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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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I used to write concert reviews for a locally-based site, but they wanted to shift the focus to local music, which I wasn't interested in reviewing. But a friend in the Bay Area started (? or is the editor, or both? I should know, but don't.) a site and asked if I'd be up for an occasional review. I've written 3 or 4 album reviews there so far.

Writing reviews is a lot harder than I expected it to be. I really struggle to find stuff to say about most bands/albums/shows, especially if the site wants the writing to be a certain way (which happened with the local site). I'd rather put a lot of 'me' into it.

Anyway. I don't have any problem coming up with plenty to say about artists I'm really into - I've done reviews for U2 and Elbow albums and shows and those came pretty easily. I practically had half of this one already in my head before we got the go-ahead to review with an official stream.

It's nice to have some writing I can do as I want, rather than YOU HAVE TO DO THIS.

In other words, thank god I don't get paid for this. :lol:
I really struggle to find stuff to say about most bands/albums/shows, especially if the site wants the writing to be a certain way (which happened with the local site). I'd rather put a lot of 'me' into it.

I agree with this. I cannot write about anything without putting 'me' into it. Probably why I hated the few 'dispassionate' writing assignments I had to do in college. God I hated it.

While on the subject of writing style with regards to reviews, I just want to say that one of my biggest pet peeves in this area is when people write in a collective voice, i.e. 'by the time the movie ends, we feel etc etc', or 'this particular thing makes us...'. It's like an implicit assumption that everyone agrees with the reviewer. Drives me up the wall.

My thoughts on SOE are coming. Just giving it another listen(probably #4 or 5 by now).
I want to dissect the lyrics of this album a bit so we can discuss them more directly, but I can't find half of them online.
Thanks, Nam! That site looks like it was made in 20 minutes with a wordpress template, but it gets the job done.

EDIT: Worse, it's actually Blogger. Nice. I used to make regular use of that place when it was Blogspot.
That's a good line, cori, hah.

Re: Pitchfork, it's my #1 source for music news and reviews, I don't get why everyone is so snooty about them, I've always found them to be great and reasonably balanced!

They've also been much fairer to U2 than y'all are saying. The NLOTH review is a bit extreme, but everything else has been pretty on the money. I think the fact that they are reviewing them at all is good, considering that they aren't really relevant to their audience. I totally agree with Peef, it's U2's attitude that makes Pitchfork's writing about them seem snarky. The issue is with U2, not with Pitchfork.

This, for example, is a terrific and completely fair piece on them, and one I happen to agree with wholeheartedly:
That's a good line, cori, hah.

Re: Pitchfork, it's my #1 source for music news and reviews, I don't get why everyone is so snooty about them, I've always found them to be great and reasonably balanced!

They've also been much fairer to U2 than y'all are saying. The NLOTH review is a bit extreme, but everything else has been pretty on the money. I think the fact that they are reviewing them at all is good, considering that they aren't really relevant to their audience. I totally agree with Peef, it's U2's attitude that makes Pitchfork's writing about them seem snarky. The issue is with U2, not with Pitchfork.

This, for example, is a terrific and completely fair piece on them, and one I happen to agree with wholeheartedly:

Haha, “great and reasonably balanced”, let’s remember Fox’s tagline... Choirs liked to be preached to, and this is nothing but low hanging fruit: “Largely deemed the musical equivalent of malware, 2014’s Songs of Innocence was a misstep, and its fumbled rollout made it even easier to mock Bono’s messiah complex and his band’s lack of self-awareness. They misjudged the moment in a very public way, appearing out of touch.”

Before we actually start speaking about the tour remember the malware and the 30 year old “messiah complex” that us great and balanced journalist like to use. It’s honestly the equivalent of Fox trying to write something about Clinton, but making sure they mention emails and Benghazi before getting there.
Haha, “great and reasonably balanced”, let’s remember Fox’s tagline... Choirs liked to be preached to, and this is nothing but low hanging fruit: “Largely deemed the musical equivalent of malware, 2014’s Songs of Innocence was a misstep, and its fumbled rollout made it even easier to mock Bono’s messiah complex and his band’s lack of self-awareness. They misjudged the moment in a very public way, appearing out of touch.”

Before we actually start speaking about the tour remember the malware and the 30 year old “messiah complex” that us great and balanced journalist like to use. It’s honestly the equivalent of Fox trying to write something about Clinton, but making sure they mention emails and Benghazi before getting there.

BVS stop sooking for half a second and try to look at it objectively. Is it so wrong? U2 are, and always will be, my favourite band ever, but come on. That's hardly an outrageous sentiment.

Even if you like SoI, a lot of people didn't, including fans of the band. "Misstep" is hardly egregious. "Fumbled rollout" is entirely accurate. The release was extremely out of touch and lacked any shred of self-awareness, I don't know how anyone could argue against that.

To compare Pitchfork to Fox News writing about Hillary's emails says a lot more about you than it does about them.
Haha, “great and reasonably balanced”, let’s remember Fox’s tagline... Choirs liked to be preached to, and this is nothing but low hanging fruit: “Largely deemed the musical equivalent of malware, 2014’s Songs of Innocence was a misstep, and its fumbled rollout made it even easier to mock Bono’s messiah complex and his band’s lack of self-awareness. They misjudged the moment in a very public way, appearing out of touch.”

Before we actually start speaking about the tour remember the malware and the 30 year old “messiah complex” that us great and balanced journalist like to use. It’s honestly the equivalent of Fox trying to write something about Clinton, but making sure they mention emails and Benghazi before getting there.

And check this out:

What they ended up with was a batch of overcooked attempts at radio success, mostly produced by Danger Mouse. It reeked of desperation: a long-in-the-tooth act hopes to freshen up their sound, so they look to a younger but proven producer—in this case, someone who hadn’t been on “the cutting edge” for about a decade.

I'm not one who jumps on any bad U2 any context, it is unhealthy to quash dissent. But what drives me crazy are lazy bad reviews. The above quote reads like the author actually doesn't know that much of the gestation period he was referring to before. SOI was not mostly produced by Danger Mouse(this is a problem some people have with it), it was 50% produced by him, and the 50% that was produced by him was not the "overcooked attempts at radio success" being referred to(ok, outside Volcano).

And if it wasn't enough to write poorly of U2, they also took a dig at Danger Mouse himself.
Just listened again. I love seeing how songs slip up and down in my rankings with each listen.

After listen #4, 13 is my favorite, listening to Bono talk to his young self, in that last time before his world falls apart. I mean, damn.
BVS stop sooking for half a second and try to look at it objectively. Is it so wrong? U2 are, and always will be, my favourite band ever, but come on. That's hardly an outrageous sentiment.

Even if you like SoI, a lot of people didn't, including fans of the band. "Misstep" is hardly egregious. "Fumbled rollout" is entirely accurate. The release was extremely out of touch and lacked any shred of self-awareness, I don't know how anyone could argue against that.

To compare Pitchfork to Fox News writing about Hillary's emails says a lot more about you than it does about them.

No “sooking”, it’s just shitty journalism to point at as balanced. If you’re trying to be fair, you don’t start off the conversation with old cliches to remind the audience of who they really are.

The fact that you found THAT to be fair says how much you’re in the choir than it does anything else, and I honestly have nothing against Pitchfork.
But he hasn't been at the cutting edge for about a decade......

And arguing that 50% doesn't equal "mostly" is a huge grasping of the straws.

My point was that it's indicative that maybe the guy didn't get all that closely acquainted with SOI.

The whole article is like a backhanded-compliment, praising the JT30 tour by comparing it to the band's recent history, which this person writes about with rather acidic tones. There's a difference between language that seeks to dissent against its subject, and language that seeks to tear down its subject. This article is complimentary of the JT30 tour, and it says a lot of things that are true, but it's also a subtle teardown of their recent history going on, with sentences like 'before they fell victim to their own pomposity, U2 were a genuinely exciting band'. Their own pomposity. That's not, imo, the language you use if you want to describe something negatively while remaining thoughtful and fair.

I mean, for one thing, Bono is the only one who could be described as pompous. The others barely talk enough in public to be described like that.
I’m a few pages late for worst song per album from Zooropa on:

The Wanderer
If God Will Send His Angels
Peace On Earth
Stand Up Comedy
The Miracle (this was the hardest for me as I legitimately don’t dislike a song on this album)

Still holding out til Friday for Songs Of Experience.

Staring at the Sun

Stuck in a Moment

All Because of You

Stand Up Comedy

Song for Someone
Last edited:
The First Time
Playboy Mansion
Sexy Boots
Song for Someone
American Soul
If you place The First Time at the bottom, clean your ears. Some of the best lyrics of Bono's career.
It's my least fave off Zooropa too, Utah. The music bores me.

Still holding out for Friday as well.
FTR, The First Time is my least favorite from an album that's pretty great from beginning to end, and honestly I've just never spent much time with it.

I'll try and appreciate it more, Lemel and Cobbler.
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