Saturday Night Live (SNL)

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For those of you who've stopped watching SNL regularly, consider yourself lucky. There have been 4 episodes so far, and 3 of them I would rank about a 2 on a 1-10 scale.

I concur. Even my love for Seth Meyers cannot salvage this sucky season. Like seriously, they are supposed to be the best comedy writers in North America...what is wrong with them? The Ryan Reynolds episode was the only okay one so far.
I don't watch regularly any more. I tune in only when there's a guest on I really want to see. Otherwise you can catch what you want to see on Hulu or You Tube. Pretty sad the season's have gone down hill.
The way the show's being shown on NBC, Hulu, etc..., if there are at least 3 sketches that entertain me, aside from Weekend Update and the Digital Shorts, then for me it's a successful episode.

How often do 100% consistent episodes come along? Not very, even when the show was at its so-called peaks (the late '70s, late '80s/early '90s).
That episode was one of the least funny episodes I think I've ever seen. I can't imagine anybody thinking that Grady Wilson love making stuff is even slightly amusing, and it only got worse from there.

Can't they get rid of SNL and keep Conan instead?
Hey, so Sigourney Weaver's hosting tonight. Awesome.

But it was not a good show at all.

I think they should take a year or so off and go on the road.

Perhaps they can find what comedy is about again.

Mad TV was better than this recyled garbabe they are giving us.
But it was not a good show at all.

I think they should take a year or so off and go on the road.

Perhaps they can find what comedy is about again.

Mad TV was better than this recyled garbabe they are giving us.

I haven't watched a full broadcast in about a year. If there are about 2 or 3 skits that make me laugh when I catch them on Hulu/NBC the next day, then it's a win.
That was the first time I've watched SNL since U2 was on.

Betty White is a national treasure. I want to be her when I'm 88. In the meantime, can she please be my grandma? I lost both of mine in the past few years.

The whole "old lady saying dirty things" routine got a bit one-note after awhile, but it's still the best writing they've had in forever.

I love how the entire cast (and Jay-Z!) just seemed to adore her and have so much respect for her. They gave her flowers at the end! Awwwww! :cute:
Betty White was HYSTERICAL on SNL last night! It was great seeing old female cast members there with her too! It was one of the best shows in a long time! Dusty muffin! :lmao:
Betty White is amazing. She's so hilarious, irreverent, vibrant, and youthful. That was one of the best episodes of SNL I've seen in a long time. I loved seeing all my favorite female cast members back too. Tina, Amy, Molly, Maya, Rachel, and Ana are all awesome. Cheri should've been back too. They're all amazing. They're far better than most of the current cast, especially the female ones. Although, I still think Kristen Wiig is one of the best female cast members they've ever had on the show. The Delicious Dish segment made my life. "Oh no. My muffin hasn't had a cherry since 1939.":lmao: That is classic. Schewdi Balls may have just been bested (Speaking of, I'm glad to see Alec is hosting for the 3023939th time next week.)And Maya Rudolph's Whitney Houston during Update literally had me out of breath from laughing so hard. Great, great episode. Jay-Z was amazing too. I was on my feet during both of his performances.:up: And I love how totally in awe of Betty he looked at the end.:cute: In the words of Ms. White herself from last night, "Happy Mother's Day...Motherfuckers".:lol::love:
Sally O'Malley FTW! I'm 50! 50 years old...and Betty..."I'm 90...90 years old!" :lol:

OMG and the whole Whitney Houston thing cracked me up too

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