The Temple Bar : Now With Improved Flavour .. UYFA!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
snowbunny00774 said:
so dinner would be fine but going to the show would be too much? gotcha. however, if beav goes to the show then you are willing to go too even though the consequences between you and G-d would be more serious.
when will you know about Sat? waiting for family plans?

I was actually kidding about going to the show if Beav goes. It was just another opportunity to be self-deprecating.

I'm going to dinner or whatnot, then once you guys head to the show, I'll head home.

I'll know about Saturday soon.
Lila64 said:

What I'm confused about here is that Yom Kippur is the day of atonement, and at sundown, you fast for 24 hours. So how is having dinner prior to the show... authorized? This is mishagas!

Maybe we'll eat prior to sundown. Maybe I'll just fast for 24 hours after I eat. I'll work it out with G-d.
UberBeaver said:
ooops. Meant to hit edit, not quote.

Reg - Can Saint's be Canonized while they're still alive?

Beav, you're right do we kill Snow first...or do we just change the rules...:scratch:

UberBeaver said:
How does baptism work? Do we do that?

Yes, however instead of water we pour Guinness and Grey Goose vodka over the participant's head. If it is a female we then lick her forhead until most of the liquor is removed and then we say: "You be baptized, be-otch" then we disrobe the participant to signfy acceptance of her bare-sinless soul into the church. She must do 10 jumpjacks before putting the cloak back on.

If the participant is a male, we just crack the bottles over their head and then say: "We're done, your turn to buy".

It's very spirtual and mystical...:yes:
I'll give you guys PF26 gift cards to the PF26 gift shop. The currency of the gift shop is Schrute Bucks.
CoNJ Knows Where To Find You PF26

phillyfan26 said:
I'll give you guys PF26 gift cards to the PF26 gift shop. The currency of the gift shop is Schrute Bucks.

No, we mean real stuff...this ain't no joke we take our religion seriously here...:madwife:

Sorta...I mean Beav and I do crack a lot jokes we're mostly serious, but not really, but kinda.
But I'm pissing you guys off while maintaining a level of cool by giving you not real gift cards.
No spoken words said:

You piss me off all the time, and I am not seeing any evidence of a level of cool.

Your level of cool lowers by your lack of recognition of cool. You phail.
Reggie Thee Dog said:

Beav, you're right do we kill Snow first...or do we just change the rules...:scratch:

Yes, however instead of water we pour Guinness and Grey Goose vodka over the participant's head. If it is a female we then lick her forhead until most of the liquor is removed and then we say: "You be baptized, be-otch" then we disrobe the participant to signfy acceptance of her bare-sinless soul into the church. She must do 10 jumpjacks before putting the cloak back on.

If the participant is a male, we just crack the bottles over their head and then say: "We're done, your turn to buy".

It's very spirtual and mystical...:yes:

Well, we can't kill her until I get my breadstamp, that's for sure. So we'lll have to wait at least two weeks for the canonization.

I like the baptism ceremony. I think maybe we should simplify the men's though, maybe just a brush of the hand and a "yeah, whatever" would suffice. Add another layer of mystery and all that.

PFan - you haven't annoyed us nearly enough. It's a hard road, it takes time and dedication. Snow studied Annoyance in Tibet. She annoyed her her guide for seven years. They never made it off the base of the mountain. Legend has it on her last day, the guide went nuts, climbed all the way to the top and then jumped off yelling, "FINE! I'LL BECOME A ROCK FORMATION THEN!" At that moment NJ came down, gave her a :hi5: and gave her a bottle of wine and some Keith's, though the very existance of Keith's is still doubted by many. Like me. :mad: I've never seen it - though I have been promised it. Crazy shit.

phillyfan26 said:
:angry: Who's making these rules?

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I'm looking into doing some volunteer work that doesn't require me leaving home. Any general ideas from anyone?
phillyfan26 said:
I'm looking into doing some volunteer work that doesn't require me leaving home. Any general ideas from anyone?

ya lazy shit :tsk:

good one lila but I think for it to count it has to be a service others would actually want and value.

I'm assuming this is for school, how many hours do you need?

and Beav is correct, it happened much like that. Tibet hasn't been the same since :heart: and that commenced my obsession with rock formations. I could probably design my own canonization ceremony, and it would still involve lots of alcohol (me) and lots of licking (of me). NJ I gotta think of everything around here.

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