Review the last movie you viewed (NO LISTS) II

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Lancemc said:

Don't let this persuade you though folks. If you go in expecting a boring movie, you'll probably leave thinking it was a boring movie. All the dialogue in both parts of the film is almost all necessary if not all interesting. In the first half Quentin uses the extended intro to build the suspence for the incredibly awesome payoff in the middle of the film. Then the second time he uses the dialog and lengthy build-up to strengthen his characters so that you're literally cheering for them by the end of the film, as well as sets things up perfectly for the jaw-dropping car chase at the end. And if nothing else, Death Proof is a perfect Grindhouse film. If it had too much action it wouldn't have felt quite as authentic.

That's why Tarantino is probably one of the most talented writer/directors today, he knows how to use scenes with heavy dialogue and still keep things as tense and interesting as an action scene.

Very few other writer/directors can do this, I can only think of Christopher Nolan right now.
Justin24 said:
Just got home from seeing Grind House and yes I must agree with Lancemc. Best fucking movie of the year!!!

I thought you said 300 was the best movie of the year?

I give grindhouse about a 6.5/10

I remember watching El Mariachi (1992)

that was very low budget
but a great film from Robert Rodriguez

after that success
his work been uneven for me

Sin City was great

I enjoyed Deathproof
more than Planet Terror
and I love Rose McGowan
Grindhouse: 7.5/10

What an adventure, gang! Though I've never been a big fan of zombie movies, I'd have to say I enjoyed Rodriguez's Planet Terror more out of the two. But at the same time, both films were incredibly fun. They each had the perfect balance of wit, dark humor and, of course, lots of gore.

Planet Terror was much more action-packed and had more crazy storylines crammed in. They don't make the scenes boring or the storyline complicated but rather the character interactions and the resulting dialogue is what makes this film better than Death Proof. Of course, you can't go wrong with all the explosions and the machine gun leg. 8/10

What I loved most about Death Proof is all the talking that goes on. Sure, people are expecting much more blood and sex (duh) but I think it's the long, witty conversations between The Girls that makes it... awesome. Really, though, you can place The Girls in any type of situation regardless of what sadistic fate awaits them and you'll have the same end result. I think it's because of how irrelevent the car chasing scenes were to the rest of the movie that makes this one suffer a little. It almost seemed like two different films (think: From Dusk Til Dawn). 7/10

CLIFF NOTES: :blahblah: go see it- it's a lot of fun.

PS: Get a SMALL drink from the concession stand. Thanks for the peepee jokes, Quentin! :grumpy:
Chizip said:
I haven't like Will Ferrell's last couple movies, but man oh man Blades of Glory was hilllllarious


Good to know! I wasn't much of a fan of Talladega Nights or Anchorman, but i LOVED Old School. I might have to check this one out!
The Heart of the Game


You know, I don't care one whit about basketball, but this documentary about Seattle's Roosevelt Rough Riders high school girls' team was really engaging.

The last fifteen minutes of the film were dedicated to the final Big Game, and I was pretty damned into it, not knowing how it would come out (since I never pay attention to basketball).
I realize that I am a little late to this film, but I recently saw The Departed, which I found to be quite strong. I have never been a fan of gratuitous violence unless it has some degree of social or philosophical commentary behind it, which this film really did not. Nonetheless, the performances were stellar (especially from DiCaprio), and it kept me guessing until the very end. I'm not really sure if it deserved to win best picture, but it was entertaining nonetheless.

ultravioletluvv said:

Good to know! I wasn't much of a fan of Talladega Nights or Anchorman, but i LOVED Old School. I might have to check this one out!

Go see it!! :drool:

I just returned from seeing it. So funny. It's stupid-funny, but also charming, if that makes any sense. Will Ferrell's character really reminds me of Jim Morrison on skates. I now have a mini-crush on the 'Katie' character...I hear she's on "The Office," but I've never seen that show. This might have to change :drool:

Blades of Glory 5.9
Underworld : Evolution

I'm not a fan of vamp/werewolf stories, especially since they're so bloody.. but the times where I didn't have my eyes clenched tight were pretty good. Decent storyline too.



I wanted to see this just because I thought I should, and I ended up liking it a lot more than I thought I would.

Normally, Ben Affleck makes me want to smack his smug mug, but he was very good in this.
American Beauty - 10/10

I can't believe it took me so long to watch this film. I'm not going to write much because I just finished watching it, and quite frankly I'm still in shock. I don't believe I have ever seen a more perfect or beautiful film in my entire life. On a technical level it is a cinematic masterpiece, and on a residual level I've never seen a more touching exposure of the human spirit.

Now, back away and give me some time to breath.
Lancemc said:
American Beauty - 10/10

I can't believe it took me so long to watch this film. I'm not going to write much because I just finished watching it, and quite frankly I'm still in shock. I don't believe I have ever seen a more perfect or beautiful film in my entire life. On a technical level it is a cinematic masterpiece, and on a residual level I've never seen a more touching exposure of the human spirit.

Now, back away and give me some time to breath.
Did the ending shock you?
got_edge said:

Did the ending shock you?

Not really. I mean, by the time they revealed who did it, I really had no idea who it actaully would be, as I had suspected almost everyone and then changed my mind, then went back and forth, etc. So it wasn't really shocking, but it was a bit surprising nontheless.
i saw 'Blades of Glory' with my parents this weekend.

all i can say is :lmao: :up: :up:

as stupid as it was, even my parents laughed throughout the movie. it was better than we expected.
Lancemc said:
American Beauty - 10/10

I can't believe it took me so long to watch this film. I'm not going to write much because I just finished watching it, and quite frankly I'm still in shock. I don't believe I have ever seen a more perfect or beautiful film in my entire life. On a technical level it is a cinematic masterpiece, and on a residual level I've never seen a more touching exposure of the human spirit.

Now, back away and give me some time to breath.


One of my favs.
angelordevil said:

Go see it!! :drool:

I just returned from seeing it. So funny. It's stupid-funny, but also charming, if that makes any sense. Will Ferrell's character really reminds me of Jim Morrison on skates. I now have a mini-crush on the 'Katie' character...I hear she's on "The Office," but I've never seen that show. This might have to change :drool:

Blades of Glory 5.9

That would be Jenna Fischer / Pam on The Office. I've had a crush on her since I started watching The Office. She's undeniably cute but tipped on the Hotness Scale in that movie.
FINALLY saw blades of glory today
have to say i was a little disappointed w/ talladega nights, so i wasn't expecting much, but it was amazing :love:
i think what i liked better about this one was that will ferrell had someone to go back and forth with, as opposed to talladega, he was more on his own :huh:


and my favorite quote from the movie:

"this ends tonight!"
"it's daytime, you douche!"

:lmao: stupid but classic :heart:
vivalapopedge said:


and my favorite quote from the movie:

"this ends tonight!"
"it's daytime, you douche!"

I can't actually remember that! I must have selective memory syndrome!

My favourite line: (***SPOLIER AHEAD***)

It's near the very end when Chazz says, "I never had a father, but now I've got a brother..." Only on Interference will I admit to feeling gushy in that moment.

Aside from the toilet humour, I like the movie because it's about redemption and friendship...or maybe I'm reading way too much into it :wink: And this may seem overly anal, but I wouldn't take a kid to see this movie. Even though it's funny, it's pretty adult-oriented. There was a small kid sitting next to me, along with his parents. I kept wondering what the hell they were thinking, and how they thought it was okay for him to take this in. In my books, this should be restricted to at least 14 +.

...I'm off to my bible-study classes now.
we saw "Wild Hogs " yesterday...and I have to was not bad...I had my doubts going in.., but my hubby wanted to go...
It had some funny parts.
good for an afternoon smile. :D
Lawrence of Arabia - 10/10

Just finished watching this epic for the first time in my life. Once again, why did it take me so long to see this film. Best motion picture ever made? Possibly.
Peter O' Toole is brilliant in it, along with Omar Sharif, Alec Guinness...masterclass of a's funny to think but O' Toole was a complete unknown before Lawrence of Arabia came along, whoever took the risk hopefully got a big pat on the back.

In the line of old and great films....I just caught To Catch a Thief for the first time today...great film, Cary Grant was excellent as he tends to be...

...and Grace Kelly was just hot hot hot:drool:

I just finished Sin City, a film that, if I were to judge it on pure bombast, would receive about 100 out of 10. Otherwise, I thought that the excessive violence only served to hide a rather feeble storyline. Jessica Alba:drool: :drool: :drool: and Clive Owen were the high points for me.

LemonMacPhisto said:

That would be Jenna Fischer / Pam on The Office. I've had a crush on her since I started watching The Office. She's undeniably cute but tipped on the Hotness Scale in that movie.

Her eyes :drool: I think I'm a eye-man.

Lancemc said:
Lawrence of Arabia - 10/10

Just finished watching this epic for the first time in my life. Once again, why did it take me so long to see this film. Best motion picture ever made? Possibly.

It's obviously impacting your very essence :wink:

I've never seen it, but any movie with that kind of avatar/sig-altering power must be something :up:
Lancemc said:

Just finished watching this epic for the first time in my life. Once again, why did it take me so long to see this film. Best motion picture ever made? Possibly.

Lance, I love the enthusiasm with which you review certain films and albums. I remember you making similar claims about Neon Bible over in B&C. I wish that I could muster that sort of exuberance.:wink:

Reminds me of Will Ferrell impersonating James Lipton on SNL: "Some might call it the best film ever humans."

Well, what can I say. I'm a passionate young man. ;)

But seriously, Lawrence of Arabia is my favorite film now. It's just quite simply the most perfect film I've ever humans.
Anytime anyone mentions Lawrence of Arabia, I automatically start humming the theme music.

Daaaa-daaaaaaaa! Da da da da daaaaaa-daaaaaaaaaaaaa! Da da da da daaaaaa-daaaaaaaaa! Da da da da dummmm!

My hometown showed it at the old town theater that had recently been renovated, back when I was in high school. My parents took me, and I was amazed by how much I enjoyed it. I thought I'd be bored out of my gourd.


In other movie news,

Short Bus


I'm very surprised to report that I really did like this movie. All the OMG, REAL SEX stuff aside, I found it often very funny, and occasionally touching. I cared about most of the characters.

I loved Hedwig and the Angry Inch, so I had to check out what John Cameron Mitchell was doing next, despite the OMG, REAL SEX!!! :wink:
I would go so far as to say that Good Night and Good Luck is the most affecting historical film that I have ever seen. The film has no pretensions, yet resonates strongly by reiterating the dangers involved with paranoia, political casuistry, and hysterical flame-fanning. The lead, David Strathairn, probably should have received an Oscar nomination for his role (perhaps he did, I cannot remember at the moment). Overall, an understated triumph.


By the way, Lance, I stumbled upon an article on that declared Lawrence of Arabia the 7th best film ever made.
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