Random Music Thread LXXVII: We'll Be Careful, Cobbler Will Be Dead

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Yoko Ono is 80 today. My mind is blown.

I was flipping around last night and landed on The Big Chill, which I'm not a huge fan of at all, but, I lingered for a few....and, it hit me that I'm like at least 5 years older than all the actors were at the time, and am that much older than the characters they were portraying, and, I was kind of like "fuck me I'm old as fucking dirt".
I was flipping around last night and landed on The Big Chill, which I'm not a huge fan of at all, but, I lingered for a few....and, it hit me that I'm like at least 5 years older than all the actors were at the time, and am that much older than the characters they were portraying, and, I was kind of like "fuck me I'm old as fucking dirt".

Sports are the things that still bug me with that kind of thing. Growing up, I always looked at athletes as adults and assumed they were older than me. Continued doing that when I was the same age as most of them. Now when I watch something and they're talking about how old a particular athlete is, and how long they've been in the sport, I'm horrified when I realize I'm almost always older than they are.

Time flies. I was still in college when I joined this site, now I'm having a midlife crisis! (not really)
I was flipping around last night and landed on The Big Chill, which I'm not a huge fan of at all, but, I lingered for a few....and, it hit me that I'm like at least 5 years older than all the actors were at the time, and am that much older than the characters they were portraying, and, I was kind of like "fuck me I'm old as fucking dirt".

We'll be watching Dragnet or something equally as inane, and the character will be an old man, around 50, and we'll think "fuck me I'm as old as fucking dirt".
I didn't realize she was older so much older than the rest of the Beatles isn't Paul only like 72
I found an Icehouse album at a thrift shop about a month back, their self-titled. I've never heard anything by them before, except for one song that was on (I think) Khan's Retro Island playlist.

This is about one of the greatest things I've ever heard.

I love Icehouse. I've been listening to them since I was like 12. I remember buying an import box set of their singles when I was like 13 for $50, which was a lot of money for me at the time. I would recommend checking out Man of Colours and their debut Flowers.

Iva Davies has been actually been touring Australia again this last year playing some of their early albums.

Re: Seinfeld
The most re-watchable sitcom every made. I've seen some of the episodes 20 times and still enjoy them.
I listened to the album following the self-titled this morning. Was fantastic.

Worth checking out more before I hit the record store Wednesday afternoon?

The problem with Swans is that they have a lot of brilliant out of print material. My favorite album of theirs, White Light from the Mouth of Infinity, has been out of print for years. Torrent that shit and pick up a used copy on eBay if you like it. It's not cheap.

Considering your love for all things that rock, Children of God should be your first choice though. That recently got a reissue, so you should be able to find it. You'll love it.Obviously The Seer has introduced the band to a new audience, but to mixed response. It's a brilliant album but horrible place to start. Your call there.
I really liked My Father Will Guide Me... The only other I have heard is The Seer, which is accomplished but also dense. Incredibly dense. I should dig into their back catalogue a bit more.
You will love the Great Annihilator. It's their purest goth/post-punk record. White Light too; they showed off their Cure influence a lot in the 90s.
Re: Seinfeld
The most re-watchable sitcom every made. I've seen some of the episodes 20 times and still enjoy them.

Oh, I couldn't disagree more. I can't watch it at all. It's like hearing Pride on the radio. I've seen enough Seinfeld to last me until the end of time. I get annoyed when it's the only thing on
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