send me a goshdarn email, kids!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
a correction of sorts. dont expect me to allow you be on my list, but you can at least try, just for fun ofcourse.

and no, im not joking. i quite likely wont be replying to any of your emails either, but i want you to email me.
Everybody should be warned...go into this with low expectations to avoid disappointment. :wink:
indeed. the magic, mystique and marvel that surrounds me here isnt as obvious in a one on one setting. but ask calluna, i have been known to spin a lie for entertainment.
well we certainly are goshdarn desperate tonight. :der:
Check your email :wink:
It's goshdarn time to having a fookin beer already :hyper:
:drool: music and beer time :drool:
I'm isn't a fake.

What happened to your long-awaited fascist newsletter, Bear? I'm an avid (and increasingly impatient) subscriber. Get the goshdarn thing written already!
didnt i promise that like, 2 years ago?

alright, tommorows a slow day at work. ill come up with something then.

and let me tell you something about this goshdarn will be extremely right wing...and it will hurt peoples feelings...extremely.

think extreme when you read my newsletter "the extreme"
Wow! I'm really looking forward to the Extreme! I'm into extreme things too. Like, extreme theme parks for example.

Embrace the Terror!!
Red Ships of Scalla-Festa said:
a correction of sorts. dont expect me to allow you be on my list, but you can at least try, just for fun ofcourse.

and no, im not joking. i quite likely wont be replying to any of your emails either, but i want you to email me.

well much for me adding you to my msn list. :tongue:

I guess I wont bother to email you either.

i enjoy chatting with bear. he's nice. he doesn't block me, i dont think.
deathbear, you have a flaming bag of dog faeces on your porch.

It beckons you.
The last two posts sound like the same thing!

I say you post the content of every e-mail you recieve off of this thread. Mke it interesting.

It is sometimes interesting to read others fecal matter.
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I emailed Bear once.

I then sat and waited.

But he took to long.

and in the end, nothing came.


but I dont care.

cause he sure talks a lot for a guy .

hes all 'thom yorn thom yorn' ' I love thom yorn'

and I just go :wink:

and put his music on.

while he goes :love:

and then we part through phsyic reading

and dont stare at each other in bed.

But....I love him.

hes an adorable bear to cuffle.


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