the third poster of the week award goes to...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Calluna said:
If I've said it once I have said it a thousand times, pre-packaged bears are best because they stay fresh the longest.

have you ever stopped to think that maybe its the special sauce that keeps them so tasty so long? hmmm?

elvis, ill have to look into that. what would make a good salome avatar? i need to change mine.
forget that Salome charachter....

My vote is for something like "plebasloveslave"

Think about all of the chickadees. :sexywink:

You might even get your own mansion or something...or has this been done?
zonelistener said:
You might even get your own mansion or something...or has this been done?

Unofficially yes.

But Dutch Oven is still yours for the taking.

unfortunately everything has been done. i used to be original, creative and wity to an extent.

now im a washed up, used, have-been.

someone touch me, take me to your place.
damn. I was hoping i could chop of your fingers and use them in my hamburger helper.
bonosloveslave said:
I had no idea I was such an inspiration :cute:

:heart: ____loveslave :heart:

we need to do something about your name. i like your deathbear handle though, that was something else.

perhaps we could talk sometime when things arent quite so hectic. give me a shout on my cell, the call is on me.

~ted connors

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