The Happy Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Feb 5, 2004
It has been kind of a rough week for me, and from the sounds of it, for a lot of us PLEBAns. I know that I am more pessimistic then optimistic, and I usually tend to see the down side of things or envision the worst-case scenario.

I'm trying to change, if for no other reason then my own well-being. So, having said that, I thought we could post something positive that happened to us today, this week or whenever. I'm not suggesting that we stop sharing the downside of our lives, we all have our problems, and we need to talk about them.

I know it?s a little corny, but how 'bout it? Big, small, or anything any between, what was positive, happy or exciting things are happening in your life?

I'll start....

I finally played a barre chord on my guitar.

I quit smoking! Nicotine-free since Monday.
My dog didn't poop on the carpet once this week.:dance: Seriously, this is a big deal at our house.

Congrats on the no smoking. I need to quit again.
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LOL, well, that's good, u2granny :D :up:.

Good idea for a thread, ylimeU2-and congrats to you on both the things you accomplished this week. :applaud:.

Let's see, good things that happened to me this week...

Tuesday night, we were supposed to get some really, really nasty storms here, but thankfully, it never got as bad as they thought it would.

I've heard some of my favorite songs on the radio and on TV lately-it's always nice to know that there are certain songs out there that will never fail to put a smile on your face when they're played somewhere :).

My sister didn't have to work this week, so I got to hang out with her for the last few days, which was fun.

After some guy on another board was treating me kinda harshly earlier this week, a couple of other guys came to my defense and one later sent me a thing asking if I was doing okay. :).

There's a few good things I can think of.

Moonlit_Angel said:

My sister didn't have to work this week, so I got to hang out with her for the last few days, which was fun.

Sisters are cool :yes: My sister and I went out to dinner tonight (she's a teacher and this was her first week back at work, so we are resuming our "friday night dinners where we catch up on our week" outings :lol: ) We had a good time :)

and congrats on the no smoking ylime :yes:
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I was told that the time and effort that I put into developing one of my team members played a great deal in her promotion and I had done a great job in doing so.

My best friend actually showed interest in how my day was going at work knowing that it is a crazy weekend for me. It was nice to check my email at work and see that.
- tomorrow I'm leaving for two weeks at the lake


- some people came over just now and got the ugly ass orange and brown couch out of my basement and it's gone forever :D

- my landlord says my kitty can stay

- this morning was payday so I can finally pay the electric bill

- I cleaned the entire house (I'm talking scrubbing the walls and baseboards even) and it looks nice

- I got to sleep in past 7am for the first time in a long time
I paid off my allergy dr yesterday. I owed over $2000.00 over the past few years due to being unemployed 3 times in three years leaving me with no health insurance while out of work. I gave them the final $85.34 of that bill yesterday.

I LOVE my new job I started 2 months ago. The whole situation is too good to be true and I actually like going to work everyday.

Kariann and Schmeg are coming to stay with me next weekend!!!!!!! :hyper: I cannot wait!

The "4 horsemen" on Big Brother 5 were split up. They bug the crap out of me...except Drew :drool:

I made no plans at all this weekend and I plan on watching a ton of U2 videos and going to my favorite lake for a walk.
The rain finally stopped and the mud is starting to dry up and it was beautiful and in the mid 70's with no smothering humidity for the first time in ages!

My kitties love me!

I'm going to the mountains tommorrow!
:applaud: to everyone for all the good things that have happened to them. And may all those who have plans in the near future have a wonderful time. :).

kellyahern said:
Sisters are cool :yes:

Indeed they are. My sister and I have a really close bond-she knows me so well, and I can talk to her about pretty much anything. :). I particularly like it when we sit around talking about the kinds of guys we like-I like hearing her commentary on the kinds of people I like because she's always so funny about it (we are so opposite in that aspect (come to think of it, we're opposite in a lot of other aspects, too...)-very rarely do her and I ever find the same kinds of guys cute :D), and it's also fun to just talk about other random, nonsense stuff, too, or to listen to music or whatever.

Originally posted by kellyahern
My sister and I went out to dinner tonight (she's a teacher and this was her first week back at work, so we are resuming our "friday night dinners where we catch up on our week" outings :lol: ) We had a good time :)

That's awesome-sounds like fun. :up:.

I went to my first Hothouse Flowers gig yesterday! Wauh, that was some experience!

I only knew the lyrics to 2 songs, but I got to stand in the first line right infront of the middle of the stage... ( :shifty: :reject: ) ...and infront of the lead-singer! :love: He looked in my direction and smiled several times - he just looked so happy and :cute: that it made me happy and smile too... I was just a little embarassed every time he did it, 'cause I wasn't singing along to any of the songs, since I didn't knew the lyrics :reject:
...but they must have liked the audience (I think all the Irish in town were there! :lol: ), 'cause normally the bands only play for 1 hour with encore and everything (it's not "real" concerts but "friday-rock" in the old amusement-park), but they played for 2 hours ... with the lead-singer in wide open shirt through most of the concert! :drool: (Look out Bono! :sexywink: !)

Their music and preformance really cheered me up after a pretty lousy shopping-day, where everything I was looking for was either sold out or not availabe in the right size, coulor etc... :grumpy:
I went to my favorite restaurant last night to celebrate getting through a really tough week. It's a Greek place you have to go to early to get a parking place. Yum! Speaking of Greece, I'm also looking forward to the Olympics.
verte76 said:
I went to my favorite restaurant last night to celebrate getting through a really tough week. It's a Greek place you have to go to early to get a parking place. Yum! Speaking of Greece, I'm also looking forward to the Olympics.

Greek food - I love it! :drool:

... and I'm also looking very much forward to The Olympics :hyper: - crossing my fingers that we're taking some medals with us home from Greece! :yes: :applaud:
I made no plans at all today. I've been on the go since 4th of July weekend and I'm a one tired girl.

I did some shopping then I picked up a veggie burrito for dinner from Chipotle :drool: and I rented a movie that I'm going to watch after Big Brother tonight.

My day all alone made me incredibly happy. :yes:
I'm talking on the phone to a friend of mine from college, who I'm going to see on Monday morning for the first time in years!!!

My latest writing project is done...just a little proofreading and then shipping...yay!!!
happy events?... :hmm:

I presented the EP of my band officially on a radio station, and soon I have 2 gigs... I'm excited :hyper:


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