Stuff I love part, err, 33.333333333333

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ooh - Tomorrow night's the big night, right? Hope you're feeling up to it, whatever "it" turns out to be.

:uhoh: Yup. I already confirmed that he's crashing here, so that makes me a little bit nervous. If it turns out I got the signals wrong it may be very very awkward.

But if I'm right... and we're not too drunk.. could be fun.. :shifty:
So you can kick back and watch the AFL Footy Show! :D

smart arse :p . . . why would I stick around for that monstrosity whilst am currently suffering through the dribbling and back slapping of the NSW variety :scream:

coming home from a long day at work, and a good samaritan effort afterwards...and being smugly satisfied.

glad i was wearing work clothes i didn't pay for...

nice one . .. smug self-satisfaction is highly underrated :)

but I gotta throw in an OH NOEZ, NOT THE SUIT! :wink:
Going out for supper with a bunch of coworkers and having an absolute blast. :hyper:I love that I like them so much that I want to see them outside of work. :up:
MrPurrl appears to be recovering from the Barfenpukenkrappenpantzer that he's suffered with the past few days. He was one sick man for a while.

Sure hope I don't get it, too!
just go with it, you looked hot :D


Falling asleep listening to music


Talking for an hour and a half with my best friend, on the grass in the park :) It's been a while...


Going out for supper with a bunch of coworkers and having an absolute blast. :hyper:I love that I like them so much that I want to see them outside of work. :up:

:up: you are lucky you know :)

MrPurrl appears to be recovering from the Barfenpukenkrappenpantzer that he's suffered with the past few days. He was one sick man for a while.

Sure hope I don't get it, too!

yay for Mr Purrl and I hope you don't come down with it either Purrl . .. btw, I'm stealing barfenpukenkrappenpantzer . . . LOVE it!

< feeling like a proper grown up . . . bought our first honest to goodness grown up television today (have survived on tv's thus far that have been hand me downs', presents or prizes :D) and I know it's shallow, but , ooooosh it's pretty :)
:lmao: Barfenpukenkrappenpantzer? That sounds awesome, even though I know I wouldn't want to have it!

For some reason I read it with a German accent...

I now have this in my head


:lol: thanks GG, have a gorgeous one lovely and get better :)
Just having a talk with a friend, and she says it's apparently obvious that me and the boy like each other. And that the girl who's like a sister to him noticed too. They're both going to help me. :heart:
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