Random Music Talk LXXXVI: SCUBA Is Reporting for Duty

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I didn't realize musical opinions on this site resulted in being sworn at on line. Isn't the very nature of Interference, the ability to post ones views and opinions on U2, music and other topics?

Please ignore Gaf, he posts shit like that all the time. He means nothing by it (I think >_>)
Please ignore Gaf, he posts shit like that all the time. He means nothing by it (I think >_>)

Thanks. I think Gaf is cool. Anybody who besides U2 listens and pre-orders Pearl Jam and Arctic Monkeys is all right in my book. I have Pre- ordered both those myself from Amazon. So it seems we have lots in common after all.
We can always count on Laz for the well-placed, sardonic smack-down in EYKIW.

Also, apologies to NSW if he had some role in creating it, but this whole "click clack" bollocks is the most grating meme Interference has yet generated.

No offense taken, different strokes, professor.

Is that punk on another sabbatical?

Nah, just fucking buried at work. Exciting shit going down, the end and the beginning are very near.
I love when GAF gets antagonistic.

To be fair, let's look at what he was responding to:

This is a presumptuous statement worded as fact, when the majority of Interference doesn't even agree:


War got 9 votes. That's 20 less than both Zooropa and Pop, and even all the 00s albums fared better.

Or this:


Again, behind Pop, Zooropa and Boy. It's one of their more divisive albums, despite having some phenomenal tracks. Many find the deeper cuts to be subpar filler, or outright embarrassments (i.e., Red Light).

So when a user who's fairly new around these parts of the forum throws an opinion around like it's definitive, it can rub people the wrong way.

Very good points Lazarus about Interferences opinions of War

. A little background... When it's 1984/85 and your 10 turning 11, your older "cool" cousin who turns you onto U2 plays War frequently upon visits then it makes tracks like Red Light seem good. In those pre-Joshua Tree days U2 was young, hungry and in the middle of the 80's. Many on the site might not have been around for that time in the 80's and known of the musical climate. U2 were true "alternative rock" with apart from radio success of Pride, had no real mainstream coverage. So for me War was and still is a pivotal album representing the best of the "early" period of the group. Minus Red Light and Refugee the remaining 80% is seriously strong stuff. Bono and Co were still working out their song writing skills and hadn't even hit their stride yet.

Fast forward to 2013 and time erases and ages a lot of music . But the two main songs SBS and NYD are immortal.

I enjoy all periods of U2 but because of my age and time of introduction to the band. Those 4 I referred to (AB, JT, UF, War) shaped my formative years in U2 fandom. Therefore each person has a different opinion in regards to their album rankings.

Finally I don't mean to speak in "fact" and "rub people the wrong way". My enthusiasm for U2 and enjoyment of online discussion surrounding the band makes me get carried away. I guess I am guilty as charged.

So hey if you don't like my opinions or what I have to say. Then challenge it and constructively tell me why you think otherwise. That is why I came to Interference and what I was looking for in the first place.
Wouldn't it stand to reason that if someone finds certain jokes offensive, then she might also think the overall tone is bad and that people need to self police more?

And really, general complaints about stuff is fine, but posting critiques of specific people is a bit much.

Fair enough, but I really did not want to respond to the "police yourself" remark in that thread, since enough fighting and tension has been made over there.

But I couldn't resist commenting on it since that kind of hypocrisy deserves to be called out. Coming from you - cool (although we disagree in some cases). Coming from somebody who did contribute plenty to that "toxic atmosphere" (which is also a way too melodramatic description if you ask me) without a hint of self-criticism - nah.
I didn't realize musical opinions on this site resulted in being sworn at on line. Isn't the very nature of Interference, the ability to post ones views and opinions on U2, music and other topics?

Sure. No hard feelings. Please tell me that isn't actually you in your avatar, though.
Sure. No hard feelings. Please tell me that isn't actually you in your avatar, though.


Have a seat over there.
Everybody's avatar photo is of themselves. You know that. And good day for you yesterday with the 3 hits. I've got to go adjust my antenna.

I'm the result of a one night stand between Chewbacca and King Kong.
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