Springsteen V ~ Super Bowl Party

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If I was a celebrity, I'd be ridiculously ripped as well.

I can make myself work out everyday, but having a trainer, and a personal chef to make all your healthy meals sure would make it all about 3x easier.
Is Springsteen a health fanatic? Does he talk about this? Why am I asking?

From what I know, he got into it in the early 80s. After the River Tour, he wasn't seen in public much till Born in the USA, and in that time period, he got jacked and surprised everyone, showing up on tour like this:

That's pretty cool. It's rare to find people who keep it up in their later years, it sure does help make people look considerably younger than they actually are.

Working out. :up:
That's pretty cool. It's rare to find people who keep it up in their later years, it sure does help make people look considerably younger than they actually are.

Working out. :up:

Oh, yeah. I think he turns 60 this year and looks younger than my 46 year old father, who is not terribly old looking.

Though the greasy hair thing isn't exactly his thing, in my opinion.
I friggin love Bruce's Telecaster. If I was a rock and roll star, that would totally be the guitar I would use.

I think it's perfect for him to have a consistent guitar like that.

Personally, my favorite guitar is Edge's Goldtop Les Paul.
I friggin love Bruce's Telecaster. If I was a rock and roll star, that would totally be the guitar I would use.

They can sound super twangy with a cleaner amp though. They're used a ton in country music. Does he use different pickups?

Bruce is playing a solo version of WOAD on The Daily Show tonight. :wink:

For those of us without cable or who are outside of the USA, it'll be on The Daily Show's website on Friday.
I'd been meaning to tell you all that I cannot stop listening to 'Badlands' for some reason. It's weird, I've had the '90's best of since it came out, and that song was on it, but I never paid much attention to it until now. Now I find myself wanting to hear it almost daily. What's the deal with that? Someone please explain. Thank you.
I'd been meaning to tell you all that I cannot stop listening to 'Badlands' for some reason. It's weird, I've had the '90's best of since it came out, and that song was on it, but I never paid much attention to it until now. Now I find myself wanting to hear it almost daily. What's the deal with that? Someone please explain. Thank you.

It's only the best song ever.

That's why.
I was the same way with Badlands. I'd heard it a few times, it was on the live compilation I'd had for a few years ... then I saw him in concert, and after that it was pretty much it for me.

BADLAAAAAAAAAANDS! You gotta live .... uh ... blahblahblahblah blah whatever the words are {/bad Springsteen fan}

I have a site bookmarked where they have a bunch of shirts with Springsteen lyrics and the one I keep intending to buy (but just haven't done yet) has the lyric "it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive."

Speaking of t-shirts with things on them, I found this while looking for that GI Joe picture and nearly fell out of my chair at work:

I was the same way with Badlands. I'd heard it a few times, it was on the live compilation I'd had for a few years ... then I saw him in concert, and after that it was pretty much it for me.

BADLAAAAAAAAAANDS! You gotta live .... uh ... blahblahblahblah blah whatever the words are {/bad Springsteen fan}

I have a site bookmarked where they have a bunch of shirts with Springsteen lyrics and the one I keep intending to buy (but just haven't done yet) has the lyric "it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive."


Badlands is an awesome song and a true Boss Springsteen classic. But these days, having had the album for so many years, I find myself skipping it and going straight to Adam Raised A Cain or Something In The Night if I ever listen to Darkness. I don't know why.

Also, it always bugged me a little bit that he rhymes "real" with "real" in the song.

Talk about a dream; try to make it real.
You wake up in the night with a fear so real.

Nitpicking, of course, and it doesn't matter at all but, yeah. That's one of the first things I think of when I think of Badlands. Oh well.

Great song, anyway. Great album.
I don't really care for Adam Raised A Cain :reject:

Give me Candy's Room over that any day of the week.

I like Adam Raised a Cain live, but on the album it's just okay.

And I have to admit - and again, this might make me a bad fan - that it took me a very long time to warm up to Candy's Room.

But I finally got it, and now I love it.
I was the same way with Badlands. I'd heard it a few times, it was on the live compilation I'd had for a few years ... then I saw him in concert, and after that it was pretty much it for me.

BADLAAAAAAAAAANDS! You gotta live .... uh ... blahblahblahblah blah whatever the words are {/bad Springsteen fan}

I have a site bookmarked where they have a bunch of shirts with Springsteen lyrics and the one I keep intending to buy (but just haven't done yet) has the lyric "it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive."


BADLANDS! You gotta live it everyday
Let the broken hearts stand as the price you gotta pay
Keep pushin' 'till it's understood
And these badlands start treatin' us good

I believe.
BADLANDS! You gotta live it everyday
Let the broken hearts stand as the price you gotta pay
Keep pushin' 'till it's understood
And these badlands start treatin' us good

I believe.

Thank you!

Every time I listen to the song I think "I Need to look up the lyrics."

And then never get around to it.
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