Shuttlecock XXX: Now With More Labor Inducing Sex Talk

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
these were the first three cassettes that i owned:




and i believe my most embarrassing was this:


but i could be wrong. possibly, it's much worse.
Cori...I think we are perfect for each other.

And to think I shut down and went to bed just before hearing such a wonderful thing. :hug:

I also owned Milli Vanilli on cassette. I returned it to the local Shopko after the *~*scandal*~* of the lip-synching, just because. I wasn't offended by it or anything, I just wanted money.

nevergonnaGIVE! nevergonnaGIVE!

(give you up!)
Everyone please disregard all the bad stuff I normally say about Utah, as I'm quite happy right now.
PLEBA 4 lief

I'll have seen the very first North American show of the tour last year and the last one of the tour this year. Yay and stuff.

EDIT: I guess it's not the last show, just the last one announced. it's actually the first show again. Weird.
Ok, I haven't paid attention to buying tickets since last year. My membership is still apparently valid, and the email said I was in the "Boots" group, but when I log in my presale access code has a line through it. I assume that means it's no longer valid, is that correct?

EDIT: Never mind, a kind Interferencer has offered me their unused code. I am excited.
I don't know about the access code but that's cool news, mofo. SLC love!

I must say, even though the Chicago show is months away, I'm excited for it and am also very curious as to who the opening band will be. They need to announce that shit, yo. I hope it's someone that rox my sox.
Yes, if there's a line through it, it's no longer valid.

I wonder how many fans will still have presale codes available, and how many used them all, figuring no other shows would be announced this late.

I think it's lame to wait so long to announce all of the shows, but that's still cool for people that were holding out for a show there, and now they have one!
I think it's lame to wait so long to announce all of the shows, but that's still cool for people that were holding out for a show there, and now they have one!

i think it's really poor form. i can't wait for them to announce a bunch of shows in australia and i get hotels, flights and tickets organised for them to then turn around three months later and announce shows in auckland or wellington.
I wonder how many fans will still have presale codes available, and how many used them all, figuring no other shows would be announced this late.

I think it's lame to wait so long to announce all of the shows, but that's still cool for people that were holding out for a show there, and now they have one!

Yeah, I admittedly would have renewed had a SLC show been announced originally. Better late than never, I guess.

GAF, I just spent the last 5 minutes trying to figure out who's opening. Ha.
Yeah, I'm excited (... maybe cautiously optimistic is the better term) to see who'll be the openers.

Still on the prowl for some Minneapolis seats. :(
The opener needs to be a critically acclaimed and highly sophisticated act, with intricate arrangements and emotional depth, like Arcade Fire. Or Ke$ha.
Yeah, there were some GAs put on sale in December on Ticketmaster, and they seem to be pretty available for reasonable prices on scalping sites and eBay, but I'm looking for seats.
I had an employee lecture me on the phone earlier about my poor customer service skills. I wanted to say something rude and nasty to him, but I didn't.

Because I actually have excellent customer service skills.
They have a new album in March, no tour dates scheduled after April, and previous associations with U2. Very possible, at least for a few shows. Probably wouldn't be the best venue for them, but I'd be absolutely psyched about it.

A fellow Shuttlecocker may be sitting next to me at the SLC show. How about that and stuff.
Interesting, I've seen them live a couple times, and they were absolutely fantastic.

Also, implying that Kings of Leon were some how better than any other band on Earth immediately invalidates any opinion.

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