Random Music Thread LXXVII: We'll Be Careful, Cobbler Will Be Dead

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I've posted this before, but just in case you missed it

J. Tillman | Firstborn | A Take Away Show - YouTube

fucking gorgeous


This is a long clip that I've watched a few times. I just find it hypnotic. The song I like best, which you guys might fucking hate, I do not know, starts at 14:36. The music just sounds very haunting to me, and it almost....gosh, this will sound insane, but it almost sounds how I felt when driving through the Dakotas and Yellowstone and Badlands National Park. That probably makes no sense.......but I know what I mean. :) Anyway, here it is:

J Tillman and Fleet Foxes - YouTube
I just saw that episode for the first time about a month ago...that was...unsettling to say the least.
I couldn't believe the show actually went there, first with her tragic death caused by George's innate cheapness and then with the gang's reaction. The doctor during during the finale sums up George's reaction perfectly, "barely contained glee" (or something like that).

I love It's Always Sunny and I'm sure that this scene was the inspiration for the show overall.

Another favourite: Jerry constantly visiting a sick friend and trying to make him laugh, ultimately making him laugh himself to death. Genius.
Oh my God, that's right. I forgot WHY she died.

I mean, I get that that's how the show is, with the complete lack of any serious subject matter, but...I just kinda felt that took it a little far. But, I can see why others laugh, I'm not JUDGING YOU
In other news I'm all settled in at the new place. Flaming Lips, Pink Floyd posters and Radiohead flag up in my bedrooms, CDs, records and DVDs ordered alphabetically by artist/show/movie title, then chronologically. Only problem is I've lost the CDs for The Haunted Man and Meddle and friends must have ATLiens, Aquemini, Monty Python & The Holy Grail and Breaking Bad season 1.

Housemate has a way better record player than mine but honestly still not being blown away by sound quality. Sounds much the same to CDs/mp3s to me.
I only saw one or two episodes of Seinfeld, that wasn't one of them.
What did you guys think when Susan died in Seinfeld? How did you react at the time?

I remember being taken aback when I first saw it, but now I see it as quite in line with the characterization. That's especially true of George, who never gave a damn about her in the first place but rather was only concerned with his own image in being with her.
At the time, I thought it was a bit across the line.....I find it to be funnier now, though.

You know why that is, right? It's because the country is in moral decline and our values are so degraded because we let gay people get married and don't put up Christmas trees in schools. See what happens when a culture decays? We wind up laughing at jokes. Society has gone to hell.

That actually sounds like an episode I might have laughed at, whereas the two I saw weren't even kind of funny.
I had no idea anybody thought Susan's death was in the slightest controversial.
I have found a pleasant combination in listening to Foxygen and doing Sudoku while watching a replay of your favorite basketball team losing but playing well in a game against a top five opponent.
I found an Icehouse album at a thrift shop about a month back, their self-titled. I've never heard anything by them before, except for one song that was on (I think) Khan's Retro Island playlist.

This is about one of the greatest things I've ever heard.
My favorite Seinfeld moment is when George pulls the golf ball out of his jacket. I don't think you can top that as far as all the random storylines coming together.
My favorite Seinfeld moment is when George pulls the golf ball out of his jacket. I don't think you can top that as far as all the random storylines coming together.

That's my favorite episode.


Housemate has a way better record player than mine but honestly still not being blown away by sound quality. Sounds much the same to CDs/mp3s to me.

My brother got hooked on Breaking Bad while I was in HK, which was an awesome surprise, and he couldn't be bothered waiting for various people to return various seasons back to me so he just up and bought extra copies of 1 and 3 (he started on 2 cause it was lying around, which doesn't seem to have effected his experience at all). So yeah, basically I have two copies of Season 1 if you want to walk over here and pick it up.

As for Susan's death, I thought it was great and shocking, in keeping with the complete lack of sentimentality in the show. Seinfeld was great for a lot of reasons, and that was one of them - it felt more British at times with its lack of morals and tenderness. Just constantly funny.
(1st verse) 18th of July on the banks of a not well-known river, I started a journey to where I am now. Troublesome, troublemaker, guided by the drums of my creator towards a rhythm, a rhyme, a melody line of a song called freedom, which once heard will never leave your head. Rolihlahla, on a day like this, it's love that gives us courage to resist.

(chorus) Agape love forged like steel in the fire. Agape love like a whisper that calls us to walk out into the street with your arms out and the people you meet are neither down nor out, hey there is nothing you have that I need. I can breathe. I can breathe.

(2nd verse) All those who stand together, fist in air, now know this -- that real division is not a scar on the land, but in the hearts of every man who began as a kiss not to resist, and not a fist. Now an open hand, an open face, an open page where history might rewrite its rage.

(chorus) Agape love forged like steel in the fire. Agape love whispering to us to walk out into the street, sing your hearts out to the people you meet, neither down nor out, hey there is nothing you have that I need. I can breathe, I can breathe.
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