Random Music Talk LXXXVI: SCUBA Is Reporting for Duty

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Steve's been suspended before and responded to plenty of times.

Saying "wait for the Purple wedding" or whatever it was is hardly a big time spoiler that warrants the axe coming down. I even responded the first time he was spoiling shit in there.

So... :shrug:

It wasn't the content of the spoiler, but the clear disregard for other poster's requests.
Honestly, on the GoT front, I wasn't calling for blood. I just wanted the post removed. Personal attacks are obviously more bannable or suspendable offenses, but as a wise man once said, there's no cure for being a cunt.
If this doesn't have you retro-crushing on Stevie all day, you might want to go looking for your soul:


Apparently her and the backup singer (who's also performing but you can't see her face) worked out this vocal earlier in the day.


EDIT: for some reason the audio isn't syncing withe the video when I play that embedded clip, but if you click on the external link it's fine.
Wear them, no matter how many shows you go to.


This. It's easy to find cheap earplugs now that just cut the dB down without sacrificing quality, too. Etymotic makes a reusable pair for $15 that are great, but I'm pretty sure there are some throwaway ones that are pretty nice, too.

I wasn't always the best about bringing plugs, but now that my career depends on having good hearing, I'm extra cautious.
It always amuses me when some who has apparently lurked on the site for 10+ years dramatically announces they are disgusted with the way this site is headed (as if it hasn't always been this way) and are making their departure.

I just don't know how I'm supposed to feel. You barely post... Bye I guess? Maybe if more people who think the site lacks a moral compass posted and helped steer conversation in a different direction, instead of just complaining all the time..?
It always amuses me when some who has apparently lurked on the site for 10+ years dramatically announces they are disgusted with the way this site is headed (as if it hasn't always been this way) and are making their departure.

I just don't know how I'm supposed to feel. You barely post... Bye I guess? Maybe if more people who think the site lacks a moral compass posted and helped steer conversation in a different direction, instead of just complaining all the time..?

Dramatic leave-takings are never a good idea. They always come back. It's the ones who just quietly disappear who don't come back.
It always amuses me when some who has apparently lurked on the site for 10+ years dramatically announces they are disgusted with the way this site is headed (as if it hasn't always been this way) and are making their departure.

I just don't know how I'm supposed to feel. You barely post... Bye I guess? Maybe if more people who think the site lacks a moral compass posted and helped steer conversation in a different direction, instead of just complaining all the time..?

The person likely just felt a need to contribute to that thread's melodrama quota for the day.
My favourite sentiment from the latest of that thread is "we need more mods. We can't be trusted"
My favourite sentiment from the latest of that thread is "we need more mods. We can't be trusted"

The most annoying and arguably the most melodramatic one is the same one who quite recently went berserk over a supposed sexist remark, which was a silly joke if I ever saw one. I find her/his lecturing very ironic because of that.
The most annoying and arguably the most melodramatic one is the same one who quite recently went berserk over a supposed sexist remark, which was a silly joke if I ever saw one. I find her/his lecturing very ironic because of that.

Wouldn't it stand to reason that if someone finds certain jokes offensive, then she might also think the overall tone is bad and that people need to self police more?

And really, general complaints about stuff is fine, but posting critiques of specific people is a bit much.
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