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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jan 15, 2001
Smiley Land ?

Some Days Are Slippy, Other Days Are Sloppy

Sicy's Website

I pity the Foo!

Here's to the few who forgive what you do
and the fewer who don't even care
--Leonard Cohen
Don?t judge him too hard! He?s one crazy weirdo but has made some outstanding music in the past!

You know, the majority of people I've talked to seem to like his new single.. I like it too, I'm betting it's gonna be pretty sweet, but did any of ya'll see him on the VMA's?.. Dancing with Nsync?.. He's still got those moves, he was outdancing nsync.... I just wish he looked .. well, even the same in the days of dangerous.... Here's a glass to you Michael.
Originally posted by Lemonite:
You know, the majority of people I've talked to seem to like his new single.. I like it too, I'm betting it's gonna be pretty sweet, but did any of ya'll see him on the VMA's?.. Dancing with Nsync?.. He's still got those moves, he was outdancing nsync.... I just wish he looked .. well, even the same in the days of dangerous.... Here's a glass to you Michael.

wow, i thought the new song really stunk. there isn't even anything catchy about it. i'm glad he can dance though.

i'm a reasonable man
get off my case
I saw that new vid. Y'know, it seems that he's really striving to get back to the earlier stuff... when people liked him a bit more. Go fig I guess!
Originally posted by mocool12:
Y'know, it seems that he's really striving to get back to the earlier stuff...

Striving for his old stuff that sucked as opposed to his recent stuff that sucked?
i like michael's earlier stuff from the thriller album and he has made some pretty cool videos. yes, i am one of the few who like michael jackson. to each his own.
The only problem I have with Michael Jackson is that at 43 years old he shouldn't be doing quite so many dance moves. He might hurt himself, poor chap!
Well his new single hasn't impressed me. I've never been much of a MJ fan though. I appreciate what he has done however. It's more like I respect him as a pop artist... but let's hope he doesn't lose respect with his new album (I've not heard it yet or anything).

Quotation is a servicable substitute for wit.

(W. Somerset Maugham)
I bet you used to love his songs, all you MJ bashers. What's wrong with trying to get back his 'old magic' anyway? ATYCLB is a 'roots album' to some people. Go figure that.

Yes my friends, I thought it would never happen. But, I heard it on the radio today.

Micheal Jackson has a new album

*runs away screaming into the night*
The first record [yes, the big black discs people] that I got was MJ's Thriller. I'm not really sure about this new song and think his best stuff was back in the '80s. But that's also probably because he didn't look like a scary white woman in the '80s. Nothing against white women...I am one myself...but its still weird.
[just ignore me, i'm being overly sarcastic today]

"Things will not be the same in this city for us." -Bono, Dublin, February 1980

[This message has been edited by sharky (edited 10-23-2001).]
He was awful cute before he became a white chick!

Look...look what you've done to me...You've made me poor and infamous, and I thank you...

My name is MISS MACPHISTO...I'm tired and i want to go HOME...

"Well you tell...Bonovista,that i said hello and that my codename is Belleview" - Bono before opening night of Anaheim Elevation concert
I don't know, maybe it's cause mum used to dress us like the Jackson Five way back then(scarred for life, I still like glittery things..and there were only four of us)I was a big fan in the Motown days(I have his first audition on tape, just a little tacker,singing and dancing up a storm)So I suppose from a nostalagic p.o.v I admire him. I have no idea about his private life, the media would have us believe he is totally bent. He seems a bit tragic to me, a good heart that misunderstood the world. I have no idea what is up with him, but he has had some great songs over the years IMHO.I hope his children aren't made to suffer by the media.
Originally posted by foray:
I bet you used to love his songs, all you MJ bashers. What's wrong with trying to get back his 'old magic' anyway? ATYCLB is a 'roots album' to some people. Go figure that.


Yes, to some people, ATYCLB is a return to an older sound, but it's still a GREAT album.

I've only heard "You Rock My World", and it doesn't sound like "old magic".

Just "old".

- Achtung Bubba

I believe in truth, beauty, freedom, and -- above all things -- love.
I've seen the new video, and he looks more like a cartoon than human.
How does his team of plastic surgeons sleep at night? (besides with loaded pockets)
"You Rock My World" is a great song!

There may be some cheese to some of his songs. But that makes it endearing. I feel good about the new Michael Jackson record. I used to think less of his music (though I loved it as kid) like some of you all right now, but after hearing some of his songs with a whole new perspective, they are great IMO.

The way his new single ends, its great.

Jam On!

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer, if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change."

~ "You can't resist her. She's in your bones. She is your marrow and your ride home. You can't avoid her. She's in the air; in between molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide." ~ RC

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