The Politics of Lust and Logic Interrogation

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
May 5, 2005

So the first question is...

What do you most often see in the in what shapes do they take most often for you?
Its very rare that i would order out...i would eat out occasionally with friends, about it really.

Same question.
Buy a CD of course, it is always better to have a hard copy anyway.

Worst nightmare you've had?
I last downloaded The Chalets that LJT uploaded before that I think it was Kashmir yimou?

worst nightmare I used to think the devil came out of the ground outside my bedroom window at night :yikes:

same question?
When i was about 3 me and my parents stayed at my Gran and Granda's house while our own house was being renovated...i was kept in this high attic bedroom. There was this stuffed chimpanzee toy in there. Anyway i went to bed one night and had this awful dream where the Chimpanzee came alive and turned into a Gorilla which plucked me from my bed and ate me... i woke up yelling:sad:

Ever since that toy chimpanzee has freaked me out:huh:
Plane Crash nightmare

:shh: David Bowie will be on the next Kashmir album :up:

When you feel stressed then what do you do?
Why don't you get rid of the chimp?

really Bowie on Kashmir I bet you're exited! :hyper:

When I'm stressed out I run!

or drink or come here listen to music :wink:

yea I don't relax well :|

same question
so is this the interview thread, but just wearing different clothing?
Its not in my house, at my i don't see it that often.
Redkat! :hug: I've missed all of you. Been incredibly busy bossing mounted officers around. :evil: Cute name for the thread.

What is the biggest age difference between you and someone you've dated or been involved with?
DG! :hug: I just love it when i see you in here. it's like bumping into a friend at the grocery store :laugh:
i have not had my hair cut in three months, maybe more!
Biggest age difference :scratch: 18 years

Yes, answer your own question :wink:

Redkat, Yeah its pretty exciting with Bowie on a Kashmir album. Lou Reed will be on it as well,, Amazing. And i dont care if you beg me not to send the album to you :evil:,, Its gonna happen.
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22 years :reject: i never answer my own questions--it is a finely honed skill.
have you ever been attracted to a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend, and if so, did you ever act on it?
Holy crap I was so embarrased to admit to 14 years now I hold my head high!

I've never hit on a friends boyfriend or girlfriend. I have been hit on by them though :tsk:

Age does it matter?
Does age matter for a relationship? yes, I think it can be a problem if people were raised in different generations. for physical attraction? depends on the person's tastes. i used to prefer older guys but then a younger one changed my thinking about that :shifty:
No, i have never been attracted to a friends girlfriend.

Yes, age matters.

Same ( lazy )
I think it can matter because of different tastes in music, different ideas about what constitutes fun (going out to bars till 4 in the morning vs. staying in), and maybe different energy levels.
yes you should grab a beer before your shower (I will never think about your showers in the same way! :lmao: )

no, but it wasn't the age difference. he was an artist and really moody, probably an alcoholic, tortured soul...all that. he was the one who convinced me that drama in a relationship is only fun for a little while.

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