Shuttlecock XXVI: There is no Boner only ZUUL!

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I haz a sad relating to the now-former Surfer Boy.

Who wants to cheer me up?

If I lived near you I'd go find him and punch him. I'm sorry, that sucks. :hug:

now that the public option is apparently dead, Memphis will no longer be my assistant in my wildly popular knife throwing act we perform Tuesday nights at JR's over on 17th street.

we do a great routine set to "9 to 5." the whole bar sings along.

Note to self: find a way to hang out with Memphis and Irvine at some point during the next tour. (Seriously, though, we need to!)

Thanks. My kitty is, as usual, ignoring me. She does not understand that snuggles are in order. So internet hugs are good. :)

I'll punch your kitty too for the lack of hugs. Wait, I can't punch a kitty, so I'll just offer up my cuddle monster virtually instead.

Oh, and :hug: Boys suck.
Nah, no suckage involved, no hatin'. Not enough in common and a difference of opinion in what we want further down the road, so better to end it now than let it drag on and make its inevitable end harder, I guess.

Just bummed. But the hugs and thoughts are appreciated. :)
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