Thank God "Vertigo" wasn't connected to "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"

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Jun 24, 2000
Thank God "Vertigo" wasn't connected to "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"

I just saw this movie and I'm not kidding when I say it's one of the worst films of all time. That's not an exaggeration. I heard there were rumours saying U2's "Vertigo" was to be a theme song to this movie, and thank goodness it's NOT.

I wonder if the band saw the movie and decided it sucked?
:madspit: That movie is great!

...but regardless, I wouldn't have wanted the first U2 single connected to any film, even "Spider-Man 2" :shifty:
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm glad the song wasn't included because the film is set in the '30s or '40s. A punkish rock tune would sound totally out of place - even over the end credits. I hate it when music from a movie doesn't match the time period. The Hands That Built America was different - that wasn't a rock song, and the mood fit beautifully with the movie Gangs of New York.
You people are MAD! lol...It was so corny, so contrived, so blatantly unoriginal that I couldn't stop laughing. Seriously, the 4 other people with me couldn't stop laughing either. It was so funny we ended up staying through the second half, but definantly not worth the $9 we spent on it.
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