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Life is worth living knowing that iYup plays Candyland between his graduate-level History of Estonian Architecture and Zookeeping courses.
Ha, dude, Monopoly is awesome. What do you have against Monopoly?

It's a childhood thing for me. When I used to play with my parents, they were always super conservative with money and properties. Because they would never make a trade, no one would ever be able to build anything, and so we would just circle the damn board until someone got tired of it.
FWIW, the Monopoly app was the free app of the day, and I played it constantly for the next three days. However, Risk or Stratego would be my favorite board game, though, I'm not very good at either.
FWIW, the Monopoly app was the free app of the day, and I played it constantly for the next three days. However, Risk or Stratego would be my favorite board game, though, I'm not very good at either.

RISK is fucking badass. No doubt.
Absolute Balderdash anyone? Had many laughs playing that.

Balderdash was a big one in my family, definitely. Is Absolute Balderdash an expanded version of the original Balderdash? The expanded version that we had was called "Beyond Balderdash." Probably the same thing.

Nine days, ladies and gentlemen. Nine days.

There is also the free Wordfeud app for iPhones (scrabble). I wish someone else would get it because I keep beating my girlfriend by 100 points
Also, no love for Clue(do)?

Monopoly is great, but I only learned the right way to play once I got into college. The problem with many Monopoly sessions is that the games tend to become lopsided quickly with one person getting lucky advantages. Too many people play where all taxes, card fees, and utility payments go into Free Parking, so whoever lands on that spot collects an undeserved bounty of free cash. That's not in the original rules. A lot of people also don't play with auctions, which are supposed to take place whenever someone declines to buy a property they've landed on.

Anyway, we found that the closer to the rules you play by, the more interesting the game becomes, and less about luck than strategy. Obviously you still want to play with people who will make it fun and take chances. Downside is that the games can last for a while, but we were totally into having late-night marathon games at the dorm.
That was perhaps the greatest game of Candyland anyone could ever have. Even iYup couldn't have matched my expertise.

Scrabble, however, didn't go so well. Didn't have a very high ceiling when the best tile I drew all game was a Y. But I used up every tile, which is always dope.
That was perhaps the greatest game of Candyland anyone could ever have. Even iYup couldn't have matched my expertise.

:lol: I can't believe you really just played it. Apparently now they have an updated version with newfangled designs for all the characters. I prefer my Candyland old-school.

The trick to the game was always to get the first shortcut. It would usually give you an insurmountable lead.
iron yuppie said:
:lol: I can't believe you really just played it. Apparently now they have an updated version with newfangled designs for all the characters. I prefer my Candyland old-school.

The trick to the game was always to get the first shortcut. It would usually give you an insurmountable lead.

I got the shortcut and a few doubles in a row. Other than getting stuck in licorice once, it was statistically the perfect game.

Beginners luck though; Ashley was showing me what to do and she kept getting sent back to the start. Inane in a sitcom, hilarious in real life.

Sending love for Cluedo also, not sure why it hadn't been brought up yet.
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