The Plan to Leak Mercy to the Radio

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Oct 22, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
Thanks to lazarus' suggestion, I'm gonna try to get Mercy air time on the radio stations here in Los Angeles. i think we should try to do this all over, so that we at least have some chances of the song actually getting played. i've already written a letter -- tell me what you think I need to change or fix

"The song on this CD is an unreleased U2 song entitled Mercy. The song title and lyrics are printed in the booklet of U2’s latest album, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. The band has mentioned the song in numerous interviews, saying that the song was dropped from the album at the last minute because it was too long, and would drag the album out to over an hour in length. Mercy was leaked onto the internet around December of 2004, shortly after the album was released. Rumor has it that Bono gave a fan a copy of the album which had this song on it. She then released the song onto the internet, and it has become one of the most popular songs throughout various U2 fan sites. The mp3 itself is not of album quality, but the music and vocals are distinctly U2. The lyrics in the booklet precisely match the lyrics to the song.

A group of us U2 fans have decided to try to get this song out in the open. All we hope for is for this song to get some much deserved air time and eventually an official release."

this could be really really cool (for us at least) if we get this song noticed by a few radio stations. i really think we should try to get this done.
I would add something about it being an "epic track", the longest the band has recorded in over 10 years. I would also mention that the song sounds moodier than anything since Achtung Baby and captures that album's tone.

One more thing is that you should stress that we feel this should be a classic U2 track, and are just doing this to ensure it doesn't fall through the rarities and unreleased cracks. The goal is to let more casual U2 fans know about this masterpiece, and even show non-U2 fans what this band is truly capable of as they hit their mid-40's.

Something to add to your last sentence about air time and an official release is that is would be phenomenal if played live as well.

Good work.

Oh yeah, I'm wondering if you're in Los Angeles do you think you'd have better luck with K-ROCK, or Indie 103.1?
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i'll try kroq, but i doubt it. indie is probably the best shot, followed by KLOS.

edit: i updated the letter

"The song on this CD is an unreleased U2 song entitled Mercy. The song title and lyrics are printed in the booklet of U2’s latest album, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. The band has mentioned the song in numerous interviews, saying that the song was dropped from the album at the last minute because it was too long, and would drag the album out to over an hour in length. Mercy was leaked onto the internet around December of 2004, shortly after the album was released. Rumor has it that Bono gave a fan a copy of the album which had this song on it. She then released the song onto the internet, and it has become one of the most popular songs throughout various U2 fan sites.

The mp3 itself is not of album quality, but the music and vocals are distinctly U2. The lyrics in the booklet precisely match the lyrics to the song. It’s a long, epic track (the longest song U2 has done since 1993), and many of us feel that this could become a great classic U2 songs. The mood of the lyrics is very dark and emotional, and feels more like something from Acthung, Baby!.

A group of us U2 fans have decided to try to get this song out in the open. All we hope for is for this song to get some much deserved air time, recognition from the music industry, and eventually an official release – for U2 or Interscope to leave this song unreleased would be a shame. "

i don't want it to be too long, or to sound too much like a hardcore u2 fan -- people get sick of that crap pretty easily.
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i doubt u2 wants it to get airplay/ be played because theyre probably going to tweak it / fix it / change it for their next album as it hasn't been a b-side yet and it wasnt on the itunes complete boxset.
StlElevation said:
i doubt u2 wants it to get airplay/ be played because theyre probably going to tweak it / fix it / change it for their next album as it hasn't been a b-side yet and it wasnt on the itunes complete boxset.

I agree. The guys probably don't want it released yet. I doubt it's finnished. If they didn't include it on the Complete U2 iTunes set then maybe they have bigger plans for the song. Lots of songs get leaked before they ever get officially released. An example of a song that eventually became an epic sonmg i terms of popularity is Gn'R's November Rain. That song was recorded on piano and floated around on bootlegs long before the Use Your Illusion 1 version came out. If Mercy is leaked to radio now it might ruin they appeal of it becoming an actual single later on. The intentions sound good but could actually do more harm.
Hmmmmm, I dont think this is a good idea at all, only because I think U2 should be able to officially release it not have it leaked on actual radio stations.
And again, Bono DID not give this song to a fan at all, that rumor is incorrect so I would appreciate if you could remove that part if you do send this to any station, I received it on a cd that was given to me by a random person that is more of an acquantance than even a friend and I have no idea where this person got it from... and I would really rather that Mercy be released when U2 wants to release it. Im sure it will be a bside or on a future album, I think we should wait and see and not force it.... just my opinion.
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Thank you, exactly starvinmarvin.
Sorry guys but all this really makes me feel like I shouldve never shared it. I actually feel really bad about it because obviously the band didnt want it released yet. I just had no idea all this would come about!! Lets just wait for U2 to release it when they are finished with it and cant we just be happy we were able to hear it before the rest of the world?
im actually going to record it with my band and release it and make millions off it :drool:
U2girl said:
Wouldn't the radio station get in trouble for playing an unreleased song?

Yes, but radio stations often do. You might get slapped with a cease and desist order, or pay a fine, but if attracts listeners it's probably worth the price.
OK guys, before even sending Mercy to stations, and "forcing U2"a)to give it a proper release, b)to play it live and release it, c)getting a radio station, and maybe yourself, in trouble, think a second about this:

We're back in the "we're gonna dream it up all over again" era. U2 is recording something that eventually will be called "Achtung Baby", and someone decides to send the best track from the Salomé Sessions to a radio station, because it IS astonishing. The track is called "Take you down". It is groundbreaking, and no other band could've done this. It's simply one of the best songs U2 will ever write/sing (AND JUST IMAGINE IT BEING PLAYED LIVE! WHOOOOA! :drool: ).

As it's out, and it's a "pirate hit", two things could happen: a)U2 feels forced to give it a proper release as a single, and it simply rocks. The live version, with Bono singing one lyrics, and The Edge singing the other lyrics, is astounding, or b)U2 forces out Achtung Baby, it recieves so-so reviews from fans and from critics alike. The tour has a cool concept, but imagine what would've happened IF they just had finished the album.

U2 realizes that they did a HUGE mistake not finishing it, BUT THEY WERE FORCED NOT TO DO IT. So the whole 90's era (as we know it) just didn't happen. There was one crappy album, which is a jewel for some fans, and then came more mainstream and commercial albums, which outsold Achtung Baby. Some years later, rumors start about the band going into the studio to re-record Achtung Baby with the live versions. The new album is viewed as a commercial effort from U2 to sell an "refreshened" album, so it flops again. They just waisted time instead of using it to record a new album.<End of rant>

Take you down really is a jewel, but it's also a long track at 5.18. Mercy is even bigger, at 6.30 min. And the first one was broken into The Fly, Lady with the..., Ultraviolet and Wake up dead man. Just imagine what Mercy could spawn. It could be The Fly from this era.

We, as hardcore fans, would identify if Mercy was chopped down into various tracks in the next album. So here is what I propose: give our guys some time, and let them do what they want. It could be another Zooropa; maybe the experimental album from the ATYCLB era; maybe a long song cut ino many great songs; maybe a new, and yet classic, sound for U2.

Just give it a thought, and remember that back in 1992 Internet wasn't as mainstream as it is today.
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U2SJ said:
Thank you, exactly starvinmarvin.
Sorry guys but all this really makes me feel like I shouldve never shared it. I actually feel really bad about it because obviously the band didnt want it released yet. I just had no idea all this would come about!! Lets just wait for U2 to release it when they are finished with it and cant we just be happy we were able to hear it before the rest of the world?

Good point U2SJ..:up:
I posted in the other thread I would send it to my local indie station but I'm not going to. I don't want anyone to "Not share" because of something I did, or be tempted to do something that could have ramifications I don't truly understand. I've had this song on my Itunes since 11/11/04. I don't have to have it played on the radio to love it.. I don't even listen to the radio much, anyway. :wink:
GAGV said:
OK guys, before even sending Mercy to stations, and "forcing U2"a)to give it a proper release, b)to play it live and release it, c)getting a radio station, and maybe yourself, in trouble, think a second about this:

We're back in the "we're gonna dream it up all over again" era. U2 is recording something that eventually will be called "Achtung Baby", and someone decides to send the best track from the Salomé Sessions to a radio station, because it IS astonishing. The track is called "Take you down". It is groundbreaking, and no other band could've done this. It's simply one of the best songs U2 will ever write/sing (AND JUST IMAGINE IT BEING PLAYED LIVE! WHOOOOA! :drool: ).

As it's out, and it's a "pirate hit", two things could happen: a)U2 feels forced to give it a proper release as a single, and it simply rocks. The live version, with Bono singing one lyrics, and The Edge singing the other lyrics, is astounding, or b)U2 forces out Achtung Baby, it recieves so-so reviews from fans and from critics alike. The tour has a cool concept, but imagine what would've happened IF they just had finished the album.

U2 realizes that they did a HUGE mistake not finishing it, BUT THEY WERE FORCED NOT TO DO IT. So the whole 90's era (as we know it) just didn't happen. There was one crappy album, which is a jewel for some fans, and then came more mainstream and commercial albums, which outsold Achtung Baby. Some years later, rumors start about the band going into the studio to re-record Achtung Baby with the live versions. The new album is viewed as a commercial effort from U2 to sell an "refreshened" album, so it flops again. They just waisted time instead of using it to record a new album.<End of rant>

Take you down really is a jewel, but it's also a long track at 5.18. Mercy is even bigger, at 6.30 min. And the first one was broken into The Fly, Lady with the..., Ultraviolet and Wake up dead man. Just imagine what Mercy could spawn. It could be The Fly from this era.

We, as hardcore fans, would identify if Mercy was chopped down into various tracks in the next album. So here is what I propose: give our guys some time, and let them do what they want. It could be another Zooropa; maybe the experimental album from the ATYCLB era; maybe a long song cut ino many great songs; maybe a new, and yet classic, sound for U2.

Just give it a thought, and remember that back in 1992 Internet wasn't as mainstream as it is today.

Aargh! Don't tell the fucking radio, this guy's right!

Oh, and could you send me "Take you down" please, I've never heard it and I LOVE Achtung U2.
Bodnex said:

Aargh! Don't tell the fucking radio, this guy's right!

Oh, and could you send me "Take you down" please, I've never heard it and I LOVE Achtung U2.

Sure, just tell me your email.

And thanks for the comments, guys. I'm just trying to tell what I think is right, for all of us.
discothequeLP said:
Thanks to lazarus' suggestion, I'm gonna try to get Mercy air time on the radio stations here in Los Angeles. i think we should try to do this all over, so that we at least have some chances of the song actually getting played. i've already written a letter -- tell me what you think I need to change or fix

"The song on this CD is an unreleased U2 song entitled Mercy. The song title and lyrics are printed in the booklet of U2’s latest album, How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. The band has mentioned the song in numerous interviews, saying that the song was dropped from the album at the last minute because it was too long, and would drag the album out to over an hour in length. Mercy was leaked onto the internet around December of 2004, shortly after the album was released. Rumor has it that Bono gave a fan a copy of the album which had this song on it. She then released the song onto the internet, and it has become one of the most popular songs throughout various U2 fan sites. The mp3 itself is not of album quality, but the music and vocals are distinctly U2. The lyrics in the booklet precisely match the lyrics to the song.

A group of us U2 fans have decided to try to get this song out in the open. All we hope for is for this song to get some much deserved air time and eventually an official release."

this could be really really cool (for us at least) if we get this song noticed by a few radio stations. i really think we should try to get this done.

This sounds like a great idea, but where in the booklet is Mercy's lyrics listed?

EDIT-Sorry, I didn't read GAGV's post... :wink:

And can somebody send me Mercy? I had it once but cleaned out my hard drive the next day and never really listened to it...
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It's a cool idea but like most others I have doubts about it... my main concern is that if the song gets leaked, U2 will abandon it. As it is now I think it's alright - only the diehards have it, and the diehards are going to buy everything that has the name "U2" on it anyway. Ask your average U2 fan (not on here obviously) and they probably don't even know the song... although even if it did get pirate (YARR!!) station play it would probably be limited to "underground" stations in a few choice cool cities. Also... am I the only one that doesn't see Mercy as a potential single? It's one of the best songs U2 has ever done, but it's not really radio-friendly. It's long and there's nothing to hook the average listener right away. Bad was never a radio hit, was it? (was it even a single?) and even if it was those were different times... now it's a miracle songs like COBL are getting played at all. I'm sorry if I'm rambling, but my point is no way Mercy would ever make it to mainstream radio in the state it's in. Some of the cool stations maybe, but not the stations that are playing Kelly Clarkson and Usher.

Whatever happens, I hope this song is on the next album...and it'd be great if they played it on the 3rd leg :drool: it will never happen but I would die happy if they played it in Cleveland.
It is unlikely that a radiostation would add it to their playlist.

Every time a track is played, the station has to log it so that royalties can be played..

Each track has it's own unique code which identifies it, but as Mercy hasn't been released it won't have one.

It may get played by a rogue dj on the offchance they won't get caught though, but certainly not on a regular basis.

(iId be intrested to know though if the unreleased tracks on the ipod have prs logging codes or not though - if they do, then they could be played)
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You can buy Mercy on a cd in Dublin, its HTDAAB + Mercy and its 30 euro, this shop plays the cd's it has in there, and it played Mercy one day when i was in there, so i don't need to hear it on the radio because i have heard it being piped into a shop, at full volume it was great.
What's being overlooked in all this discussion is that Mercy can only go downhill. Yeah, it might be cleaned up (I'm sure the master tape sounds far better than what we're hearing), but improved? Doubtful. I'm of the mind that when the band revisits material they either water it down or ruin it. Some people like the "new mixes" or whatever but many don't.

In response to GAGV's post, this is not the band on the cusp of a new frontier. While they may not be done experimenting, there's not much they could try that would surprise at this point. They certainly aren't going to do anything stranger than Passengers, or even Zooropa. So I don't know that leaking Mercy would cause some domino effect that will prevent us from hearing some groundbreaking masterpiece. Mercy is so loved because it reminds people of what they feel is U2 at the peak of their powers. It's VERY reminiscent of Achtung Baby.

Also, I don't WANT to hear Mercy split into 3 new tracks. In my opinion, I'd be surprised if they ever record anything better than this before they retire from making music. I feel it is one of their best tracks, PERIOD, and to mess with it any further is opening a can of worms.

There are many here who trust U2 to make the best decisions in terms of their music. As much as I love HTDAAB there are many elements in the songs that I feel were missteps or overproduced. They are far from perfect. To see that happen to something as powerful as Mercy would be unbearable.

It's their music, and they have the right to do with it whatever they want. But the song is out, and thousands of people have heard it already. It's just a matter of numbers at this point. I feel like a disciple who want to shout the gospel from a hilltop. This song should be heard, IN THIS FORM, by lovers of good music everywhere. Don't leave it to the band to fuck it up.

I say let 'er rip.

lazarus said:
Mercy is so loved because it reminds people of what they feel is U2 at the peak of their powers. It's VERY reminiscent of Achtung Baby.

It's a great song, one that could have found a place on HTDAAB...would've been interesting to hear it as the final track, a vulnerable flip-side and contrast with Vertigo. The things that stand out for me are Edge's hooks near the end...super infectious and gorgeous, and Bono's Lyrics. The song's words are killer. Lazarus is right about Mercy capturing something special...I think it's a good sign for the future.
starsgoblue said:
Some people here are talking about 'Mercy' as though it belongs to them. It doesn't. 'Nuff said.

:up: Well said....Mercy is U2's gem, and it's not for us to take ownership of or exploit. I do have it on my mp3 player, so maybe I'm a bit of a hypocrite...but I think there's a difference in 'us' having it and forcing radio to play it.
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