Random Music Talk XXIX: You snooze, you lose

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I'll be honest, I've never got much of a New Wave vibe out of Cut Copy, much more of an early 90s dance influence to me.

Yeah, I don't really hear that, but, who the fuck knows, my ear could be tin. The very first thing I loved about In Ghost Colours was how it made me think of what was good about some 80's music.


Deep knows.
Yeah, I don't really hear that, but, who the fuck knows, my ear could be tin. The very first thing I loved about In Ghost Colours was how it made me think of what was good about some 80's music.


Deep knows.

I guess I have a harder time feeling the decade/genre based influences on some current albums because they just sound so fucking new. Which is why albums like Yuck's and The Horror's jump out at me so much.

The Shadow.
In the shadows........
I kid you not, all night I have been quoting that. "I can't find my knife," "In the shadows, Noel gets stabbed". I don't remember why I started.
Ha! I was just going through my photobucket account looking for an old avatar I used to have and came across this pic I took in Texas. I'm sure I've posted it before, but it has relevance, so what the hell:

There's a billboard, a god damn billboard, on I-35 for the new Battles record.
I finally got around to listening to The Soft Bulletin, for anyone who may be interested. Although I found Coyne's voice less than alluring, there were some beautiful melodic turns on the album, especially in tracks like "The Observer" and "Sleeping on the Roof." Ultimately, I was impressed enough that I want to look into some of their other albums.
It's weird how there are some albums you just assume all your fellow music fannies have heard.
With certain albums I don't bother saying who the artist is because it's so popular here. I think Soft Bulletin is one of those. Then there's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, Alligator, Kid A, and so on.

And some band names I say numerous times because I can. Sex Church.
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