still no statement from u2!!

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Nov 1, 2002
I got chopped down to bits a couple of days ago for saying that a member from u2 should have made a statement (generic would have been fine) about the postponement and not just the promoter. Well, it's been two days and still nothing. I know most people here think that u2 are Gods but this is not acceptable in my books. Before all you northern hemisphere fans who have all been very lucky over the years to see u2 a few times start firing with your insults, think about the fans here such as myself who queued up for 15 hours on two separate nights to get the tickets. I have no problems with the postponement, as I would do the same thing if I was in Edge’s position, but we at least deserve to be kept updated by one of the band members on this issue. It only takes a minute for a band member to issue a statement but it would mean the world to most of the fans.

This may come across as selfish to most of the ‘holier than thou’ posters over here, but let's face it; we are all selfish to some extent. Children are dying every day, and most of us don't shed a tear and just get along with our selfish lives, so I don't see how this is any different. Anyway, this is my take. Let the insults begin!
Re: Re: still no statement from u2!!

Sicy said:

Are you purposely posting this to get a rise out of people because this is against the rules.

nope. I'm stating my opinion which I thought was the main purpose of a discussion forum.
Of course you are more than welcome to share your opinion, but a statement like "Let the insults begin" is just encouraging trouble.
Sicy said:
Of course you are more than welcome to share your opinion, but a statement like "Let the insults begin" is just encouraging trouble.

fair enough, I apologise and take that back.
akann said:
Well, it's been two days and still nothing.
What do you want them to say?
"The tour is still postponed and we still have no new dates to announce."
That would be worthless, and a waste of the band's time, when they have far more important things to worry about.
I honestly don't understand why this is necessary. The promoter was clear and succinct - what more do you need to know?

I got overtaxed one year when I was a student. Got a letter and a refund. I didn't expect the Prime Minister to show up and hand deliver me a formal apology for heaven's sake.
Re: Re: still no statement from u2!!

cleazer said:
What do you want them to say?
"The tour is still postponed and we still have no new dates to announce."
That would be worthless, and a waste of the band's time, when they have far more important things to worry about.

Exactly. It's not the contents of the message that matters, it's a matter of showing some courtesy to half a million fans affected by this and who would appreciate a simple statement by the band. I don't consider this to be a waste of time at all.
We have an announcement from Management or whatever saying the tour is been postedponed.

Why announce something when they've got nothing to say (Edge wants to keep that matter private (and I think most of us can understand that)

At least we've been told there will be a postponment, and not all turn up to all the dates just for Kanye West :wink:
maybe they'd like some bloody privacy about the whole thing, hmm?
I mean, like cleazer said, the statement from the promoter was clear enough; I think it would just feed the press, in a way they might like to avoid, to do otherwise.
I don't feel myself to be someone unwilling to see the disappointed fans' perspective, but I really believe it's kinda inconsiderate to feel the band owes you a personal so-sorry given the circumstances!

I'm sending out "really sorry for you" vibes truly, if that helps any, to the people who had made plans, got all excited, have been waiting forever. I'd feel very very disappointed too, and I feel very very fortunate to have seen them on this tour, my first time seeing their fantastic on-stage presence. Especially fortunate because the whole tour almost didn't happen *at all* due to this issue. I honestly feel we're lucky they didn't cancel the whole thing and I just hope *we* don't have to feel bad about taking them away from their families during 2005, never mind 2006, jeez.

cheers all...
I don't know what else you want to know. Last shows postponed, immediate family of a band member is ill.

You're upset because the band hasn't said something? I can only assume they're trying to figure out what the hell is going to happen now. I doubt they even know. Have a little faith in them. This is the same reaction that happened when the tour was first postponed, then it was played out again when the ticket fiasco. Each time they made it right, or did what they could to make it right.

They'll do what they can, they must be going through hell. Call me an idiot if it makes you feel better, but I have 100% faith in them.
ramblin rose said:
You're upset because the band hasn't said something? B]

And it only has been 2 Days....I mean, thats not long enough for things to be worked out. Certianly not enough to resechdule 10 new dates , which i'm sure is not the main priority at hand.
I am sorry but this thread is a explosion waiting to happen. This is going to bring in nothing but negativity.. Not well balanced debates. I think I am going to choose to be :silent: here...:|
Re: Re: Re: still no statement from u2!!

akann said:

Exactly. It's not the contents of the message that matters, it's a matter of showing some courtesy to half a million fans affected by this and who would appreciate a simple statement by the band. I don't consider this to be a waste of time at all.
Think about that for a second. You want them to come out and say "we have nothing to say, now please leave us alone and respect our privacy". That makes no sense.
I think they'll make some sort of statement when they're good and ready. Give them a chance, for goodness sake. It's only been a couple of days.

Last time something bad happened, they made their statements and apologies, so I doubt this will be any different.

They won't let the fans down.
akann said:
I got chopped down to bits a couple of days ago for saying that a member from u2 should have made a statement (generic would have been fine) about the postponement and not just the promoter. Well, it's been two days and still nothing. I know most people here think that u2 are Gods but this is not acceptable in my books. Before all you northern hemisphere fans who have all been very lucky over the years to see u2 a few times start firing with your insults, think about the fans here such as myself who queued up for 15 hours on two separate nights to get the tickets. I have no problems with the postponement, as I would do the same thing if I was in Edge’s position, but we at least deserve to be kept updated by one of the band members on this issue. It only takes a minute for a band member to issue a statement but it would mean the world to most of the fans.

This may come across as selfish to most of the ‘holier than thou’ posters over here, but let's face it; we are all selfish to some extent. Children are dying every day, and most of us don't shed a tear and just get along with our selfish lives, so I don't see how this is any different. Anyway, this is my take. Let the insults begin!

Fuck off. If your loved one was not doing well, you'd drop everything too and just focus on them.

In the meantime, go out, and get a breath of fresh air.
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