They're Back! 360 Tour 2010 Photos 3

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I swear this looks like it came from a music video! :ohmy:
Larry. Wet, clingy T-shirts. :blink:
Adam. Wet, clingy white outfits. :twitch:
Edge. Wet, clingy flannel & jeans. :twitch: :blink:
Bono. Wet, clingy leather. :twitch: :blink: :hotflash: :shudder:

"...if the thundercloud passes rain, so let it rain, rain down on me..." :yes:

:drool: :crack: :eek: :combust: :faint:

if i had been there that would BE one time i wouldnt have minded the rain AT all:up::drool::drool:
I'm LOVING all these rain photos. It makes the pics so pretty! I mean, they're gorgeous enough to begin with for sure, but the rain makes it extra fabulous. :drool:
... WHOA! U2 in the rain, that's rare.:drool::drool: And the pictures I saw are friggin' awesome! Thanks for posting them. :) Hope Bono doesn't get a cold, but they look... whowie when they're wet.:drool:
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