Stuff I love part, err, 33.333333333333

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I love to paint. I've always been wired to be creative and painting just feels so gooood. It's like my brain is doing this: :drool:

I fucking love the interwebz. So much awesome shit out there.
I love that even though I have a 6 hour train journey tomorrow it means I am going home :up: A change of scenery is definitely what I need right now.
I :heart: that the autistic boy in my program trusts me enough to confide in me. He asked me today "Have you ever felt so stressed out that you thought your head was going to burst?" I told him that I have. He admitted that he lost control of himself and said some things he shouldn't have. He then continued on to explain that he apologized, and looked for reassurance from me, which I of course gave him. Then he said " I need a drink." He is in grade 6. It made me laugh. I asked him what he meant, and he said " I want a drink of juice." How he said it was just so funny. Sounded exactly like me when I get stressed.:crack:

Moral of the story? I may not have the best self confidence in the world, but when it comes to my job and relating to kids, I am really good at what I do!:wink:
^ shiny pretty things :cute:

< set list party's :heart: that there was a stellar live feed was the icing on my favourite kind of blue craic cake :heart: :heart: . . . throw in a crystal clear boot, which is weaving it's magic in the background now, and well, shoot ~ I could almost be the happiest chickadee in the world :loveshower:

(said bootleg is definitely taking the sting out of the crap I'm doing for work on this sunny Sunday morning :) )
My son learning how important teamwork is! His hockey team played together so well today. No one person stood out. The team stood out as a whole!:heart::heart::heart:
i love that i finally pulled myself together and went to the hairdresser! i got a niiiiice one that i actually like :) even got some compliments today! and i now have a fringe (i last had it about 20 years ago!)
must learn how to use this thing called hairspray though since this gives even more better effect! ah, guess i'll learn by the time when the first bottle is empty :lol:
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