Stuff I love part, err, 33.333333333333

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yay for Mr Purrl and I hope you don't come down with it either Purrl . .. btw, I'm stealing barfenpukenkrappenpantzer . . . LOVE it!

My siblings and I coined that word based on the name of a rollercoaster at King's Dominion amusement park in Virginia--I can't even remember the name of it, something like Zietgeist?

Today I went shopping and bought a gallon of GatorAde, three two-litre bottles of Fresca, 10 cans of chicken noodle soup, and a 12-package of double rolls of toilet paper. I hope I don't get it, too! :huh:
Today I went shopping and bought a gallon of GatorAde, three two-litre bottles of Fresca, 10 cans of chicken noodle soup, and a 12-package of double rolls of toilet paper. I hope I don't get it, too! :huh:

That's something you love? :giggle:

Hope he gets well soon, and that you don't get it!:hug: (that's a very distant hug, as I don't want to make you sick either ;))
That's something you love? :giggle:

Hope he gets well soon, and that you don't get it!:hug: (that's a very distant hug, as I don't want to make you sick either ;))

Thanks, GG--I probably put that in the wrong thread. :reject: So far, so good, though.

I love the movie "Jurassic Park"--I'll never forget the first time I saw it. ♥
Getting caught up on homework finally; it's a relief.

Also, Jimmy Page and mandolin. A good combination.

And, finally not being shy in class today; I was too tired :) It was unexpected and pretty great.
Echo & the Bunnymen. Making me feel a little better ;)

And, my mom for being patient and not spontaneously combusting from everything that's going on
Randomly finding awesome stuff in the library. :loveshower:

This means nothing to many, but Walker Percy. Khalil Gibran. C.S. Lewis (oh that one means a lot, haaaha).

My city library system rocks. I knew I came to Utah for a reason. Utahns apparently :heart::heart::heart: awesome books. Madly, lol.

my clever friend and her pretty birds, they'll be gracing the walls of my place soon


I already have the missing two :)
Good art :) I got a calendar from an art school I applied to, unexpectedly in the mail, and it's preeeetty!
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