Two Short Ones

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2002
Brooklyn, NY
[color=royal blue]Tell Adam

Tell Adam:
I got out of bed and the whole house tilted;
I don?t care for the year though he filled it;
I wait till after pictures fade to believe in shapes;
I leave home just to rain on the days.

Tell Adam I died for love.

Tell Adam:
Not to believe me, I was still in the fever;
I just wanted to destroy the teacher;
I was wrong, I just kick around the days;
I was wrong in the best way.

Tell Adam I really died for love.

Tell Adam:
I learned the words just to feel involved;
I want back the Big Twitch impulse
To arrest beauty in my eyes, to see it then and now;
I was the one word he lost or could not say out loud.

Tell Adam I really died for love.

I destroyed the teacher in the best way.

Tell Adam I died for love.
Tell Adam I grew up.

What Happened
The weight was what happened when
All the incarnations of the Mess
Were changing the worlds but ignoring the rest,
Were the Twitches in the headlights of connectedness.

I was wrong,
And you were the famine.
And that was
What happened.

What are you on, and when do you get off?
I ask how you are, and you just get lost.
You were completely done with love.
I was completely undone by love.

I was the hunger,
And you were the famine.
And that was
What happened.
I didn't expect to read two gems back-to-back. Simply delightful, MonaVox.

I'm going to be really frank and say that I'd prefer the 1st poem without the in-between one-liners ("Tell Adam I died for love" etc). They are unnecessary and only reiterate what the rest of the poem effectively conveys by showing (as opposed to telling). I really liked these lines:

I got out of bed and the whole house tilted;
I was wrong, I just kick around the days;
I was wrong in the best way.
I was the one word he lost or could not say out loud.

The second poem is brilliant, too. Complete.

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MonaVox said:
[color=royal blue]Tell Adam

I was wrong in the best way.


I was wrong,
And you were the famine.
And that was
What happened.

:sick: wonderful, Mona- I like these lines a lot.

I agree w/ Foray about the extra lines in the first one.

that first line "I was wrong in the best kinda way" i love, very sheryl-crow-esq.

Re: Re: Two Short Ones

oliveu2cm said:

that first line "I was wrong in the best kinda way" i love, very sheryl-crow-esq.


:drool: OMD That makes my day.....I want to be her....
well I usually lean toward more secular poetry, but I have to hand it to you Monavox, this is extremely well-written

And that was
What happened.
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