So who is producing this album ?

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
We have heard nothing about - or from - Rubin since the 2006 sessions that spawned Saints and Windows, and Eno and Lanois are reported to be involved in a writing capacity only.

Who is producing, then ?
U2 could be working with E&L as one big band, banging the music out. Then have Rubin come in and produce.

He likes a near finished product right?
:hmm: That could work ...

or maybe the band willl be, for the first time, producing alone ?
silvrlvr said:
I think Rubin will come riding in on a big black horse at the end of the process, like next spring.

:yes: All their ducks will be in a row by then. Rubin can just come in, move some faders back and forth, and the album will be done. :up:
I wonder if Rubin had anything to do with them going to Fez? Rubin's the type of guy that always gives a daring suggestion and then tinkers with it afterwards...
Actually, I'm producing it. And I stole Edge's guitars and keyboard, so he's playing everything on a ukulele he bought off eBay for $5.
I think Rubin is out of the picture, he hasn't been mentioned in a long time and he's got a full pallette, I think the band realized who they belong with, and it'd be great to have Eno/Lanois work on the same album.
^That's what I think too. They seemed to be going a certain way last year and all the Rubin talk. Then moved away from it and have now done the Fez stuff with E & L....their comfort zone. Who knows, but if that's the way it's going then I'm happy with it.
powerhour24 said:
I think Rubin is out of the picture, he hasn't been mentioned in a long time and he's got a full pallette, I think the band realized who they belong with, and it'd be great to have Eno/Lanois work on the same album.

He has been mentioned actually. This is what Edge said when asked about Rubin in the most recent "Fez Report" on

Last time U2.Com were in the studio with the band it was Abbey Road in London and Rick Rubin was at the helm?

We’re very excited about the material we worked on with Rick, some great songs came out of it - none of which we have played with Brian and Danny. It feels like that is a separate set of material. There were two recordings that did come out from that period on the last collection but if there is maybe not a full record there with Rick, there is the bones of a record and I think we’ll get back to that because we enjoyed working with him, he’s a very inspiring character.
I think we could likely see, once again, multiple producers. Eno/Lanois producing the tracks they've helped write, Rubin working on some songs, maybe Jacknife, Hooper and Flood on a few tracks etc.

Then again, they might want a more cohesive album, so they just might go with a single producer or single production team. If this were the case, I'd guess Eno and Lanois.
"I did three writing sessions with (Brian) Eno and U2- one in Fez Morocco; two in France." says Lanois. I thought they only worked together in Morocco - are the France sessions Eno and Lanois taking over from Rubin ?
U2girl said:
"I did three writing sessions with (Brian) Eno and U2- one in Fez Morocco; two in France." says Lanois. I thought they only worked together in Morocco - are the France sessions Eno and Lanois taking over from Rubin ?

Larry did mention it previously:

"And pretty creative, adds Larry. ‘We’ve been coming up with two or three ideas a day I guess,’ he explains. ‘It started in France when they came down to write with us a couple of months back and it will probably continue later in the year. "

So that must've been around April time I guess.
BEAL said:
U2 could be working with E&L as one big band, banging the music out. Then have Rubin come in and produce.

He likes a near finished product right?

This is also my opinion.
At the moment it looks like the band isn't actually recording yet, so there's no use yet for a producer.

And yes, Rick Rubin prefers to record artists who have the songs ready. In contrast to the usual U2 method where they jam and create songs in the studio.

Cover story on Rubin in today's NY Times Magazine. Here is a link:

You will find exactly one mention of U2 as a band he has worked with. But lots about his excitement over The Gossip.

I don't think he's involved with them at the moment. Doesn't mean he won't be, but you'd think if he was, it would be in the story.

Surprised to learn the man is only 44. Dude, the hair ages you.
My feeling says he's out. Id rather have them sticking with Lanois and Eno now then getting to many producers involved again, which might cause a delay.
sue4u2 said:
According to:
"U2’s new album is practically ‘making itself’ according to the Irish group’s producer Daniel Lanois."

edited to say: This could still be speculation on their part.

Lanois didn't say anything about producing or even recording yet at this stage. All he said was that they were getting together again in November for songwriting. I think the journalist just said producer because he has been their producer in the past.

Rubin is not "out" unless you mean potentially/probably out for the next album they release.

A summary of the Edge's recent comments would be: the Rubin sessions are separate from Eno and Lanois, and likely separate projects/albums. He NEVER gave any indication that the Rubin sessions would never be released, or that they wouldn't return to that. Right now they're more excited about the Fez sound/Eno and Lanois sound. So that album is most likely the one they are going to make their next.
I really doubt we're looking at two separate projects here, given the small amount of officially released studio material this decade I doubt we're looking at both a traditional Rubin produced album and a more out there and different Eno/Lanois/Morrocco influenced album as well. Heck, we'd be lucky if we got anything.
Interesting. I always thought that the Fez stuff was just writing in anticipation of getting the songs right before Rubin steps in. The NYT article is worth reading, BTW. He does have a lot on his plate with Columbia, but just listening to potential U2 songs and giving them feedback at this point doesn't take too long. Seems like he listens and has a gut reaction. If they are working with Rubin, I like the fact that they are becoming involved with someone who will say no to them ("no one tells me nooooo!"). He's a cuddly bear, but I think he has a pretty solid bullshit detector. It shows that U2 are looking for some guidance and perhaps are humble enough to realize that some subpar material has slipped through in their latest era. Of course, if you don't trust the man, that's another story. But I hope the collaboration pans out.
What is wrong with Rubin. I think he is an excellent producer. I mean would you rather have Rubin or Dr.Dre and Eminem producing the album???
Relevant the Edge quotes:

And Brian and Danny are co-musicians at this stage?
Yes, co-writers, co-conspirators and we don’t know where the music is going to go. We’ve recorded a lot here and elements of that might end up being used, we’ll see, but it could be that we take this material and re-record it elsewhere. We’re planting seeds really, working with the knowledge that whatever we end up with we’ll definitely preserve some element of what we have here.

Last time U2.Com were in the studio with the band it was Abbey Road in London and Rick Rubin was at the helm?
We’re very excited about the material we worked on with Rick, some great songs came out of it - none of which we have played with Brian and Danny. It feels like that is a separate set of material. There were two recordings that did come out from that period on the last collection but if there is maybe not a full record there with Rick, there is the bones of a record and I think we’ll get back to that because we enjoyed working with him, he’s a very inspiring character.

Reading this as carefully as possible, doesn't this look like there are 2 pretty distinct projects here?

To be pessimistic for a moment, I imagine that even though it looks and feels like two different albums/projects, U2 may try to find a way to make a "greatest hits" from both sessions or even combine songs to give us a less coherent and cohesive, but very single-heavy album. Thoughts?
Dre? Kanye? Timbaland? :no:

U2's had enough of "let's be hip" times with the 1997 and 2000 albums.

I say stick with Eno and Lanois.
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