The animal in you... Take the test!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Oct 8, 2001
Another Time, Another Place, in The Electric Co. ;

I'm a:

Genera and species: Felis Sylvestris
Collective Term: A clowder of wildcats

Wildcat personalities do not differ substantially from their domestic cousins Felis Domesiticus and exhibit the aloof behavior that is common to all felines. With their well-deserved reputations as creatures of comfort, wildcats jealously guard their independence while indulging in the finer things in life. Attractive, solitary, creative, and curious, these individuals are quite happy to observe the world from a distance.

The wildcat would never take a conventional route, preferring to explore life from off the beaten track -- relying heavily on its instincts and powers of observation to guide it safely through the jungle. Its air of indifference and need for privacy keeps it on the outskirts of society, but its love for comfort always brings it back

The wildcat differs from its lion relatives in its approach to its social structure. With an aversion to the complex family organization of the lion, the wildcat finds freedom and self-indulgence to be far more compelling. So as a natural explorer, it disdains staying in one place for long, preferring the freedom of solitary roaming. in exotic locales. This wanderlust makes it ideal for a career as a travel agent, explorer, mountain climber, researcher or writer.

It's difficult to really know cats. Although they make little attempt to disguise their emotions, their communication style is somewhat abstract. They readily display their disgust and boredom as it stalk off to spend solitary time sulking. Usually however, they return to the place that offers them security and creature comforts. Close alliances are formed with others that share their eremitic and wandering ways. Horse and deer, and tiger personalities are good candidates as soul mates, while gorillas provide them with much appreciated security.

Wildcats are also incorrigible flirts and their feline mannerisms are attractive to members of the opposite sex. As a result, wildcats almost always get what they want -- plenty of pampering without the nuisance of a long-term mate. And making love to one is more than just a lot of hissing and scratching, for it is a curious lover whose tendency to get lost in the moment guarantees an unpredictable encounter.

Because of the wildcat's tendency to protect its independence, it can be difficult to get it to talk about personal issues. But when it comes to matters of the world, the wildcat loves a challenging debate. It is thoughtful and insightful on neutral themes, but when things get personal . . . logic flies out the window with the cat close on its heels.

Careers and Hobbies
Explorer Dancer
Travel agent Researcher

Traveling Massages
Shopping Dancing

Famous Wildcats
Michele Pfeifer, Heather Locklear

One word: WOW
I'm either a bison or a penguin. I may also be an owl.

"Hallelujah, Heaven's white rose,
The doors you open...I just can't close..."
turns out Im a:


Pity the cold-blooded snakes. Without arms, wings or flippers, they are forced to slink through life in a solitary quest for warmth and acceptance. Shy and insecure, they must keep a low profile to avoid the disapproving glances and teasing of others. Of course, their poisonous wit and quick tongues help to keep tormentors at bay.

As a child its small frame was no defense against the taunts of the playground bullies, so its sharply vicious attacks were adopted as means of protection. Snakes have no illusions about getting breaks in life and while they see doors opening for others, they have resigned themselves to staying in their lowly, entry level positions. So don't try and humor the snake, for it has reconciled itself to its subservient position.

With their intimate connection to the earth and their unique perspective on life, snakes have learned to express themselves through their art. Whether writers, moviemakers or painters, they are obsessively meticulous about their craft. Every now and then, one makes an impact on the art world and is thrust into the spotlight. But the snake recoils from the glare of publicity, and its behavior becomes even more erratic than usual. Woody Allen, the proverbial snake, comes to mind.

In winter, the cold-blooded snake is miserable. It just can't cope in the low temperature that seeps in through its thin skin, affecting its mood and sapping its energy. Prone to colds and flu, they are pathetic sights as they snivel and cough throughout the season. But when summer returns with its warmth and light, the snakes' moods brighten and their spirits soar.

Snakes are not fussy about their choice of jobs. As cold blooded personalities they perform best when given warmth and kindness and will accept almost any job, provided they feel secure and trusted. However, if they feel mistrusted, they live up to their reputation and return the disloyalty. Consequently, they are often relegated to menial jobs in the fast-food industry or as unskilled labor.

It's not easy for snakes to disguise themselves. Even their speech betrays their reptilian heritage -- for snakes often have a slight lisp or stutter. This doesn't do much to help their self-esteem and they're more likely to spend their evenings quietly at home, than boogying down in a nightclub.

For all their vulnerabilities, snakes exude mysterious sexual ooze that seeps into the senses of even the most discriminating people. This is not love that we're talking about -- it's a deep reptilian desire for forbidden fruit -- of which we are all familiar.

Careers and Hobbies
Writer Artist
Psychoanalyst Food industry

Swimming Philosophy
Sculpture Debating

Famous Snakes
Woody Allen.

PAH!!!! I wanted to be a speedy little Puma!!!!!!!!!!!
You are either a Walrus or a Mountain Goat personality.
But you may also be a Porcupine personality.
Genera and species: Odobenus Rosmarus
Collective Term: A suet of walrus
These superficially benign individuals are usually easy to recognize. When you think of walruses, think of those large people sunning their perfectly rounded bellies at the beach. Or just think of Wilford Brimley. Either way, the walrus is that ruddy uncle at the family reunion, who dispenses charm and off-color jokes like donuts.

Aah donuts! Walruses have an unrelenting sweet tooth and a weakness for home cooking, and though they might seem comfortable with their roly-poly physiques -- one shouldn't overdo the teasing. Underneath that thick skin is a surprisingly sensitive spirit. But still, it's difficult to embarrass a walrus. Nothing in life is taken so seriously that it cannot be laughed at. Its infectious love for life contaminates everyone who has unprotected encounters with this hearty beast.

Walruses are not to be trifled with however, and as good-natured as they appear, they can be cantankerous and aggressive when slighted. Mostly however, their bark is worse than their bite and their big-hearted natures soon reassert themselves.

Although it is accustomed to large groups of people, the walrus is self-contained and respects the privacy of others. It is happiest when surrounded by the comforts of home and feels little need to travel far afield. For all their carefree mannerisms, walruses are dependable and forthright, and people are attracted to their consistent and predictable personalities. A walrus friend can always be counted on to dish out a loan or lend a hand.

Walruses don't shower their lovers with gifts, but communicate their feelings with demonstrative hugs and sloppy kisses instead. Their biggest asset is their hearty laugh; a generous, deep-bellied guffaw that can disarm even the most cynical, and with such an engaging disposition it's easy to see why walruses are so effective in their social lives. In the bedroom, the assessment is not quite so encouraging. With their belief that affection can substitute for physical contact, they tend to be lazy and indifferent to their partners' sexual needs.

Walruses not natural communicators and prefer to let their actions speak for themselves. But when pushed to disclose their feelings, they will reveal the naked truth. When they've achieved closeness with that special someone, they throw open the hatches and reveal a genuinely loving soul.


Mountain goat
Genera and species: Ovis Musimo
Collective Term: A trip of mountain goats

There's a great deal of similarity between the mountain goat and its fellow ungulate the sheep. But this enigmatic creature stands out from the crowd with its unique combination of alertness, generosity and unassuming charm. For the mountain goat is a loner. An edgy, introverted soul.who abhors crowds and puts is nimble legs to work in the great outdoors.

If you're looking for a scout guide or hiking partner, this sure-footed beast is an ideal choice. However, its talents as a leader are suspect. Because of its solitary existence, it does not have the insight into human behavior that is required for leadership. Mountain goats are not risk takers and need to feel solid ground beneath their feet before making any major decision. Mia Farrow is an exemplary mountain goat who manages to maintain her balance while snakes and rockfalls threaten to dislodge her grip on life.

The mountain goat's desire to find a mate can lure it from its solitary hideout, and it seeks partners with strong personalities that promise protection in an unfriendly world. However, when choosing a mate, it will quickly withdraws if it fails to get a commitment. This behavior is often interpreted as desperation and some relationships are doomed before they get off the ground.

A relationship with a mountain goat is an exercise in ups and downs. Even though its emotional fragility causes the premature death of many love affairs, provide its partner remains faithful, the mountain goat will honor it with commitment and fidelity. For mountain goats are unconditional with their love and try hard to make their relationships work. This species of ungulates has a special relationship with the eagle with whom it shares a common mountain perspective.

Genera and species: Hystrix Cristata
Collective Term: A prickle of porcupines
Porcupines are physically small individuals with an over-abundance of attitude. Probably due to their lack of self-esteem, they have a tendency to seek comfort by putting others down, and wit, sarcasm, and ridicule are the primary weapons of its oftentimes disagreeable personality. In defense of the porcupine's actions, its barbs are not designed to cause permanent harm. Instead, they're intended as a preemptive attack to protect its own sensitive feelings, and if anyone is wounded by its thorny words, the porcupine is quick to come to its victim's aid. The porcupine displays the characteristically sharp mind and opportunistic lifestyle of the rodent personalities, but unable to function successfully in social situations, it is limited in its career choices and is rarely found in sales or management positions. Of course, a job like postal worker, DMV employee, and IRS agent, matches its prickly personality perfectly.

Like other rodent personalities, porcupines are opportunists and are resourceful and creative in their endeavors. Adept at taking advantage of others' mistakes, they are the first to jump on the bandwagon when an opportunity arises. With their consciously minimalist lifestyle, their financial needs are limited to the bare essentials of living and their homes are unadorned but functional. Unambiguous loners, porcupines prefer jobs that reward individual effort -- avoiding manual labor or work that demands mental concentration. However, if it's lucky enough to find a job that requires a biting tongue, it performs above the call of duty.

If there were two words that summarized the porcupine lover, they would be use protection! For in the bedroom, the porcupine tends to be a little too curious and explorative. For them, sex is a gala event that should be spiced with all manner of strange toys and odd positions. Nocturnal animals, they prefer the safety of their homes or small offices during the day, and most of their social connections take place at night, when they wander off to seek the companionship of the opposite sex. But their caustic wit and defensive posture puts others on their guard and they often return alone.

It can be painful to get close to a porcupine and only those who have earned its trust can endure an intimate relationship. It is comfortable and secure in the company of mice and mole personalities, but should fastidiously avoid the companionship of larger carnivores like bears, foxes and wolves.

so uh really im a freak

Genera and species: Gallus Gallus
Collective Term: A brood of roosters


Roosters are those talented, creative, but somewhat eccentric people who make life interesting for the rest of us. Their bird-like minds are always on the lookout for stimulation and roosters display the characteristically high-energy behavior of their species. They are artistic, creative, and sophisticated with a thorough knowledge of fine wines, cooking, writing, theater and painting. Subscribing to the early bird maxim, roosters rise a little earlier than their competition and could even be accused of having their fingers in too many pies. For the world is so fascinating to the rooster, that settling down into any one career would be impossibly constricting. Unfortunately, their earning potential can suffer in a competitive world that rewards specialization. But, roosters will succeed when they choose a career that presents a variety of challenges, such as medicine, publishing, journalism, or acting.

There's a touch of glamour in everything the rooster does -- for settling for less would be exasperating to the rooster's essence. Why take the train if you can fly? This philosophy pervades its personal life, for the rooster proves to be a perfectionist in the bedroom too. Of course, roosters are not above crowing a little, if they feel that their efforts have gone unnoticed. But in the long run, partners have few complaints holding their rooster lover in the highest regard as paramour.

Their ideal mates include peacocks who are attracted to their strong demeanor and flashy style. They are incorrigible flirts and although successful in attracting mates, their egos sometimes drive potential partners away. When sufficiently motivated by the right partner however, the rooster will generally find a way to make the relationship work.

As a parent, it is fussy and attentive. Like the proverbial brooding hen, it is involved with every aspect of its children's lives; including their dress and company they keep; some even accuse the rooster of being overprotective. Although its children might resent their parent's interference, they learn to appreciate their concerns as they mature. The more reserved animal personalities such as bats, bison and moles find them to be fussy and bossy, and snake and canine personalities should be studiously avoided.

A rooster will not be silent while there's breath in its body and although its powerful voice tends to be on the shrill side -- when it calls for action, everyone responds. Fuelled by resentment of their brazen style, these saucy birds hear a lot of unkind remarks from members of their own species and these barbs tear at their self-esteem. But when things look bleak, they stick to their guns, redouble their efforts, and live by the motto: if at first you don't suck seed, try drier grain.

Careers and Hobbies
Broadcaster Insurance agent
Medical Actor
Editor Journalist

Eating out Socializing
Shopping Music

Famous Roosters
PT Barnum, Dennis Rodman, The artist formerly known as Prince.

I'm only asking, but I think you know.

"This is so bad it's gone way past good and back to bad again." - Enid, Ghost World.

Genera and species: Sorex Araneus
Collective Term: A lament of shrews
The diminutive shrew is the archetypal insectivore. Intelligent, thrifty and self absorbed, it knows how to get what it wants -- regardless of who stands in its way. Cursed with an overactive metabolism, the shrew is unable to stand still for even a minute. Whether it's picking up the kids, shopping at a garage sale, or poking its nose into other people's business -- it just keeps going and going. If their outa my way attitude provokes resentment from its friends, that's just too bad. A shrew's gotta do what a shrew's gotta do. Think Tammy Faye Baker.

Their sharp eyes have a knack for spotting the hole in the fence, and with their ability to make instant decisions, they impetuously seize the moment and scuttle on through. Their smart mouths and high energy are put good use in the workplace, and they excel as salespeople and journalists. But sometimes their reputation precedes them and they find a built-in resistance to their pitch even before they've opened their mouths.

The shrew can be a demanding, high maintenance individual whose obsession for resources dominates its life. Although it has a reputation for being bloodthirsty and vicious, these labels are not entirely accurate, since it is rarely aggressive and its attacks are limited to a shrill verbal assault in the form of an incessant whining. Without the time to take other people's feelings into account, it creates a number of enemies as it blazes busily through life. Consequently, it needs to be wary of the vicious claws of the feline personalities and the clumsy but powerful canines.

With its devilish sense of humor, the shrew will romance you with its witticisms and inspire you with its insights. The shrew has an enviable set of bedpost notches, for when it comes to chatting up the opposite sex, they are exceptionally persuasive. They pride themselves on being able to talk anyone into a fling -- especially those torrid encounters of which the shrew is so fond. With no qualms about telling white lies, they have become so adept at these little falsehoods that they're prone to believing in them themselves. There's something about a shrew's sexuality that makes it seem younger than it really is. Perhaps it's their bright eyes, glossy hair, or excess makeup, but more likely it's their high energy level that reminds us of our youth.

As a parent, the shrew places a high value on its family's comfort and security, schlepping its kids around and involving itself in every aspect of their lives. Its tendency to be overbearing and pushy with its children, can breed resentment when they reach adulthood.

The shrew's scattered thought processes make it an awkward dinner partner. Unbound by logic and unfettered by reason, its thoughts tumble out in a string of disconnected words -- making for amusing but disconcerting conversation. But, when it comes to issues of the heart, shrews rarely shoot from the hip. So, when a shrew appears self-absorbed and uncommunicative, it is generally a symptom of an impending emotional showdown.

Careers and Hobbies
Journalist Production Assistant
Paramedic Librarian
Salesperson Actor

Travelling Computing
Housekeeping Thrift store shopping

Famous Shrews
Leona Helmsley, Tammy Faye Baker.

Vorsprung durch Technik

Genera: Pteropus
Collective Term: A cauldron of bats
This is a decidedly unconformist creature, for as an airborne personality, the bat tends to look down at the conventions of the ground animals. And yet, since it is not a true bird and having not mastered the art of smooth controlled flight, it often appears awkward in social situations. (Hence the term -- acting batty). But as compensation for this social ungainliness, many bat personalities sport a built-in radar, which enables them to intuitively read the motivations of others.

Identifying bat personalities is not difficult. Being nocturnal creatures, they come alive at night and can be spotted in underground clubs or dimly lit bars. They prefer the sanctuary of dark clothing and dark corners, and you'll never see a bat sporting a heavy tan. These are intelligent, spiritual, creative individuals who use their full range of senses (other than their poor eyesight) to carefully navigate their way through life.

Bats have a habit of flitting in and out of social situations, swooping down to interact briefly with others before quickly flying off to resume their bat lives. Unassertive and aloof, they'll take flight at the first hint of a confrontation to seek comfort in their personal spaces that are decorated in unusual but expressive ways. The bat's sixth sense gives it a number of advantages in its work, and its insightful nature enables it to understand others better than it understands itself.

In the romance department, bats are enamored with the idea of love more than they are with its colder realities. Decidedly untraditional, they are prone to flights of extraordinary fantasy -- and it's not the traditional Ken and Barbie type of romance that tickles its fancy either. It's the Bram Stoker kind: dark, moody and gothic.

Bat personalities have an enormous sense of loyalty and if you ever do a favor for a bat, it will never relax until it has paid you back. In fact, in nature, the bat is the only animal (other than man) to demonstrate true altruism when unrelated individuals will unselfishly offer food to a cave-mate without expectation anything in return. This powerful sense of quid pro quo is one of the defining characteristics of the bat personality and anyone should consider themselves lucky to be in a bat's good graces.

Bats have no strong yearning for parenthood, for the kind of ego gratification that comes with having one's own children doesn't appeal to its karmic temperament. They are instead quite content to satisfy their maternal or paternal instincts by adopting or merely baby-sitting. If they do have children, they prove to be perfunctory parents: methodical yet unconventional . Still, bats place great emphasis on ethics and morality and insist that their children be indoctrinated in the values of good citizenship.

Careers and Hobbies
Psychiatrist Artist
Social Worker Archeologist
Writer Musician
Socializing Philosophy
Clubbing Spelunking

Famous Bats
Nostradamus, Gypsy Rose Lee.

Yep that's sounds like me, SPOOKY!

I will sing, sing a new song.
How long to sing this song?
I got Beaver and Wild Dog, but they both fit so...

Description: Beavers are the workaholics of the animal world.

No animal personality places more emphasis, nor derives more self-esteem than beavers do from their careers. Organized and structured, their determined attitudes spill over into all aspects of their busy lives and they plan for the future almost unconsciously. Decisions made regarding their relationships, careers and families are methodically and practically prepared, and they are most comfortable at work or ensconced in their fastidiously decorated homes. In their spare time, beavers love to busy themselves around the house or tend their precisely manicured lawns.

The beaver is an eager lover and its relationships seem to survive the most difficult challenges, for once a beaver has made a commitment to its partner, it will move water and earth to uphold its promise. They are passionate but hardly imaginative (*note from me- not creative, I DON"T THINK SO
)in their lovemaking, for their partners' approval is too important to gamble with risky play. This makes the beaver unique amongst the water mammals who are usually willing to get their feet wet. But, even with their conservative libidos(*HAHAHAHAHAHAHH*), beavers are still attracted to casual relationships with the free-spirited aquatic dolphins, sea lions, walruses, and otters.

While others are playing, beavers are usually hard at work. They are well prepared for any eventuality and their homes are well stocked with spare water, emergency radios and survival kits. Even the beaver is not sure why it spends such energy in securing its home, but it instinctively feel more comfortable when it does.

Beaver personalities come in all shapes and sizes. Generally in good physical condition, they find time to keep fit even with their busy work schedules. Their conscientious attitudes makes them dependable as friends and a commitment from a beaver is like money in the bank.

Family life is important to beavers although they generally have few offspring. As parents, they are predictably reliable but fight a tendency to be over-controlling. By keeping a close eye on their children's progress in school, their offspring are under constant pressure to perform to the beavers' high level of expectation. As they grow older, children are expected help with supporting the family.

Beavers are patient listeners although they rarely follow advice. While they might confide in a close friend about personal issues, they usually choose to internalize their feelings instead. And a beaver wouldn't dream of confronting someone with whom it has a problem. It would much rather blow off steam by complaining behind their backs or by punishing them in subtle ways.

Wild dog
All those who meet the wild dog are struck by its energetic, demonstrative and restless behavior. This mid-sized individual differs from its domestic dog and wolf cousins in a number of notable ways: it is physically more powerful than the domestic dog, and its social structure differs dramatically from that of the lone wolf. It is difficult to describe the wild dog's personality without explaining it in terms of its pack of friends.

Thinking of bringing that new invention of yours to the market? Put a wild dog in charge. For no one can take an idea and run with it, better than this hardy individual. Its powers of endurance and canine enthusiasm make for such a powerful combination, that wild dogs are consistently amongst the highest wage earners. So why don't they simply run their own businesses and reap the rewards? Well for one thing, they don't possess the leadership and entrepreneurial talents of their canine cousins. Instead, by concentrating on relationship building and teamwork, wild dogs achieve the kind of job satisfaction that no salary can replace.

Wild dogs are highly principled individuals although they take a while before placing their trust in others. Employers should give them a lot of freedom since they do not perform well in structured environments. When it comes to stamina, they are without equal and are usually the first to arrive and the last to leave. Versatile in their skills, their sharp minds can adapt to almost any environment,

A wild dog will not overwhelm you with its beauty, nor can it match the suave style of the wolf. The wild dog is clearly a dog at heart and is willing to romp with the best of them but manages to maintain its dignity under the most demanding bedroom conditions.
Well, just like Badgirl and I turned out to be Ice Cubes in that drink test a while ago, it seems that we're both Bats this time around... My results were Bat & Beaver.
I was either a porcupine, a baboon or a beaver
none of those made me smile

Shake it, shake it, shake it
This is what mine said
Genera: Pteropus
Collective Term: A cauldron of bats
This is a decidedly unconformist creature, for as an airborne personality, the bat tends to look down at the conventions of the ground animals. And yet, since it is not a true bird and having not mastered the art of smooth controlled flight, it often appears awkward in social situations. (Hence the term -- acting batty). But as compensation for this social ungainliness, many bat personalities sport a built-in radar, which enables them to intuitively read the motivations of others.

Identifying bat personalities is not difficult. Being nocturnal creatures, they come alive at night and can be spotted in underground clubs or dimly lit bars. They prefer the sanctuary of dark clothing and dark corners, and you'll never see a bat sporting a heavy tan. These are intelligent, spiritual, creative individuals who use their full range of senses (other than their poor eyesight) to carefully navigate their way through life.

Bats have a habit of flitting in and out of social situations, swooping down to interact briefly with others before quickly flying off to resume their bat lives. Unassertive and aloof, they'll take flight at the first hint of a confrontation to seek comfort in their personal spaces that are decorated in unusual but expressive ways. The bat's sixth sense gives it a number of advantages in its work, and its insightful nature enables it to understand others better than it understands itself.

In the romance department, bats are enamored with the idea of love more than they are with its colder realities. Decidedly untraditional, they are prone to flights of extraordinary fantasy -- and it's not the traditional Ken and Barbie type of romance that tickles its fancy either. It's the Bram Stoker kind: dark, moody and gothic.

Bat personalities have an enormous sense of loyalty and if you ever do a favor for a bat, it will never relax until it has paid you back. In fact, in nature, the bat is the only animal (other than man) to demonstrate true altruism when unrelated individuals will unselfishly offer food to a cave-mate without expectation anything in return. This powerful sense of quid pro quo is one of the defining characteristics of the bat personality and anyone should consider themselves lucky to be in a bat's good graces.

Bats have no strong yearning for parenthood, for the kind of ego gratification that comes with having one's own children doesn't appeal to its karmic temperament. They are instead quite content to satisfy their maternal or paternal instincts by adopting or merely baby-sitting. If they do have children, they prove to be perfunctory parents: methodical yet unconventional . Still, bats place great emphasis on ethics and morality and insist that their children be indoctrinated in the values of good citizenship.

Careers and Hobbies
Psychiatrist Artist
Social Worker Archeologist
Writer Musician
Socializing Philosophy
Clubbing Spelunking

Art & Architecture Audiobooks Bestsellers Bargains Biographies Business Children's Christian Computers Cooking Entertainment Fantasy Fiction Health/Mind/Body History Home & Garden Horror Mysteries Nonfiction Parenting Professional & Technical Reference Religion Romance Science & Nature Sci-Fi & Fantasy Sheet Music Sports Travel Teens

Famous Bats
Nostradamus, Gypsy Rose Lee.
I think I'm a deer!!!
I dunno know, i see some of my own traits in many of these animals. And no single one fits me that closely. Oh well! I guess I'm just a freak!

This beautiful and delicate creature is a prime example of a prey species, and with few defenses(not really true of me) other than its nimble mind and agile body, it must be constantly on the lookout for danger.

Best known for their highly-strung and skittish behavior, deer are shy and demure. Because their coquettish behavior is rooted in deeply buried insecurities, they are drawn to the entertainment industry as actors and models -- for by hiding behind the mask of characters they find temporary refuge from painful elements in their own lives (VERY TRUE!!!!!). The deer's quest for a balanced life goads it into wildly emotional searches, and stability may take the form of solitude or a relationship. But more often than not, sanctuary is found in its strong spiritual beliefs.

As a deeply spiritual person with strong religious convictions(not really true), the deer spends much time in the company of like-minded individuals( not true). Deer are also habitual people-watchers and enjoy nothing better than quietly ruminating while the world goes by(not true). The outdoors is where they feel most comfortable(not really true) and they appreciate the freedom of wide open spaces where their graceful movements and love for music can express themselves(very true!).

When it comes to their work, they are not known for their stability -- often changing jobs while looking for a long-term careers(true) -- in part because their relationships with their bosses are difficult(not always true). Most bosses are larger, predatorial animal personalities and proximity to lions, warthogs and bears make them nervous. Unless they are a member of a large team of workers, the resulting tensions cause problems.

Maintaining a friendship with a deer can be hard work, for its highly-strung constitution requires constant reassurance. Deer will readily confide in close friends but prefer talking to those with whom they connect on a spiritual level; including clergy and psychics. Unfortunately, by relying too heavily on the support of others, they fail to develop their own self-help mechanisms

Constructive criticism is only acceptable if it comes from a loving partner, for the fragile deer is easily wounded. And no one should ever try to change a deer's behavior without considerable experience in psychology or diplomacy.

Careers and Hobbies
Dancer Actor
Social worker Secretary
Retail clerk Athlete

Dancing Hiking
Gymnastics Aerobics

Famous Deer
Elizabeth Taylor, Sean Young.

This really doesnt suit me as i am so hot tempered and mischievous and all.

I may also be a Cottontail or wildcat . If i change the answers a bit, i get a shrew or sea otter!

Look...look what you've done to me...You've made me poor and infamous, and I thank you...

My name is MISS MACPHISTO...I'm tired and i want to go HOME...

"Well you tell...Bonovista,that i said hello and that my codename is Belleview" - Bono before opening night of Anaheim Elevation concert

Well tonight thank God it's them, instead of you...

[This message has been edited by Miss MacPhisto (edited 03-04-2002).]

Genera and species: Panthera Tigris
Collective Term: A bolt of tigers

Tigers are handsome and powerful people with an innate self-confidence and elegance. There's a sense of immediacy and an aura of electricity that surrounds it, and when it walks into a room, something always seems about to happen. Consider the classic tiger personality of F. Lee Bailey. He expresses himself with the confidence of one who expects his orders to be unquestionably followed, and his autocratic style demands respect and commands fear. For once a tiger has found its groove, it focuses on its goal with a brightly burning intensity. Male tigers, when out of their element, are sometimes mistaken for beefcake. But when you see them in their offices wearing their power suits, you realize that you're dealing with incisive, authoritarian individuals.

As a nocturnal hunter the tiger is equipped with a great deal of street sense. Able to read people's motivations and assess situations quickly, it is blunt and to the point, commanding attention with just a whisper or a raising of its eyebrow. It demands respect and commands fear. Unlike their cat relatives, tigers enjoy sports of all kinds, with a particular affinity for water sports. They are often seen in the company of river dolphins and sea lions on a casual and socially limited basis.

With a need to dominate their partners, their passionate advances can often be too intense for those fainthearted partners, so they must choose their lovers wisely. Because of their propensity for solitude, they avoid long-lasting relationships and place little value on fidelity -- proving to be unsettled and promiscuous.

Marry it? Yes. Tame it? Never! It's hard to put one's finger on why the tiger struggles to settle down, but one theory has it that the tiger views marriage as a threat to its independence. But their emotional detachment should not be confused with a desire to avoid intimacy; for intimacy is the tiger's greatest sensual tool. By offering its lover its deeply held secrets, it adds another dimension of eroticism to its lovemaking.

However, those tigers that have been married for a while will tell you that matrimony can be quite agreeable. Perhaps then, it's their impossible search for the perfect partner that keeps them on the prowl, although more than likely, we'll never understand the dark forces that frame its fearful symmetry.

Careers and Hobbies
Trial Lawyer

Action movies
Fine clothes

Famous Tigers
Jack Nicholson, Ted Nugent, F. Lee Bailey, James Bond, Tiger Woods.
this is totally the coolest thing Ive ever seen!!

I'm either a bat or an otter, I think the bat might suit me a little better

You make yourself vulnerable to change in your life. But in the end, you've got to become the change you want to see in the world.
-the B-man

[This message has been edited by BabyGrace (edited 03-04-2002).]
I'm either a Beaver or an Owl.


Beavers are the workaholics of the animal world.

No animal personality places more emphasis, nor derives more self-esteem than beavers do from their careers. Organized and structured, their determined attitudes spill over into all aspects of their busy lives and they plan for the future almost unconsciously. Decisions made regarding their relationships, careers and families are methodically and practically prepared, and they are most comfortable at work or ensconced in their fastidiously decorated homes. In their spare time, beavers love to busy themselves around the house or tend their precisely manicured lawns.

The beaver is an eager lover and its relationships seem to survive the most difficult challenges, for once a beaver has made a commitment to its partner, it will move water and earth to uphold its promise. They are passionate but hardly imaginative in their lovemaking, for their partners' approval is too important to gamble with risky play. This makes the beaver unique amongst the water mammals who are usually willing to get their feet wet. But, even with their conservative libidos, beavers are still attracted to casual relationships with the free-spirited aquatic dolphins, sea lions, walruses, and otters.

While others are playing, beavers are usually hard at work. They are well prepared for any eventuality and their homes are well stocked with spare water, emergency radios and survival kits. Even the beaver is not sure why it spends such energy in securing its home, but it instinctively feel more comfortable when it does.

Beaver personalities come in all shapes and sizes. Generally in good physical condition, they find time to keep fit even with their busy work schedules. Their conscientious attitudes makes them dependable as friends and a commitment from a beaver is like money in the bank.

Family life is important to beavers although they generally have few offspring. As parents, they are predictably reliable but fight a tendency to be over-controlling. By keeping a close eye on their children's progress in school, their offspring are under constant pressure to perform to the beavers' high level of expectation. As they grow older, children are expected help with supporting the family.

Beavers are patient listeners although they rarely follow advice. While they might confide in a close friend about personal issues, they usually choose to internalize their feelings instead. And a beaver wouldn't dream of confronting someone with whom it has a problem. It would much rather blow off steam by complaining behind their backs or by punishing them in subtle ways.


The owl is the tranquil face of the bird personalities. A creature of great integrity, its quiet serene demeanor accords it an air of mystery and diffidence and it is known as the serene, wise observer of human society. Always well groomed, it is a noble individual with elegantly chiseled features that borders on the fine edge of beauty and homeliness. It's large eyes are often framed by handsome eyeglasses.

But like all birds, the owl has a penchant for remaining above the fray and can be quite eccentric in maintaining their individuality. With a tendency to lose themselves in the pursuit of knowledge, owls are prone to disconnect with the relationships that are so important to them. But, they are the first to admit their shortcomings and manage to disarm their critics with a genuinely humble self-appraisal. Abraham Lincoln used this technique rather effectively in his reign as president.

Owls have developed quite a reputation for intelligence but it's really their calm and insightful nature that gives this impression. Instead of an intellectual approach to life they use their deeper spiritual senses to guide them, and like their nocturnal cohort the bats, have a deeply philosophical bent.

Unlike the terrestrial creatures, the owl is not a prisoner of its sex-drive, but with its air of refined sensuality is hardly shy about throwing itself into the physical aspects of a relationship. When it focuses its sharp ardor on its lover it ignites a steamy and animated encounter. The owl views sex as a complement to its relationships and certainly not as a key component. It would do well to recognize the significance of physical affection outside the bedroom, for its partner is often starved for non-sexual reassurance.

A discussion with an owl is both enlightening and challenging. It somehow manages to spin the most mundane subjects into philosophical musings on the nature of humanity and the state of the world. While these discussions are provocative and engaging, they often obscure the real purpose of communication -- the revealing of one's heart and mind. Take heed, wise owl. Remember that sometimes things are just what they seem!

Experience is something that comes just after you need it.

Think of Coach Pat Riley when you think of the sable. Cool and confident -- if not a little over-polished -- sables are the most graceful of the herbivorous personalities. With their outstanding physical presence and successful work ethic, they enjoy the universal admiration of colleagues and friends.

There is a downside to this adulation however, for the sable sometimes feels pressured into leadership roles that it has no desire to fill, and even though it's not known to be particularly soft-hearted, it's the first person to offer a hand to someone in need.

Although they are popular individuals, their intimidating presence and impossibly high standards can create an air of arrogance and being unsympathetic with those who cannot keep up with their fast pace, they show little patience for complainers and have no time for prolonged excuses or debate. But a sable is not one to hold a grudge and though offenders are sharply rebuked, they are also quickly forgiven.

In business, sables are admired for their excellent negotiation skills and their ability to make courageous decisions. Because of the ease of which they earn money, they tend to be profligate in their spending habits and don't hesitate to spend money on leisure activities. They fiercely protect their hard earned reputation for integrity, taking pride in their ability to make business deals with just a handshake, but are cautious about giving their trust to others -- further aggravating their reputation for taking themselves too seriously.

The sable is a decidedly sexy partner. Educated and open-minded, it insists on variety in its lovemaking, which ranges from a long night of soft cuddling to a spontaneous over-the-kitchen-counter encounter. Sometimes its libido takes on a more quixotic aspect, involving adventurous fantasies and intricate scenarios. Although the sable is a romantic, it will never be accused of being a syrupy sentimentalist. It showers its lover with compliments and praise, but always manages to keep a sincere tone to its flattery. The stable sable often chooses to live with its partner before committing to a life of monogamy, and by bringing all its worldly experience to the union, the marriage is almost certain to succeed.

Careers and Hobbies
Financier Stockbroker
Manager CEO

Fast cars Team sports
Fine art Music

Famous Sables
Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Brooke Shields, Pierce Brosnan, George Washington.

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