Rose Bowl Show to be filmed for DVD + Webcast

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anyone know when it will be rebroadcasted today?

i caught the last part of the rebroadcast a couple of hours ago on, and it now says "tune in soon to watch the entire concert and performance highlights"
What the hell was up with Bono's voice?! Damn him and his partying ways. Everytime they have to do a broadcast performance or DVD the band does partying the night before...What the hell is that all about?! Do they enjoy performing while still trying to get over a hangover ? :wink:

I liked the performance but I was disappointed because it didn't catpure the band the way the have been playing in the tour so far. So many other BETTER performances by the band and especially Bono, and the one opportunity that arises to get it taped, they aren't on top form... lol typical.

I thought Bono was giving a really good energetic effort though, I thought the rest of the band looked a bit bored or not as into as Bono was. :(
It was pretty deceiving as the audio mix didnt include the crowd at all, they were no doubt pretty noisy but as we couldnt hear it, it takes away from the performance a bit. What people have to remember is this is a very rough cut, done live so obviously it wasnt going to be perfect. I'm going to wait for the DVD before I pass judgement.
I have just one comment and that is you really can't appreciate the stage set up and take it in in its full glory on dvd, the stage is actually too big and can't be seen on dvd in its entirety.
i know i'm biased because i saw the shows, but i think they should've used chicago instead. oh well. i did enjoy the show, so i'm not complaining.

No way. Chicago had there chance last year to show themselves on film with u2, and were far from amazing. But seeing 96,000 people rocking and cheering with u2 in the middle of them is priceless. They picked the perfect venue/stadium to show of this stage.
I have to say....that due to the nature of the Rose Bowls design......i think the crowd at least looks impressive in the pics i have seen
Can't wait for the DVD to come! I've only had the chance to listen to a few songs since I couldn't make it for the live show but it sounds good. There's a lot to be fixed here, with mixing and such. The performance...well, it was definately not a Slane Castle (even though Bono tried so hard to do it on Streets) but still good performance. :up::applaud:
Guys, if you were as disappointed with Bono's voice from oh, about the ill-advised lap around during COBL onwards, as I was...well head over to the youtube clips thread and watch some of the fan shot videos. Bono's voice 'in the house' was mixed the way we're used clearly there was something amiss with the mix that was sent to the stream. They'll have that cleared up before release, surely.

I truly do think that he shouldn't have taken that lap however. Mixing aside, he was winded by it and fought to regain his breath for several songs.
I wrote this last week...

Who else thinks that Bonos voice is going to be hoarse and off that night? We are always unlucky with his voice on the dvds :( I realy hope that he is going to fix it this time. Better then on Boston dvd, Chicago dvd and the last SNL performece!

Would be great if he also could sing the whole first verse in MOS :)

Nice to see that they broadcasting it :)

Well Im not suprised, it was the worst vocal performences of UF, UV and Mos from the whole tour. I realy miss the energy he had back on Vertigo tour...
Pressure, nervousness, stress, the tour taking its toll, I'm not surprised.

It's frustrating, though, because his voice has been fabulous this tour, for almost every show. Vertigo was only really good during the last leg, which was amazing, but for this tour his singing was good throughout the whole tour.

At the shows I went to, his singing blew me away.

But I guess the You Tube stream wasn't exactly good quality, either. They'll surely fix that for a DVD.
I don't have an issue with his voice on this show. It didn't strike me as overly hoarse... just a bit strained, and he was poring his heart and soul into it more than I've really ever seen him do before. It was certainly far, far better than the SNL broadcast.
Yeah, I also think there was a lot of energy, especially with Bono. And they seemed to make more use of the bridges and catwalk, I guess because of the DVD recording.

Yes, strained voice. It must be the nerves. I guess Bono's voice is very sensitive and when you have an event like this coming up with so much pressure, it's kind of understandable that something like this happens. Still a shame, though.
if you had a problem with Bono's voice last night, go listen to the Elevation Boston bootleg, and then get back to me.
Only watched Breathe so far (assuming the youtube link is the official video and not fan made). Bono sounds about the same as the Zagreb show I attended, but looks to be pumped up for the cameras.
if you had a problem with Bono's voice last night, go listen to the Elevation Boston bootleg, and then get back to me.

I know Elevation was much worse than Bono on his worst night now.

Just saying he clearly wasn't up to the form he's had so far for this tour. But, as I said, the pressure of this "event" may have added to that.
I have to say, I was at the Rose Bowl last night, and thought he sounded fantastic - I haven't seen the Youtube video yet, so don't know if the mix was a little off or something, but his voice sounded great live . . . I thought he was a little hoarse in Vegas at times, and was a little worried about Sunday night, but was thrilled by how he sounded last night.
No, you're not. I'm also waiting to find out when they'll do the rebroadcasts. So far no news though. :(

i meant the player or whatever youtube used showed absolutely nothing, no picture, no sound. take a look.

Yeah, Bono's voice wasn't 100% up to par, but I really do think the DVD will sound a LOT better than the YouTube stream did last night. There was something just wrong with the mix that was sent out. I can't put my finger on exactly what the problem was though, other than the crowd sound was completely missing much of the time (even when I could clearly see them dancing and singing). It is possible that they wanted to emphasize the musical content over the crowd, but the result was it didn't sound much like a concert. The DVD's, on the other hand, have always captured the crowd sound very well (even the Chicago DVD everyone complains about here sounded way better than the stream last night).

Overall, though, I was pleased with the performance last night, especially considering it was free. :wink: The band showed a LOT of energy as did the GA section of the crowd. They played UC (which I thought was one of the highlights of the set) and Ultraviolet was absolutely amazing last night.
Why does everyone keep saying Bono's voice sucked on the Elevation tour. IMO it was the best. It was smooth and he quit smoking for awhile around that time. Since Vertigo, he can't get close to high notes and it sounds rougher than ever.

btw, you think they'll edit out bono using the flag as a towel. i hope that brushes over.
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