SOE - Part 8 - iHeart Beach CLips

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It's a live remix. But I truly hope the song they deliver to radio is as close to this as possible. U2 wants to remain relevant they need to take more chances. Hoping that the album or single version is not a poppy, watered down version of this. Love love love the clubby, chopped vocal half way through.
Just in case there are still some that haven't caught on:

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

This is a live remix.

Thanks! xD
It's a great tune! Allright for me when it's on the album this way. Remember I"ll go crazy... That live remix version was way better than the album version for many fans. It worked out very well on the 360 stage.

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Why are we even having the discussion about if this will be on the album? We heard a snippet of the non remixed version, why would U2 put a remixed vs on the album?

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U2 supposedly made those comments to fans but are unconfirmed. It's not like they were going to tell these people the exact release date, track listing, and tour dates.

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The U2 fansites all over sure had no problem believing it.

Bono Says SOE and New Tour on the Way
U2 News: Album noch in Arbeit - neue Tour 2017? -
Bono e Adam confermano il ritorno degli U2 nel 2017 con nuovo album e nuovo tour - U2place, le notizie in italiano sugli U2

These types of brief soundbites just won't get an official or Oseary confirmation.

I am impressed if they went from "not ready yet/soon, in 6 months" talk from half the band (following "busting our ass to get it out this year" Edge comment from June. good thing Larry didn't say anything. we might have a 4th timeframe from SOE...) to "ready to go this year" in the time of mere weeks.

As for exact tour dates, release date or track listing, there's a reason why they didn't give them -- because they don't have them. When they're far along, we'll know.
The U2 fansites all over sure had no problem believing it.

Bono Says SOE and New Tour on the Way
U2 News: Album noch in Arbeit - neue Tour 2017? -
Bono e Adam confermano il ritorno degli U2 nel 2017 con nuovo album e nuovo tour - U2place, le notizie in italiano sugli U2

These types of brief soundbites just won't get an official or Oseary confirmation.

I am impressed if they went from "not ready yet/soon, in 6 months" talk from half the band (following "busting our ass to get it out this year" Edge comment from June. good thing Larry didn't say anything. we might have a 4th timeframe from SOE...) to "ready to go this year" in the time of mere weeks.

As for exact tour dates, release date or track listing, there's a reason why they didn't give them -- because they don't have them. When they're far along, we'll know.

Adam's six month comment is fair. Album is getting released in November. Roughly five months from the time of comment

Everything else is distraction/ Bono talking BS, because he's tired about getting asked about the album by every fan he meets

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Yep. I wouldn't trust what the band says. I mean, what are they supposed to say? "Yes, it will be out september 24th, but please don't tell anyone"? ;)
The U2 fansites all over sure had no problem believing it.

Bono Says SOE and New Tour on the Way

U2 News: Album noch in Arbeit - neue Tour 2017? -

Bono e Adam confermano il ritorno degli U2 nel 2017 con nuovo album e nuovo tour - U2place, le notizie in italiano sugli U2

These types of brief soundbites just won't get an official or Oseary confirmation.

I am impressed if they went from "not ready yet/soon, in 6 months" talk from half the band (following "busting our ass to get it out this year" Edge comment from June. good thing Larry didn't say anything. we might have a 4th timeframe from SOE...) to "ready to go this year" in the time of mere weeks.

As for exact tour dates, release date or track listing, there's a reason why they didn't give them -- because they don't have them. When they're far along, we'll know.

Hang on - none of the comments point to a 2017 release... The only would that could is Adam's 6 month thing - if you believe they will the Xmas sales and release early January...

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Why are we even having the discussion about if this will be on the album? We heard a snippet of the non remixed version, why would U2 put a remixed vs on the album?

Because not all of us bother to spend a lot of time listening to and analyzing a beach clip?
The album is never gonna come out at the same time as the tour. Surely at least 2-3 months before. So Adam saying "album and tour in the next 6 months" would imply to me that the album would be out 3-4 months from his statement, if the tour would be 6 months away.

And as others have said, Bono saying the album is unfinished is something we just can't use. Because when on earth is he ever going to say "oh yeah, it's done. It'll be out on x date"? They've always played it coy and gone into radio silence before a release.
We still have Dan Smee's clipfy file. Thank you good sir

There is a guitar solo we did not here in the remix. I love the crunchy in the beginning.

The beach clip still had the dance elements. Best of both worlds

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Taking down these videos seems strange. The beach clip wasn't intended to be recorded in the first place (at least not officially). But Kygo played the damn song. So why bother to take down the videos?! Could mean that U2 didn't want him to play it. So potentially just a screw up and no clever marketing strategy. Now this actually seems more like U2 :D
Let's remember again that this was Kygo's own festival, in his home town, at the conclusion of his first world tour. Apparently he had the same festival last year and it was in a hotel ballroom. This was a stadium sized festival ground.

Guy wanted to do something special. And thanks to him for doing that. But it seems like he jumped the gun.
It seems like it was planned in advance. He wouldn't be foolish enough to play it without permision, would he?
100% played with permission. I bet there is a normal release imminent. Apple keynote in 2 weeks and could be a tie in there. Visual album or single or something.
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