Random Music Talk L: I Have A Dreamsicle

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23 songs that start with the word 'Girl' on my iPod, and not one of them is Girl From the North Country.

Sheesh. How did that happen?
Holland is my favorite Sufjan song at the moment. I haven't thought through that statement at all, I'm just in love with it right now.
Holland is my favorite Sufjan song at the moment. I haven't thought through that statement at all, I'm just in love with it right now.

A solid album all around. Still my favourite Soof-a-loof

(Though Upper Peninsula or Vito's Ordination Song take if for me)
A solid album all around. Still my favourite Soof-a-loof

(Though Upper Peninsula or Vito's Ordination Song take if for me)

My favorite as well. I love 2/3rds of Illinois unabashedly, but the rest varies from nice to unnecessary. Michigan is just about perfect. Been years since I've heard it, honestly; Age of Adz actually made me lose interest in him for a while.
I liked Age of Adz when it first came out, but when I listened to it last year as part of my ALL THE CDs!!!! project, I found most of it weird and offputting.

I still like the title track, though.
Not Age of Adz, but close enough. This is the only recent Sufjan song that I really like


And the only song that really got any response from me at the show. If I wasn't such a muscly manly macho man, I probably would've shed a tear or two. When the rest of the band joined in at the first "la LA la. lalalala la" it was really beautiful
Did you know that glad girls only want to get you high?

You guys are cray. Adz era had all kinds of hot hot hot shit.

But yeah Seven Swans is the masterpiece. When he opened with the title track the one time I've seen him, I said "shit."
Imperor said:
Leather school jackets and letter jackets are one in the same. Popular on American high school campuses, a letter jacket is unequivocally the stupidest thing you can wear in college.

Want to know what's worse? The entire yr12 level wearing them. At an Australian catholic high school. Thankfully my year level had slightly more sense.
Definitely, though my favorite from Sufjan is Seven Swans, probably more owing to the context in which I found it than anything else.

Seven Swans was one of the albums I came across later, so I don't have the same sentimentality for it as I do for Michigan. A gorgeous album none the less. What I do like is that it comes right after Michigan in my iTunes and creates one super long, lie-down-with-the-headphones-on eargasm
Laz, can you post or PM me that list of the albums U2 was listening to in 2009? There was something about Larry's list that I'm trying to remember. Please and thank you.
Reggo said:
Sry. I'm forgetting who posted it a few months ago, then, too. Eh, my memory's crap. :shrug:

It was Laz. I remember because he was trying to prove to me that Bono has heard music released after 1980.
I don't think this convo. is as recent as you guys are implying. Yes, I remember talking about that and referencing some list. But god knows where that info was from.
Well, I've tried searching the forum by "the Stranglers" but that only pulled up some very odd posts from PLEBA.

ETA: Found it and we were both wrong. It was July and it was Gaffer.
At the Los Camp! Gig, and every one of you should hear Parenthetical Girls, at least based on them live. Fucking awesome show.

Waiting for The CAMP! now.
And I think people should listen to Parenthetical Girls based on the gig and two albums I've heard. Love these guys. I don't know how to describe them...Chamber pop? Twee? Indie as hell? They're turning towards dark folk now though. Anyway, one of the more crowd-pleasing openers I've seen.

Gonna be about 15 feet from Los Campesinos!1.
LemonMelon said:
And I think people should listen to Parenthetical Girls based on the gig and two albums I've heard. Love these guys. I don't know how to describe them...Chamber pop? Twee? Indie as hell? They're turning towards dark folk now though. Anyway, one of the more crowd-pleasing openers I've seen.

Bloke nearly smacked me in the face with a drum stick.
iron yuppie said:
Bloke nearly smacked me in the face with a drum stick.

I had to step aside as he used the ceiling for percussion.

Ellen Campesinos has a nice rack. #journalisticobservation
Gareth lets the rest of the band set up the equipment. He's probably having a Facebook fight backstage.
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