Songs of Innocence - Album Discussion Pt.3

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that's the point where the band came on stage, but the previous 33 pages of posts where we're all dying of anticipation and slowly increasing in rage as the apple event drags on and on are pretty great too.

if you want to really have a trip you can actually watch the apple event while following along to the thread.

this is also the last moment of momentary amazingness before the shit hit the fan.

it's also fairly clear from the banter on stage that everyone knew that the album was going to everyone. it says right on the slide "available in your itunes library."

oh, if not for the hubris, this could have been an amazing moment. alas...

also - best quote from that thread...

Bono, I apologize for calling you fat.
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I remember that day. I hated my job and took that day off. It was nice being home and posting here with everyone when the album dropped.
i had to download it onto a work ipad and couldn't listen to the entire album because my wife had the gall to be pregnant at the time and we had a birthing class. so inconsiderate to not realize U2 were going to release a surprise album at that exact moment.
I was at work. Was half-watching and half-working.

I remember thinking, at the time, that the E.T. finger touch between Bono and Tim Cook was way more cringe than the actual album release. I was all, “well that’s convenient.”

At least that’s how I remember it.
I actually cancelled a work meeting and found a pair of earbuds and locked myself in my office and listened to it. Told my team I was working on an urgent project. :lol:
i got lucky with the timing of SOI. my previous job had ended the friday prior, and i happened to have that week off before my new job started the next monday. that week i was able to listen to SOI many times with the volume way up.

i definitely did the "book a fake call into my calendar and go listen to the album in the meeting room" thing on the friday morning that SOE came out though lol.
i got lucky with the timing of SOI. my previous job had ended the friday prior, and i happened to have that week off before my new job started the next monday. that week i was able to listen to SOI many times with the volume way up.

i definitely did the "book a fake call into my calendar and go listen to the album in the meeting room" thing on the friday morning that SOE came out though lol.

Haha that's the best. I don't abuse my work freedom often, but the occasional "Sorry in an urgent meeting" is great for our "mental health". :D
I remember thinking how remarkable it was that they finished and released this album and no one knew anything. A new/surprise/free/excellent u2 album. What a gift
Agreed. Even though the backlash was painful, that very moment when they dropped the album is still one of my favorite moments of being a U2 fan ever.
Agreed. Even though the backlash was painful, that very moment when they dropped the album is still one of my favorite moments of being a U2 fan ever.

I think we all thought they’d play the new single (“sirens” we thought it was called?), and then announce like an early November release.

Which is now what I wish happened.

Couldn’t they have just put that one song on everyone’s phones? That would have had almost as much impact but been way less annoying.
I think we all thought they’d play the new single (“sirens” we thought it was called?), and then announce like an early November release.

Which is now what I wish happened.

Couldn’t they have just put that one song on everyone’s phones? That would have had almost as much impact but been way less annoying.

Pearl Jam already released Sirens, so U2 couldn't. :wink:
Had the vinyl of SOI since release,and have just listened to the crystal ballroom 12"mix. I dig!

Thanks for the heads up on the 12" mix. I just listened to it, and it's great. Some very cool bass breakdowns in there.

Still so baffled as to why this wasn't on the album. Has both a classic, yet fresh U2 sound, with hints of some Kraftwerk/Roxy feel, lyrics that fit perfectly with the theme of the album.
Thanks for the heads up on the 12" mix. I just listened to it, and it's great. Some very cool bass breakdowns in there.

Still so baffled as to why this wasn't on the album. Has both a classic, yet fresh U2 sound, with hints of some Kraftwerk/Roxy feel, lyrics that fit perfectly with the theme of the album.
Yeah, it's baffling why this song wasn't a single being honest.
Agreed. Even though the backlash was painful, that very moment when they dropped the album is still one of my favorite moments of being a U2 fan ever.

The “very moment” was equally as painful to watch.


Absolutely. I think this song or EBW should have been the first/second single. I think either way would have worked. Then maybe The Troubles as a third.
Imagine after the poor reception of NLOTH they released crystal ballroom as the first single. Gets people talking about them in a good way,and of course don't download it into everyone's iPhone!
Imagine after the poor reception of NLOTH they released crystal ballroom as the first single. Gets people talking about them in a good way,and of course don't download it into everyone's iPhone!

Yeah, obviously a wiser release method (Accept/Decline) would have made the music the actual focus. And then you hit them with TCB, that is both a great song and feels like a bit of a new sound/direction for the band and is intriguing.
Miracle isn’t horrible, just feels much better as an album cut
Absolutely. I think this song or EBW should have been the first/second single. I think either way would have worked. Then maybe The Troubles as a third.
I was listening to The Troubles the other day and had the thought that it would have made a great first single provided that they did it without spamming the entire world and all.

Talk about something unique and different.
Easily the most effective and best use of their experience to do what they want to do (“stay relevant”). If they championed more stuff like that, they could’ve been the cool dads that people work with.

yep. More Crystal Ballrooms, Sleep LIke a Baby's, and Troubles

Less SFS's, American Soul's, and Get Out's
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