suspicious.

jump forward three months, again atu2 has report for us.
According to Edge, "the band was looking at taking a year-and-a-half to finish an album."
a year and a half from March 2002 puts us at Fall 2003. Three years after ATYCLB. By this point, it should have been clear that the band were no longer thinking in terms of cranking out an album as quickly as possible. Yet I still held on to the belief that we'd see it in 2002... I imagine so did many of you.

by october that year, the 2002 release was clearly out of the question. In an interview with a Norweigan newspaper, Larry stated "We wrote down 16-17 good ideas for new songs. In December we enter the studio again. And we plan to have a new album out by the end of 2003.
Note that he admits they've only got 16-17 ideas for songs, not actual complete songs.

From this point until last fall, we all thought we'd see an album by October/November 2003. Everything from the band hinted at this. But we now know that this didn't happen, and that the band are finding that the recording is progerssingly slowly. Check out the "Band Meetings and Sightings folder" in PLEBA for some good quotes from Adam that say this.

So what can we conclude from all this? Almost anything. But it seems likely that it's either
1) the songs weren't good enough/needed more work, so they've put off ther intended release date to compensate, this way, new songs can be written.
2) the recording is taking time cause Bono is always away, or because of family matters.

If it's #1, then I'm dissapointed, but I can still understand that they want to spend more time polishing.
If it's #2, then I'm still dissapointed, but again, especially if it's due to family issues, I can understand why it's taking so long.

Given the recent quotes from Adam as to the slow nature of the recording, it's probably #1. But we can't know, so it's all just speculation.
But I do think that we should avoid getting worked up over not "keeping the momentum"; it's been clear since March 2002 that this was not going to be the case. I think we just all got over excited, and relied too much on one of Bono's famous off-hand remarks/exaggerations.
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I'm a big believer in not getting worked up over things that I cannot affect and/or change. So thusly, I don't understand anyone expounding energy that would equal to more than the energy it takes to type posts on this forum all day...No amount of anger or frustration is worth it, no amount of hosing ppl we don't agree with around here will make any album come out sooner, or will change anyone else's stance.

I think what is lacking sometimes is good ole perspective. I think we should just agree to disagree with each other, and enjoy the simple pleasures of each other's company -- and be thankful that a band like U2 exists, and has brought all of us fans together as friends.
mikal said:
the last thread in which salome went on his blind rant
I don't really care that you have a problem with me

but act like a grown up
I said in that other thread that anyone who had a problem with my post could contact Elvis, Angela Harlem or Sicy
obviously you feel that I committed a cardinal sin that should result in the end of me being a mod over here
I'm sure that if you present your well thought through reasons for this to these people that they can't but agree with you

so go ahead
and in the meantime (while I am still a mod) stop slandering me

if you have a problem with anything in this post
than you obviously missed the sarcasm
or not
who knows really

go U2
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