Swampy Summit, Otago Superthread

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If Wales keep their gameplan they'll win walking away. We're awful.

We looked fucking exciting in the first quarter of the game. But we're closing down now and failing to break the line. And our defence is a bit leaky for my liking.
That sounds like me. Basic is a term, not a reality.

Fuck I wish I had enough drugs to justify that statement.

It, to me, is actually very fine to visit pretty "obvious" places. it started to bother how "basic" people are after hanging out with my hipster friends in college. i guess US changed me.
Mind we played Ireland a few years ago, got away 17-16 in Christchurch then won 60-0 the next week.

Remember that time a couple of years back when we beat them in Dublin with that ridiculous retaken conversion after the siren? Unbelievable case of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
We took a draw to a win. I couldn't believe it.

Even getting that try to take it to a draw was miraculous enough. I didn't see the game live, but even knowing what happens I find the footage to be edge of my seat stuff.
Oh fuck off that's not forward!

Wayne Barnes have you ever known what a forward pass is?!
I swear to god every game Barnes officiates he gets something wrong with a forward pass.
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