Things I'd Love to Do With Bono (other than....)

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Sherry Darling

New Yorker
Sep 5, 2001
You get five. :) And let's not make Sicy's job harder than it already is. :p

5. The G8 summit
4. nap on the couch in the studio
3. swim in the ocean
2. kill some Guiness in his favorite Dublin pub
1. sing a duet (with a nice long slow dance during Edge's solo :))


1. go to church. seriously, i think it would be so interesting.

2. meet edge for coffee. yeah.

3. go shopping, cos uhm, i don't really know why, but i'd offer him my discount (though i could get fired blah blah...)

4. go to the hair salon cos i need a haircut, and he can help me with the style.

5. go butter shopping. we can sculpt. :D
other than.......?
well dang it, I've got nothing.........
I won't put THAT on the list, although it's way up there. :mac:

I"ll try:
5. Get Drunk :eyebrow:

4. have a long conversation about his religious opinions

3. get in an argument (and then make up) :ohmy:
I 'd like to hear what he had to say:yes:

2. dance, ah yesssssssss :drool:

1. ask him to let me wear his shades :evil:
5. drink

4. sing a duet with him-karaoke style

3. go shopping with him--and telling him WHAT TO WEAR

2. dance

1. letting him set me up on a date with adam ;)
Lets see.............

5. Go to a Pub and get drunk!

4. Go dancing!

3. Have him sing to me, then me sing to him:wink:

2. Go sailing, I would show him how to sail

1. Ask him if he could take me to Adams house to see whats goin on there:eyebrow:
1. Go dancing! (It goes without saying this will include slow dancing.)
2. Sing a duet with him. (Since this is fantasyland we are talking about here, I would have a voice worthy of such an honor. In real life he would probably laugh his head off at my singing).
3. Discuss literature and poetry.
4. Have him sing me some of the new U2 songs that haven't been released yet because I'm dying to hear them.
5. Would a friendly good-bye kiss violate the rules for this thread? C'mon, I'll be good. No tounge, I promise!
Well....there are so many things I would love to do with Bono....ahhhh, just the thought!
5 - Dance on tables together at Tosca's in SF (the bartender there once told me he did last time he was in I would love to join him !)
4 - Getting drunk with Bono would have to be so much fun!
3 - Gondola ride together in Venice and a :kiss: under a bridge
2 - Ditto MelPop's Mercedes ride experience ;)
1 - Have Bono sing Spanish Eyes to me

(U know I am sitting here with this silly grin on my face while writing this!)
5. Go to Disneyland. i'd make him go on Space Mountain 5 times in a row with me, then i'd buy him the personalized Mickey Mouse ears, and make him wear them!

4. Sing with him. Okay i know....but Bono is the one i trained my voice on, believe it or not.

3. dress him up and remind him that patterns, i.e. checked shirts, do not go with a solid OLIVE colored tie. *ahem*

2. go to a concert. i would love to see him on the other side of the picture.

1. Cuddle. no harm in that right?? :angel:
Five OTHER things I'd like to do with Bono? Besides that? Ok. Here's my list.

5. Give him a voice lesson.
4. Ask him if he can introduce me to Larry. Then get drunk when he does and Larry hates me.
3. Record an album with him.
2. Talk about deep, spiritual stuff. Tell him about how I left a church over them last year. Then gripe about organized religion.
1. Tour with them. Hell yes, baby. Hell yes.

I could make a list of 20 things other than the obvious that I'd like to do with him. And I totally agree.. going to church with him would be an experience. Of course, being in the same room with him would be an experience.
all you people dancing with bono, is this a snake dance by chance? (hmm...i rhymed there)


5. Go to the beach, cus i love the sun, and I'd prolly hafta slather Bono w/ sunscreen.....yeah

4. Go to the mall - clothes shopping for me, clothes shopping for Bono, music shopping for all, Sbarro's pizza

3. Do some sort of craft or art project together

2. Have him sing and play me songs

1. Watch a movie (his choice) and then joost hang out, swap tunes and talk about whatever
number 5: invite the others over and bedazzle!!!

number 4: watch million dollar hotel...maybe he can explain it...;)

number 3: cuddle (i know this sounds weird, but i love cuddling)
everyone: :eyebrow: :huh: uh...coughWEIRDOcough

number 2: talk about all night

*drumroll* number 1: him sing to me...unorigional, but i'd LOVE it!!
hmmmmm.....Just 5????

1: go horseback riding

2: Play a card game maybe Rummy

3: I know this sounds really strange but I would love to hear him Read Annabell Leigh by Poe

4: go to the Zoo

5: cuddle

1. Go out for a long drive with Bono. This would be so interesting! And hopefully I'll come out alive! ;)

2. Go out on a boat drive..... turn off the boat in the middle of somewhere and just talk to him all day/night about anything.

3. Go to an amusement park with Bono and ride roller-coasters with him and the mary-go-round! :D

4. Dance and sing with him ... in a moonlight tate to tate! *sigh*

5. Body Paint with Bono! :ohmy: :tongue: :laugh:
What a great list, ladies! :) Some of these are really sweet. We really do love him, don't we?

Church with Bono would be great. You could sing with him, talk about the sermon afterwards, pray. And then there's the kiss of peace. :D

Kissing and cuddling counts. He doesn't seem to be shy about kissin or cuddlin cute young whatever you can talk him into goes. LOL.

I want to add one more to my list.

6. Go to a Springsteen show. :D

Great theme for a thread Sherry!
Well... Here is what I'd love to do with Bono (In random order)

1- Have a conversation for hours about every subject posible. From world hunger to Big Brother, and his days as a teen to his adulthood. He must be reaally wise. I want him to enlighten me!

2-Sit at a balcony on a rainy day, squeezing very tight and drinking some hot cocoa.

3-Dance every rythm posible at a discoteque ;)

4-Ride a horse thru the fields on a ranch far away from the civilization

5-Caress every single part of his body. Specially the head. AHHH The hair :drool:

And this one is pretty much as the first one, so I didn't cheat!:
6- Listen to him on a monologue. I could listen to his voice for ever!!! :D
1. Hug, cuddle, play with his hair, stare into his eyes
2. talk about world problems
3. talk about history
4. talk about music
5. take him on a cross country road trip!
Also as Monica, I'd love to go to an amusement park with him to ride all the scary rollercoasters. That would be an adventure.


-Go to a movie

-Play boardgames like Scrabble and Chess. Do together a puzzle, and go to a pool parlor and have a blast.

But what I'd really love is take a long walk on the beach shore at midnight... *siiiiiiiiiigh* I've done this but with Bono it would be so... I prolly would die of joy *fuzzies* :heart: :heart: :bono: :heart: :heart:
Well, since the two that immediately came to mind have already been posted-he reads me poetry and goes to church w/ me,I'll try to come up w/ some others.

I would just want to spend time w/ the man, not Bono 'the rock star'

1. Walk w/ him in the park where I walk my dog-it's so peaceful and at the right times, very private, so he wouldn't be bothered.

2. Travel around Ireland w/ him, show him where my relatives are from, and ask him about Ireland.

3. If he would talk about them, just listen to him talk about his family-because I love to hear a man rave about his wife and children.

4.Just listen to CD's with him and ask him his thoughts about them.

5. Go to a movie w/ him.

This was tough....

*waves frantically*



Five tings? hmmmmmmm:

Lets seeeeeeeee:

1) Go for a walk hand-in-hand along the beach in the sunset somewhere nice.
2) Go to see a play or musical or Opera at an Opera House in London.
3) Go to a theme-park and take snap-shots of Bono on absolutely everything.
4) If I knew how to play - Id love to play a game of chess with him.
5) Go cyclin along a main motorway or bridge......prob somewhere in America.

But I wouldnt ever want to have flooky with Bono.
Oh no Maddie! Don't bike on the motorways in America! No bikes are allowed on the Interstates and you'd both be run over! Pick a nice peaceful country road! Ah, bike riding with Bono, the sun shining down through the branches of the trees making shadows on the road, riding behind him, watching his butt- oh sorry!;)
U2Kitten said:
down through the branches of the trees making shadows on the road, riding behind him, watching his butt- oh sorry!;)

what......watchin his butt move in a very angular, muscular manner that has u droolin due to watchin how it moves and imaginin it strong but unharsh, and ur mind is off the road and concentratin on it instead?

Sherry here is a beautiful Bono rosary pic you might not have! ;) :)


  • 2002sexy.jpg
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[color=royal blue]I don't know why the very thought of this makes me :eek: It's all innocent stuff![/color]
Go to a museum

Take a walk along Killiney beach at sunset

Dinner and Dancing at the Rainbow Room


Go shipping on 5th Avenue in NYC.
MonaVox said:
[color=royal blue]I don't know why the very thought of this makes me :eek: It's all innocent stuff![/color]

But we're all thinking bad stuff! :D ;)

Okay.. my 5.

1: Give Bono a massage. :D :heart:

2: Have Bono give me a massage :D :heart: :D

3: Read.. anything. I think in Rattle and Hum when he read out some of his lyrics, it was really adorable :) So maybe lyrics, books, whatever..

4: Hugging/cuddling

5: And finally.. a kiss :love:
Here's mine in no particular order:

1. Go for a walk with my dog
2. Watch a sunset
3. Have him show me around Dublin and maybe the surrounding countryside
4. Go to a pub (or maybe for coffee) and talk about our lives and maybe a bit about politics, etc. - we have some similar views and some very different ideas about things
5. Sit in on a recording session with him and the rest of the band

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